digg rss feed

How do I verify my feed?

Verifying your feed establishes that you are the owner of this content and allows Digg to auto-submit your stories as they are published.To verify your feed:

  • Paste the RSS (not HTML!) feed URL into the Auto-Submit box and click "Add Feed"
  • Take the verification key shown and add it to a new post in the RSS feed, (you can delete it later) then click "Verify Now"
  • Note that RSS auto-submit does not submit content already residing in your feed, so once it is verified please add a new entry to test things out. Please allow some time for the new entry to get pulled in.
  • If you care about the thumbnails that are used for your submitted stories, please 
  • http://qyiyunso.blog.163.com/rss/d59cd9c502cf4bbe974402e30f1ae4c8

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