It's Sunday morning here in Japan, which in my case means it's an excellent time for a round of database server updates without interrupting production flow (lucky me). None of the databases in question are directly vulnerable to the recent security issue as for some crazy reason I prefer not to have port 5432 swinging in the Internet breeze for all and sundry to probe. However updates are updates, and the sooner applied the better - you never know what creative attack vectors all and sundry will dream up.
While I was updating, I was taking the opportunity to perform the odd bit of administrative TLC, which involves editing the postgresql.conf file, which involves manually checking in the changed version into source control, which is mildly onerous. Also, it's not convenient for tracking changes to individual configuration items over time. And it would be kind of handy to record the database settings in the database itself. Also, if it's possible to record exactly which configuration file the setting was taken from (a potential issue if the 'include' directive is used), it might be helpful when tracking down errors.
Anyway, it occurred to me that pg_settings stores displays information about which configuration items were set from values explicitly defined in postgresql.conf(and also notes which line in which file they were set on), so it should be possible to track changes on the basis of pg_settings' output:
1. Create and pre-populate a log table:
CREATE TABLE pg_settings_log AS SELECT name, setting, unit, sourcefile, sourceline, CAST('INSERT' AS VARCHAR(6)) AS op, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS recorded_ts FROM pg_settings WHERE source='configuration file'2. Create a view to show the most recent state of log table entries:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pg_settings_log_current AS SELECT psl.* FROM pg_settings_log psl LEFT JOIN pg_settings_log psl_ref ON ( = AND psl.recorded_ts < psl_ref.recorded_ts) WHERE IS NULL3. Create a function to update the log table to record any changes to pg_settings :
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_settings_logger() RETURNS BOOLEAN LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE changed BOOLEAN := FALSE; settings_rec RECORD; BEGIN FOR settings_rec IN WITH pg_settings_log_current AS ( SELECT * FROM pg_settings_log_current ORDER BY name ) SELECT 'UPDATE' AS op,, ps.setting, ps.unit, ps.sourcefile, ps.sourceline FROM pg_settings ps INNER JOIN pg_settings_log_current psl ON ( AND psl.setting != ps.setting) WHERE ps.source ='configuration file' UNION SELECT 'INSERT' AS op,, ps.setting, ps.unit, ps.sourcefile, ps.sourceline FROM pg_settings ps WHERE ps.source ='configuration file' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM pg_settings_log_current psl WHERE = ) UNION SELECT 'DELETE' AS op,, psl.setting, psl.unit, psl.sourcefile, psl.sourceline FROM pg_settings_log_current psl WHERE EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM pg_settings ps WHERE = AND ps.source ='default' ) AND psl.op != 'DELETE' LOOP INSERT INTO pg_settings_log (name, setting, unit, sourcefile, sourceline, op, recorded_ts ) VALUES(, settings_rec.setting, settings_rec.unit, settings_rec.sourcefile, settings_rec.sourceline, settings_rec.op, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); changed = TRUE; END LOOP; RETURN changed; END; $$If needed, stop the common riffraff from doing anything with these three freshly-minted objects:
REVOKE ALL ON pg_settings_log FROM public; REVOKE ALL ON pg_settings_log_current FROM public; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pg_settings_logger() FROM public;The table will now look like this (settings from a test DB on a laptop, in case anyone's wondering about the general weirdness):
postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_settings_log ORDER BY name; name | setting | unit | sourcefile | sourceline | op | recorded_ts ----------------------------------+---------------------------------+------+---------------------------------+------------+--------+------------------------------- DateStyle | ISO, DMY | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 496 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 TimeZone | Japan | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 498 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 checkpoint_segments | 5 | | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 184 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 default_text_search_config | pg_catalog.english | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 518 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 lc_messages | en_GB.UTF-8 | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 511 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 lc_monetary | en_GB.UTF-8 | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 513 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 lc_numeric | en_GB.UTF-8 | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 514 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 lc_time | en_GB.UTF-8 | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 515 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 listen_addresses | localhost | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 59 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 log_line_prefix | ['foo'] | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 392 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 log_timezone | Japan | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 417 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 max_connections | 20 | | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 64 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 pg_stat_statements.track_utility | off | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 574 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 shared_buffers | 150 | 8kB | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 113 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 shared_preload_libraries | pg_hint_plan,pg_stat_statements | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 135 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 ssl | off | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 80 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 (16 rows)Following changes are then made to postgresql.conf :
postgres=# SELECT pg_settings_logger(); pg_settings_logger -------------------- t (1 row) postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_settings_log_current ORDER BY name; name | setting | unit | sourcefile | sourceline | op | recorded_ts ----------------------------------+---------------------------------+------+---------------------------------+------------+--------+------------------------------- DateStyle | ISO, DMY | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 496 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 TimeZone | Japan | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 498 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 checkpoint_segments | 10 | | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 184 | UPDATE | 2013-04-07 19:17:11.499642+09 default_text_search_config | pg_catalog.english | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 518 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 lc_messages | en_GB.UTF-8 | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 511 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 lc_monetary | en_GB.UTF-8 | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 513 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 lc_numeric | en_GB.UTF-8 | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 514 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 lc_time | en_GB.UTF-8 | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 515 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 listen_addresses | localhost | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 59 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 log_line_prefix | ['foo'] | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 392 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 log_timezone | Japan | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 417 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 max_connections | 20 | | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 64 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 pg_stat_statements.track_utility | off | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 574 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 shared_buffers | 150 | 8kB | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 113 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 shared_preload_libraries | pg_hint_plan,pg_stat_statements | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 135 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 ssl | off | ¤ | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 80 | DELETE | 2013-04-07 19:17:11.499642+09
Here we see the setting for "checkpoint_segments" has been updated, and the entry for "ssl" is marked with 'DELETE' to indicate the setting is no longer specified inpostgresql.conf.
Note that 'DELETE' implies the configuration setting has been removed from (or commented out in) the postgresql.conf file. The 'settings' value is the same as the last registered change; exclude rows marked with 'DELETE' from the query to show the current configuration status. If the setting is subsequently reinstated inpostgresql.conf, it will be registered as an 'INSERT'.
In postgresql.conf, "checkpoint_segments" is now changed to 15 and the configuration file reloaded:
postgres=# SELECT pg_reload_conf(); pg_reload_conf ---------------- t (1 row) postgres=# SELECT pg_settings_logger(); pg_settings_logger -------------------- t (1 row) postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_settings_log WHERE name='checkpoint_segments' ORDER BY recorded_ts DESC; name | setting | unit | sourcefile | sourceline | op | recorded_ts ---------------------+---------+------+---------------------------------+------------+--------+------------------------------- checkpoint_segments | 15 | | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 184 | UPDATE | 2013-04-07 19:21:10.680142+09 checkpoint_segments | 10 | | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 184 | UPDATE | 2013-04-07 19:17:11.499642+09 checkpoint_segments | 5 | | /opt/data/pg92b/postgresql.conf | 184 | INSERT | 2013-04-07 19:12:41.426134+09 (3 rows)
and voila, full change history for that parameter.
This should work with all PostgreSQL versions as far back as 8.4. Unfortunately (as far as I'm aware) there's no built-in way to trigger this function automatically whenever the config file is reloaded. While it would be possible to have pg_settings_logger() call pg_reload_config(), that doesn't cover all cases when the configuration settings are changed, e.g. for settings requiring a server restart.
A cronjob would do the trick, but feels like overkill - it's not as if postgresql.conf gets changed on a regular basis. For 9.3, a custom background worker might be an option, or if it becomes possible to alter the postgresql.conf file via SQL - maybe there'll be some way of hooking into that mechanism.