Feature: Map/Reduce Feature in TIS

**This is for your reference only! Do not use this for commercial purpose!**

Map/Reduce Feature in TIS

There is a new feature Map/Reduce(M/R) in TIS. User can utilize the M/R feature to design a job that can run in Hadoop Map/Reduce framework.


1. Create a M/R job in Repository View with the same level as Job Design.

2. Implement some actions like editing M/R job properties, exporting/impoting job.

3. Seperate components by job type, only display the M/R components when M/R job editor is opened.

4. Run M/R job in Oozie View, which does not depend jars required by mapper/reducer method.



1. Convert between common job and M/R job.

2. Add cool bar and zoom actions.

3. Only components with the same type as process can be D&D to M/R editor.


1. Conversion by D&D and paste

2. Move "Hadoop Configuration" tab from Job View to Run view and support repository metadata.

(To be continued...)
