Document: Test Upate-site in Location

**This is for your reference only! Do not use this for commercial purpose!**

1. Start up Archiva

Note that Archiva should run in Linux. At first, you could find the Talend Archiva from "Talend-AdministrationCenter-r****-V*.*.*.zip", unzip this file and enter to find this folder "Talend-Artifact-Repository-V*.*.*".

Issue the following command to start up archiva:

marvin@marvin-HP-Compaq-6280-Pro-MT-PC:/../bin$ sh console

2. Check if Archiva Works

In order to check if Archiva works well, type the following URL to login Archiva:

with the following info:
Username: admin
Password: 1q2w3e4r
3. Upload Artifact

Two files, *.zip and *.html, are required to upload to Archiva.

Script for *.zip file to upload:

mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=org.talend -DartifactId=studio-all-update-site -Dversion=5.1.2 -Dpackaging=zip -Dclassifier=Patch_20120927_tPreJobFix_v1_Talend_Studio_Patch -Durl=http://[IP]:8082/archiva/repository/talend-update-admin/ -DgeneratePom=false -DrepositoryId=archiva.linux

Script for *.html file to upload:

mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=org.talend -DartifactId=release-description -Dversion=5.1.2 -Dpackaging=txt -Dfile=release-description-5.1.2-Patch_20120927_tPreJobFix_v1_Talend_Studio_Patch.html -Dclassifier=Patch_20120927_tPreJobFix_v1_Talend_Studio_Patch -Durl=http://[IP]:8082/archiva/repository/talend-update-admin/ -DgeneratePom=false -DrepositoryId=archiva.linux

Note: For *.html file the "-Dpackaging" should be " txt ".

4. Setup and Configure TAC

About how to set up TAC, please refer to another article named TAC User Guide. Login TAC and do the following:

Left Menu --> Configuration --> Software Update --> Repository url: http://[IP]:8020/archiva/
5. Fetch Update-site

In TAC select "Software update" in left menu to check the patch. Normally you should see the udpate-site that you just made. Click to download it.

6. Apply Patch

Start up a studio that you want to apply this patch, then in the login page you will find the button of "update", click it and wait for updating.

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