字符串匹配算法之"Boyer Moore"

    Boyer-Moore字符串搜索算法是一种非常高效的字符串搜索算法。它由Bob Boyer和J Strother Moore设计于1977年,最初的定义1975年就给出了,后续才给出构造算法以及算法证明。


1、pattern 为模式字符串,长度为patLen;


2、当前不匹配字符在pattern中位置为 j(0≤ j ≤patLen -1);

3、已经匹配的长度为 m(0≤ m <patLen);

4、先假设不匹配字符在pattern中位置为 Δ(*),其中*可以是任何字符;



一、坏字符规则(bad character rule ):让不匹配字符和pattern中最右边出现的该字符对齐匹配,如果没有则全部跳过;

>假设1:遇到不匹配字符,如果该字符在pattern 中不存在,有:(如下图示跳转)

字符指针右移:patLen 长度 后和 pattern 右对齐;

Pattern 右移:patLen – m;

>假设2:遇到不匹配字符,如果该字符在pattern 中存在,这里也分两种情况:


        字符指针右移:j–Δ(‘-’) +m = (j + m)–Δ(‘-’) = (patlen – 1) -Δ(‘-’) = (7-1)-2 = 4

        Pattern 右移:字符指针偏移 - m = 4 – m = 2;


        字符指针右移: (patlen-1) – Δ(‘T’) = (7-1) – 6 = 0

        Pattern右移:字符指针偏移 – m = 0 – 2 = -2

可以看出,pattern 竟然回退比较了,这是不应该出现的,这时候直接往后移动1位就行了:

总结上面三种情况,我们定义坏字符函数delta1() 为字符指针的偏移:

Delta1($) = patLen;(不匹配字符在pattern中不存在)

               = patLen–1-Δ(*);(不匹配字符存在pattern中,且在pattern中最右边出现的位置在当前不匹配字符左边)

               = 1;( 不匹配字符存在pattern中,且在pattern中最右边出现的该字符在当前不匹配字符右边)

、好后缀规则good suffix rule:根据已经匹配的部分字串(subpat),在pattern中寻找是否有和 subpat 全部或者部分匹配的字串,直接对齐匹配,避免无效的移动;


1、 假设 $ pattern中没有出现过的字符,有pat[i] = $ i < 0;

2、 两个序列[C­­1 … Cn­] [d1… dn] 是一致的, 当且仅且cj = dj 或者 cj = $ 或者­j = $;其中(0jn)

3、 最右边可能重新出现的subpat (p[j+1 ~ patLen-1])的位置为rpr(j)(rightmost plausible reoccurrence), 是使[pat[j + 1] ... pat[patlen]] 和 [pat[k] ... pat[k  + patlen - j – 1] ]一致的最大K值,其中k0 或者pat[k – 1] != pat[j].

字符串匹配算法之"Boyer Moore"

上图写出了pattern “ABXYCDEXY” rpr()值计算结果:我们来解析下

a>.j = 8 时,已经匹配字串p[j+1 … patLen-1] 为空,参照rpr()定义,可知,pattern最右边可能和空串一致的,就是p[8 ~ PatLen-1], 可知rpr(8) = 8.

b>.j = 7时,已经匹配字串subpat”Y”, 可以看到p[3 ~ 3] = subpat , 此时k=3>0, 但是pat(k-1) == pat[j] = “X”不满足条件,再往右找,可以知道该 subpat 只可能存在 pattern 头部-1位置,即rpr(7) = -1.

c>.j = 6 时,已经匹配字串subpat”XY”, 可以看到p[2 ~ 3] = subpat, 同时满足p[k-1] != pat[j] ,可知rpr(6) = 2.

d>.当j = 5 时,已经匹配字串subpat”EXY”, pattern中没有对应字串和subpat一致,只可能存在pattern头部,可知rpr(5) = -3;

     其他情况依次类推,上面的几种情况应该包含了所有的rpr() 求法,从上面分析可以得出个规律:

     rpr[patLen-1] = patLen-1.

可以得出 good suffix rule 的偏移值, pat[k] pat[j+1] 对齐匹配:

Pattern 右移:j + 1 - rpr(j)

字符指针右移: m + j + 1 - rpr(j) = (patLen - 1 - j) + j + 1 – rpr(j) = patLen – rpr(j)



delta2(j) = patLen - rpr(j); (0≤j<patLen)


*读者如果有看过别的BM算法资料,有地方 delta2(j) = patLen – 1 – rpr(j), 还是开头的这句话,我们这里数组索引从0开始,所以rpr(j) 的值也比索引从1开始的小1


#include <string.h>  // strlen()
#include <stdlib.h>  // __max()

#define ALPHABET_SIZE (1 << (sizeof(char)*8))

// Enable any/all to trace intermediate results
//#define TRACE_DELTA1
//#define TRACE_DELTA2
//#define TRACE_BM

#if defined TRACE_DELTA1 || defined TRACE_DELTA2 || defined TRACE_BM
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

void calc_delta1(const char *pat, int patlen, int delta1[]) 
	int j = 0;
	for (j = 0; j < ALPHABET_SIZE; j++)
		delta1[j] = patlen;

	for (j = 0; j < patlen; j++)
		// By scanning pat from left to right, the final 
		// value in delta1[char] is the *rightmost* occurrence of
		// char in pat
		delta1[pat[j]] = patlen - 1 - j;

	printf("Starting dump delta1[]>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n");
	for (j = 0; j < ALPHABET_SIZE; j++)
		if (delta1[j] != patlen)
			printf("       %c:%d\n", (char)j, delta1[j]);
	printf("  others:%d\n", patlen);

void calc_delta2(const char *pat, int patlen, int * delta2)
	int i = 0, j = 0, s = 0, m = 0, n = 0;
	// rpr[j] : where we can find rightmost plausible recurrence of pat[j+1 .. patlen-1]
	int *rpr = new int[patlen];

	// Mark each uninitialized rpr value with a large negative index
	const int def = -2*patlen;
	for (i = 0; i != patlen; i++)
		rpr[i] = def;

	// r: number of uninitialized entries in rpr[]
	int r = patlen;

	// Scan pattern from right-to-left until all rpr[] are initialized.
	// s: scan position.
	// Examine all substrings that end at pat[s] including null string pat[s .. s]
	for (s = patlen - 1; r > 0; s--)
		// m: length of substring  pat[s-m .. s]
		for (m = 0; m <= patlen - 1 && r > 0; m++)
			// Introduce j and k (as used in the BM paper)
			// j: index of leftmost character of suffix
			int j = patlen - m - 1;
			// k: index of leftmost character of (possible) recurrence.
			int k = s - m;

		#ifdef TRACE_DELTA2
			const int indent = patlen;
			printf("\ns:%d m:%d j:%d k:%d\n", s, m, j, k);
			printf("p  :%*s%s\n", indent, "", pat);
			printf("j  :%*s%*.*s\n", indent+j, "", m+1, m+1, &pat[j] );
			printf("k-1:%*s", indent+k-1, "");
			for (n = 0; n <= m; n++)
				printf("%c", (k-1+n < 0 ? pat[j+n] : pat[k-1+n]) );

			// We have a match of pat[j+1 .. j+1+m] with pat[k .. k+m]
			// Compare pat[j] to pat[k-1].
			// Match: extend the substring to the left by increasing m
			// Mismatch: terminate the substring and check if plausible RPR

			bool mismatch = false;
			if (k > 0)
				if (pat[j] == pat[k-1]) // extend substring
				mismatch = true;
			// else preceding char, pat[k-1] lies to the left of pat[0]
			// which terminates the substring

			// We have a match of m (possibly zero) characters.
			// pat[j+1 .. j+1+m] matches pat[k .. k+m] and
			// either pat[j] != pat[k-1] or k <= 0.
			// So rpr[j] = k (unless rpr[j] is already > k)
			if (rpr[j] < k)
			#ifdef TRACE_DELTA2
				printf("2  :%*s %c %*.*s %*s s:%d m:%d j:%d k:%d r:%d\n",
					indent+j, "",
					m, m, &pat[j+1],
					(patlen-j-1-m), "",
					s, m, j, k, r);
				rpr[j] = k;
		#ifdef TRACE_DELTA2
				printf("rpr[%d]=%d already inited\n", j, rpr[j]);

			// Once we have a mismatch (pat[j] != pat[k-1]) it is fruitless 
			//to examine further substrings ending at pat[s];
			//as Any subpat end with pat[s] will not be the rightmost plausible 
			//recurrence of the terminal substring pat[j+1 ~ patlen-1]
			if (mismatch)

	for (j = 0; j != patlen; j++) 
		delta2[j] = patlen - rpr[j];

	printf("R:"); // trace rpr[] values
	for (j = 0; j != patlen; j++)
		printf(" %3d", rpr[j] );

	printf("D:"); // trace delta2[] values

	for (j = 0; j != patlen; j++)
		printf(" %3d", delta2[j] );

	delete [] rpr;

* Boyer-Moore search algorithm
const char *boyermoore_search(const char * string, const char *pat) 
	int i = 0, j = 0, stringlen = 0;
	const char *result = NULL;

	int patlen = strlen(pat);
	int *delta1 = NULL;
	int *delta2 = NULL;

	if (patlen == 0)
		goto out;

	stringlen = strlen(string);
	if (patlen > stringlen)
		goto out;

	delta1 = new int[ALPHABET_SIZE];
	delta2 = new int[patlen];

#ifdef TRACE_BM
	printf("pattern: %s\n", pat);
	calc_delta1(pat, patlen, delta1);
	calc_delta2(pat, patlen, delta2);

#ifdef TRACE_BM
	printf("\nCalculating boyermoore_search>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n");

	// i: index of current string character
	for (i = patlen-1;;) 
		if (i > stringlen) 
			result = NULL;
			goto out;

		// j: index of current pattern character
		j = patlen-1;
		for (;;)
			if (j == 0)
				result = &string[i];
				goto out;

			if (string[i] == pat[j])
			#ifdef TRACE_BM
				printf("p:%*s%*.*s%c%*.*s\n", \
					(i-j), "", \
					j, j, pat, \
					toupper(pat[j]), // mark matched char with upcase
					patlen-j-1, patlen-j-1, &pat[j+1]);

	#ifdef TRACE_BM
			(i-j), "",
			j, j, pat,
			L'?', // mark mismatch char
			patlen-j-1, patlen-j-1, &pat[j+1]); // which-finally-halts.--at-that-point ...
			printf("c:%s\n", string);
		// bc: "bad character" shift amount
		int bc = delta1[string[i]];

		// gs: "good suffix" shift amount
		int gs = delta2[j];

	#ifdef TRACE_BM
		printf("j:%d bc:%d gs:%d\n\n", j, bc, gs);
		i += __max(bc, gs);

/* not found */
	delete [] delta1;
	delete [] delta2;
	return result;

void main(void)
	char src_str[80] = "WHICH-FINALLY-HALTS.--AT-THAT-POINT";
	char pat_str[80] = "AT-THAT";
	const char* find_str = NULL;

	find_str = boyermoore_search((const char *)src_str, (const char *)pat_str);
	if(NULL != find_str)
		printf("\n Success find string : %s\n", find_str);
		printf("no find pattern string !\n");

Boyer Moore 算法时间复杂度是亚线性O(patLen+n), pattern 越长BM算法效率越高;


1、A Fast String Searching Algorithm

