vs2013编译 protoBuffer编译出现的问题

编译protobuffer ,出现了两个问题

1.vs加载项目后,会发现min函数 没有引入头文件   #include <algorithm> ;


warning C4996: ‘std::_Copy_impl’: Function call with parameters that may be unsafe – this call relies on the caller to check that the passed values are correct. To disable this warning, use -D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See documentation on how to use Visual C++ ‘Checked Iterators’


protobuffer 中抛出异常的头文件是repeated_field.h中第708行,修改后的代码如下:

template <typename Element, bool HasTrivialCopy>
void ElementCopier<Element, HasTrivialCopy>::operator()(
    Element to[], const Element from[], int array_size) {
	std::copy(from, from + array_size, stdext::checked_array_iterator<Element*>(to,array_size));
    //std::copy(from, from + array_size, to);


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