
docopt—language for description of command-line interfaces

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Command-line interface description language


docopt helps you:

  • define interface for your command-line app, and


  • automatically generate parser for it.


docopt is based on conventions that are used for decades in help messages and man pages for program interface description.  Interface description in docopt is such a help message, but formalized.  Here is an example:

docopt 是一种有特定格式的帮助信息,用于描述命令行接口,基于几十年来命令行应用程序的帮助信息和使用手册的对程序接口描述的惯用格式开发。下面是一个示例:

Naval Fate.

  naval_fate ship new <name>...
  naval_fate ship <name> move <x> <y> [--speed=<kn>]
  naval_fate ship shoot <x> <y>
  naval_fate mine (set|remove) <x> <y> [--moored|--drifting]
  naval_fate -h | --help
  naval_fate --version

  -h --help     Show this screen.
  --version     Show version.
  --speed=<kn>  Speed in knots [default: 10].
  --moored      Moored (anchored) mine.
  --drifting    Drifting mine.

The example describes interface of executable naval_fate, which can be invoked with different combinations of commands (ship, new, move, etc.), options (-h, --help, --speed=<kn>, etc.)  and positional arguments (<name>, <x>, <y>).

该示例描述了可执行程序naval_fate的接口,它可以调用不同的组合命令(ship, new, move等),选项(-h, --help, --speed=<kn>等),还有占位参数(<name>, <x>, <y>)。

Example uses brackets "[ ]", parens "( )", pipes "|" and ellipsis "..." to describe optional, required, mutually exclusive, and repeating elements.  Together, these elements form valid usage patterns, each starting with program's name naval_fate.

示例使用方括号 "[ ]"、括号"( )"、竖线 "|"以及省略号"..."来描述可选、必要、相互排斥以及重复元素。这些元素构成了合法的使用模式,每个模式以程序名称naval_fate开头。

Below the usage patterns, there is a list of options with descriptions. They describe whether an option has short/long forms (-h, --help), whether an option has an argument (--speed=<kn>), and whether that argument has a default value ([default: 10]).

在使用模式的下面,是一列选项描述。描述了选项是否有长、短两种形式(-h, --help),选择是否有参数(--speed=<kn>)以及参数是否有默认值 ([default: 10])。

docopt implementation will extract all that information and generate a command-line arguments parser, with text of the example above being the help message, which is shown to a user when the program is invoked with-h or --help options.


Usage patterns 使用模式

Text occuring between keyword usage: (case-insensitive) and a visibly empty line is interpreted as list of usage patterns.  First word after usage: is interpreted as program's name.  Here is a minimum example for program that takes no command-line arguments:

关键词 usage:(大小写都可以)和一个明显的空行之间的所有文本会被当作使用模式解析。usage:之后的第一个词会被解析为程序名。以下是一个最小的示例,该程序不接受任何参数:

Usage: my_program

Program can have several patterns listed with various elements used to describe the pattern:


  my_program command --option <argument>
  my_program [<optional-argument>]
  my_program --another-option=<with-argument>
  my_program (--either-that-option | <or-this-argument>)
  my_program <repeating-argument> <repeating-argument>...

Each of the elements and constructs is described below. We will use the word "word" to describe a sequence of characters delimited by either whitespace, one of "[]()|" characters, or "...".


<argument> ARGUMENT 占位参数

Words starting with "<", ending with ">" or upper-case words are interpreted as positional arguments.


Usage: my_program <host> <port>

-o --option 选项

Words starting with one or two dashes (with exception of "-", "--" by themselves) are interpreted as short (one-letter) or long options, respectively.


  • Short options can be "stacked" meaning that -abc is equivalent to-a -b -c.

    短选项可以被压缩,-abc等价于 -a -b -c。

  • Long options can have arguments specified after space or equal "=" sign:

    --input=ARG 等价于 --input ARG.

  • Short options can have arguments specified after optional space:

    -f FILE 等价于 -fFILE.

Note, writing --input ARG (opposed to --input=ARG) is ambiguous, meaning it is not possible to tell whether ARG is option's argument or positional argument.  In usage patterns this will be interpreted as option with argument only if option's description (covered below) for that option is provided.  Otherwise it will be interpreted as separate option and positional argument.

注意:写成 --input ARG(相对于 --input=ARG)会有歧义,前者不能说明ARG是选项的参数还是一个占位参数。在使用模式中会把ARG解析为一个占位参数,除非选项描述中有该选项的描述,那么在使用模式中ARG会被解析成该选项的参数。

Same ambiguity is with -f FILE and -fFILE notation. Although in the latter case it is not possible to tell whether it is a number of stacked short options, or an option with argument.  These notations will be interpreted as option with argument only if option's description is provided.

同样的歧义还发生在短命令上,如-f FILE 和 -fFILE,在后一种定法中,FILE即可以理解为选项的一个参数,也可以理解为多个选项的压缩。所以在docopt中,这种写法会被解析为多个选项的压缩,除非在选项描述中有特别说明。

command 命令

All other words that do not follow the above conventions of --options or<arguments> are interpreted as (sub)commands.


[optional elements]  可选元素

Elements (options, arguments, commands) enclosed with square brackets "[ ]" are marked to be optional.  It does not matter if elements are enclosed in same or different brackets, for example:


Usage: my_program [command --option <argument>]


Usage: my_program [command] [--option] [<argument>]

(required elements) 必要元素

All elements are required by default, if not included in brackets "[ ]". However, sometimes it is necessary to mark elements as required explicitly with parens "( )". For example, when you need to group mutually-exclusive elements (see next section):


Usage: my_program (--either-this <and-that> | <or-this>)

Another use-case, is when you need to specify that if one element is present, then another one is required, which you can achieve as:


Usage: my_program [(<one-argument> <another-argument>)]

In this case, a valid program invocation could be with either no arguments, or with 2 arguments.



Mutually exclusive elements can be separated with pipe "|" as follows:


Usage: my_program go (--up | --down | --left | --right)

Use parens "( )" to group elements when one of the mutually exclusive cases is required.  Use brackets "[ ]" to group elements when none of the mutually exclusive cases is required:


Usage: my_program go [--up | --down | --left | --right]

Note, that specifying several patterns works exactly like pipe "|", that is:


Usage: my_program run [--fast]
       my_program jump [--high]


Usage: my_program (run [--fast] | jump [--high])


Use ellipsis "..." to specify that argument (or group of arguments) to the left could be repeated one or more times:


Usage: my_program open <file>...
       my_program move (<from> <to>)...

You can flexibly specify number of arguments that are required. Here are 3 (redundant) ways of requiring zero or more arguments:


Usage: my_program [<file>...]
       my_program [<file>]...
       my_program [<file> [<file> ...]]


Usage: my_program <file>...


Usage: my_program <file> <file>...

[options] 选项

"[options]" is a shortcut that allows to avoid listing all options (from list of options with descriptions) in a pattern.  For example:


Usage: my_program [options] <path>

--all             List everything.
--long            Long output.
--human-readable  Display in human-readable format.


Usage: my_program [--all --long --human-readable] <path>

--all             List everything.
--long            Long output.
--human-readable  Display in human-readable format.

This can be useful, if you have many options, and all of them are applicable to one of patterns. Alternatively, if you have both short and long versions of options (specified in option description part), you can list either of them in a pattern:


Usage: my_program [-alh] <path>

-a, --all             List everything.
-l, --long            Long output.
-h, --human-readable  Display in human-readable format.

More details on how to write options' descriptions will follow below.



Double dash "--", when not part of an option, is often used by convention to separate options and positional arguments, in order to handle cases when e.g. file names could be mistaken for options.  In order to support this convention, add "[--]" into your patterns before positional arguments.


Usage: my_program [options] [--] <file>...

Apart from this special meaning, "--" is just a normal command, so you can apply any previously-described operations, for example, make it required (by dropping brackets "[ ]")



Single dash "-", when not part of an option, is often used by convention to signify that a program should process stdin, as opposed to a file. If you want to follow this convention add "[-]" to your pattern. "-" by itself is just a normal command, which you can use with any meaning.


Option descriptions 选项描述格式

Option descriptions consist of a list of options that you put below your usage patterns.  It is optional to specify them if there is no ambiguity in usage patterns (described in --option section above).

Option's description allows to specify:



  • that a short and a long options are synonymous,


  • that an option has an argument,


  • default value for option's argument.


The rules are as follows:


Every line that starts with "-" or "--" (not counting spaces) is treated as an option description, e.g.:


  --verbose   # GOOD
  -o FILE     # GOOD
Other: --bad  # BAD, line does not start with dash "-"

To specify that option has an argument, put a word describing that argument after space (or equals "=" sign) as shown below. Follow either <angular-brackets> or UPPER-CASE convention for options' arguments. You can use comma if you want to separate options. In the example below, both lines are valid, however you are recommended to stick to a single style.


-o FILE --output=FILE       # without comma, with "=" sign
-i <file>, --input <file>   # with comma, without "=" sign

Use two spaces to separate options with their informal description.


--verbose MORE text.    # BAD, will be treated as if verbose
                        # option had an argument MORE, so use
                        # 2 spaces instead
-q        Quit.         # GOOD
-o FILE   Output file.  # GOOD
--stdout  Use stdout.   # GOOD, 2 spaces

If you want to set a default value for an option with an argument, put it into the option's description, in form [default: <the-default-value>].


--coefficient=K  The K coefficient [default: 2.95]
--output=FILE    Output file [default: test.txt]
--directory=DIR  Some directory [default: ./]

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docopt is available in numerous programming languages. Official implementations are listed at docopt organization on GitHub.
