Hi, I'm @jnewland, a member of GitHub's Ops Team.
We've detected that https://dynamic.12306.cn/otsweb/ is embedding several javascript files from this repo, causing a negative impact on our service. We've disabled hotlinking to resources from this repo via the raw.github.com domain for the time being.
I've contacted [email protected] about this, but figured I'd file an issue here too. If you're a developer on 12306.cn, please remove this embed and host this file from your own servers as soon as possible. Thanks!
Sorry for this inconvenience, I will remove this script reference immediatly. This script used for check new version from repositiory, from now on this script will be removed, and will never do this agagin after they all update they client scrips.
Very sorry for this.
Thanks! We're actually seeing several other image assets being included from the/iccfish/12306_ticket_helper/raw/master/images/ path. Can you remove those too?
Noed. I will checked which page uses this image and convert them into local. Thanks for notification.
Do you have an ETA for the removal of these? Trying to work out our temporary capacity needs.
Sorry for this inconvenience, we are already published updates to remove the script reference today, but due to many many reasons client scripts can't be updated automatically, and we never know there was so many users. If this troubles you, accept our appologize, and please take any method to make your server work properly.
BTW, due to the script will try to reload the reference in 5 seconds if it sees an network error, so this may be hard to your servers. Sorry again for this bad design.
Thanks for the heads up. Going to try to return a blank OK response for these URIs to mitigate the retry behavior.
Image reference has been removed.
We are thinking of ways to update the client scripts as quickly as possible, but the problem is we can't notify users to update their clients if the OTA scripts can't be accessed.
Cause we can't control the behavior of the exist clients, so could you please try to redirect the file request to our own server? If could, please tell us, and we will provide you a URI to accept the request. If this request succeed, the client scripts will stop retrying load the script from github, and all problems could be resolved.
What URIs will you need redirected? I'd be willing to put that in place temporarily.
Thanks for help, there are three URIs:
Please redirect them to:
For reference, I've started returning empty '200 OK' responses for these URIs and the request load on our side has decreased dramatically.
> GET /iccfish/12306_ticket_helper/raw/master/version.js HTTP/1.1 > User-Agent: curl/7.24.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin12.0) libcurl/7.24.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8r zlib/1.2.5 > Host: raw.github.com > Accept: */* > < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Server: GitHub.com < Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 07:13:09 GMT < Content-Type: application/x-javascript < Content-Length: 0 < Connection: close
I think return empty response was not a good idea... cause this will make the clients never knows there was newer version and fixed this problem. Could you please make them redirected?
Actually, I need to have our security team review an off-domain redirect before I deploy this. Unfortunately, it'll be tomorrow before I can have it reviewed. I'll keep you posted.
Did you make any changes in the past hour? Traffic spiked again. We're investigating rolling out the redirects. Any other methods you can take to update these clients?
Nop, no actions taking, only TOTALLY REMOVES IMAGE REFERENCE from the webpages.
The reason I thinks was... this situation maybe happen ON THE HOUR, due to special event they called 'passenger transport around the Chinese lunar new year' in china :-(
So I wish to notify users to update their client as soon as possible, hoping the url redirection depolyed.
And now I'll notify users to update their client manally, hope to help :-(
We believe the redirects to be rolled out. Can you confirm that's working to update clients?
The file content in the new URL was the same with the file in repo. This file contains version info and will guide users to update their client. If this file can'be accessed (i.e 403 Forbidden), the client will be retry to load the script in 5 seconds. But 200 empty response will cause script thrown an exception also stops retry. Overall, 200 empty responses are better than 403, but can't make any better in future, due to users doesn't know to update their client.
SORRY...let me take a think. Seems that Chrome (our script running under chrome) blocks scripts running from unsecure domain....so wait...OOps......redirection maybe useless.....
I want know the capicity of raw.github.com? We have try our best to ask users to update their client.
Please find another SSL host for this ASAP and I'll update the redirect.
I've already notify thousands of people(10 thousands+) to update their client manually, I wonder if there any improvement?
We're switching back to blank 200s, that seems to be the best performance for us. Please find another SSL host ASAP.
Can it move this project to google code ?
Hi @jnewland , this is just an open source extension plugin for chrome. What's the matter for this plugin? Github is an open source code repository. And this plugin is also open source. Which GitHub Terms it break?
Er, @jamesprite ,@jnewland 不是说要屏蔽这个开源项目,而是由于chrome插件中使用了多个github repo上的文件的直接链接,导致github的网络受到影响。 希望作者尽快移除引用,在这之前,先屏蔽了相关文件的访问。
@iccfish @jnewland
A commercial browser called Liebao has packed this open source plugin into a special edition. They're promoting that edition everywhere.
Since they're distributing a binary release, the only way to prevent the requests from growing is to ask Liebao to replace their current release with a new version, with Github assets reference removed.
@iccfish we're seeing traffic on these URLs slope downward. Going to close this issue. Thanks for your help!
What a pit!
Cause China's Spring Festival is coming.So many people buying ticket through 12306.cn
I saw the post from the weibo (likely twitter in China). lol
Now the post is soon to be flooded by Chinese idioms, and so-called "site-seeing groups" comments...
I must say that there are really so many people buying tickets in china
I hate 12306.cn since I have to sit for 18 hours to return........ All train tickets are sold out in 2 minutes..
A few days later , there will be more and more people
@jnewland Toomorrow will be worse, please redirect the following url:
all of them redirct to: https://i199.sinaapp.com/version.js
And all of you, stop pushing water to here, this is serious!!
hahhahhh,so funny.A plugin of Chrome/Firefox using for booking train ticket hotlinked this script resulted in network issue of github......millions of people's power...
I guess sina will face a difficult time if you do the redirection...
SAE may reject all request from your ticket helper (including 12306) and add @iccfish to black-list, lol
This is a greate opportunity for github.com
A greate AD
I want to register the number of users will be explosive growt
Agree with @iccfish , he did a good thing for us, make it convenient to buy tickets, so please stop "强势围观“
@iccfish You may consider to use Amazon S3 combined with CloudFlare to host the files instead of GitHub/SAE.
@jnewland You can ignore all Chinese comments here. These are mostly useless.
SAE is temporary solution, after all old version users upgraded, it will offline. The newest version get version information from my own server. Not big, only few bytes. 不过还是感觉很严重啊!
you may use cdn,put your js on the public cloud sae,bae,and other.
@jnewland truely you can ignore the chinese comments. sometime we just want to leave a name,since that seems interesting!
Seems redirection worked, close issue.
It there remain problems, please reopen this issue, thanks @jnewland for help!
@iccfish 对不对?
@jnewland i am sorry .so much
and could you know us the determination of back home.couse it is the only time back home in the whole year!
Seems redirection worked, close issue.
It there remain problems, please reopen this issue, thanks @jnewland for help!
@iccfish 考虑到今后两天购票人群可能进一步增加,你应该做最坏的打算,特别是现在其他浏览器(猎豹?还有谁?)对你的包装分发、以及可能存在一些你的修改版被到处贩卖,此事存在超出你控制的可能。建议你通过更广泛的渠道推动用户停止使用旧版本和非官方版本。你应该在你的官网上发表公告,并在微博上发布公告,这些围观的程序员能帮你转发。
if this library has been included by 3rd party software, there is no way to update the client. @iccfish as people suggested, turn to S3+CloudFlare or Azure Storage+CDN. Do NOT direct the traffic to your personal web site, it will flooded in no time.
@iccfish SAE, okay, let's see how long it'll hold before they shut you down.
@hax 没问题的,这个检查更新的只是js信息文件,大小大约在 ~几百字节。GitHub会有问题还在于它不是个简单的文件托管网站,取一个master分支的文件需要去源码仓里面获得。
但是GitHub的Raw有个限制(貌似是),具体限制多少不清楚,表现为,当访问稍微频繁点的话,就会返回403 Forbidden错误。因此导致更新推送几乎不可用。于是我没有经过深思便用了最简单的方式:重试。当加载返回403的时候,便延迟5秒尝试重新加载。
当然,在采取这样的措施的时候我还是有考虑到负载的。之前的更新检测放在查询页面,但是查询页面是个反复刷新或请求的页面,因此我估计这个已经会成为一个攻击的来源,因此将检测更新代码移植到最顶层框架里面(也就是跟路径 /otsweb/ 或 /otsweb/main.jsp),在反复刷票的情况下,这个框架基本上是很少被刷新的。不过很明显我低估了用户数和GitHub的执着度,虽然做了如此的变动,但还是导致GitHub受到影响。
when i see the news ,and i thk its so funny. it is amazing if the developer of the 12306.cn!
@jnewland, the problem is still far from the solved, since the online booking tickets will be closed at night.
I am sure the issue will be coming back and getting worse when the 12306.cn is open for ticket booking tomorrow.
@pineking After they upgraded scripts, all request are off GitHub.
@feuvan 当时没想到,因为经验看重试一定次数后GitHub是会返回正常文件的。谁知道这会儿打死不肯了。哎。
@redswallow 谷歌的那个更新是非常不及时的。由于这个插件的特殊性,我需要一个能随时更新的机制。铁道部的同学会随时更改网页,你懂得。
This reminds me of the baofeng player's ddos to dns servers.
NEVER check updating services in a endless loop.
@shuaishuai 民间12306?这是什么东西?
@iccfish 像猎豹这样的公司用你的插件的话,问问金山能不能支持你一台服务器吧,大不了给他们署名什么的
@iccfish 悲剧啊,看到403重发是完全错误的, @feuvan 加次数限制也没有用。这个教训过去暴风影音犯过(http://www.williamlong.info/archives/1808.html ),“在暴风影音域名授权服务器工作异常的情况下,导致安装该软件的上网终端频繁发起域名解析请求,引发DNS拥塞”,最后导致整个中国互联网瘫痪。
@iccfish @hax 除了重试的问题,你有没有考虑过repo用于静态服务器其实是并不妥当的?因为repo首先要检索日志、然后才能进行输出,这和静态服务器并不是一回事,在高流量下,其花销肯定会引起github出现问题。
This is really a big bug of the chrome extesion. Billions of people will use it to buy a train ticket for spring festival vacation...
@HorseLuke 万不得已的作法,Chrome的安全限制太高了,Firefox也有类似的。比如,在HTTPS上运行的对于Chrome来说,非HTTPS来源的Script是拒绝执行的,对于Firefox来说,非HTTPS协议的音乐是拒绝播放的,用GitHub做静态托管并非我本意,我是真的找不到HTTPS协议的服务器可用啊,我又不太愿意为这破事就去买什么HTTPS协议证书。直到4.1.0版本我终于找到了解决办法,才解决了这个问题。所以等到所有的人都更新或弃用了旧的脚本,就没事了。
@siemonday 服务器好找。但是HTTPS的服务器真心不好找。我头疼了很久。
Terrible things. Some thing like DDOS. Consider the current situation that so many people want to buy a ticket, it will be worse in the next few days.
全中国人民集体ddos github,可怜的github
All the Chinese people's collective ddos github, poor github
@xinyu198736 GAE略略看过,没仔细看,由于GAE国内经常被墙,so我还是比较不喜欢用的,自己用用还行。
@hax 金山已经重新打包了。
@iccfish 托管HTTPS, 可能需要购买一个VPS,甚至独立服务器了。几天后的流量会越来越大的。可以考虑使用cloudflare来分发
这个 403 以后每5秒轮询请求一次确实是非常坑爹的代码逻辑。在未来一两周内,Github极有可能被拖垮。希望到时候不要造成Github临时封杀整个来自China的IP地址段。
@iccfish How about cloud foundry & appfog? I think PaaS platforms will take balance of requests load with good performances.
完全是失误 @robbin 。之所以没想到是因为之前测试过,刷新那么几次或十几次后GitHub是会返回正常的页面的。后来访问量大了后才发现这个想法完全不靠谱。
这段JS瞬间成为了github,成了计算机, 成了网络的一段传奇.他不仅将中国文化的精髓带给了全世界,为中国的文化事业做出了巨大贡献, 而且非常巧妙的利用全中国的人力对老美服务器进行了ddos攻击.再次留名表示敬仰.
@iccfish 发起个paypal或者支付宝的赞助么?
这个issue会是github人数最多的issue...应该要学会分页了 囧
@iccfish 有担当! 赞一个。
javaeye老大@robbin 应该有经验之谈吧
DDOS 没什么好办法,只能是用网络资源来顶而已。
The most upset thing I have seen in any bbs. Perhaps more surprising is whether SAE(sina app engine) or Heroku can undertake such presure.
http://www.fishlee.net/soft/44/donate.html 大家一起捐助作者吧,作者挺不容易的呀.. 加油, @iccfish
lol 路过, github have DDOS attack from all chinese people because they just want buy train ticket online, using this plugin. 哈哈
@iccfish @robbin The best solution is to use CDN network to share the flow, otherwise no matter how strong server also have to hang up
@muzuiget Then We'll DDOS GFW and Github will be walled.
那样我们就变成了DDOS GFW,然后github就被墙了
That is so call Butterfly Effect...
@iccfish @jnewland It seems it going to be very high load tomorrow when the 12306.cn begin to sell ticket, so I think there still need to be careful.
I hope github will be fine. And thanks @iccfish provide our Chinese convenience.
Now we know how large the demand of train tickets is. The users of this plugin is enough to put some stress to GitHub, and this is only a tiny portion of all users of http://12306.cn/ , and 12306.cn itself is so slow and fault-prone that users even need such a helpers to properly make an order. This plugin is not the only "helper" program that exists in China. Shame on 12306.cn (and the government) for such a broken Website that cost 330 million Yuan. Shame on 12306.cn developers for those stupid mistakes and vulnerabilities in 12306.cn that only novice Java Web programmers would make.
@winguse I think auto-update program of third part browsers will help. many people with less experiences of computer just download it for buying tickets
@jnewland just drop all packets from china for few days if there's more connections tomorrow. sorry.
我也做个广告,对程序猿的孩子有用,新西兰销量冠军奶粉 可瑞康爱他美奶粉 代购 http://www.karicare1234.com
GitHub do have the right to stop serving your files according to its Terms of Services:
G.12 If your bandwidth usage significantly exceeds the average bandwidth usage (as determined solely by GitHub) of other GitHub customers, we reserve the right to immediately disable your account or throttle your file hosting until you can reduce your bandwidth consumption.
@chentmin I'm not sure your suggest is a punishment or a solution. I guess it won't be successed as a solution, this happens just because of there's so many people(which the author unexpected) using it, just too many people, and just returns a 404 page may stop github from serving.
we're sorry for that. and we'll all take this as a lesson.
另外,,the greater challenge will be comed in the next month..加油吧。。
另外,,the greater challenge will be comed in the next month..加油吧。。
Could not let your scripts auto retries to got one resource. if it failed. just throw exception. tell you user what happend.
or you should face the DDOS by your self.
a better solution is the retries peroid must be more large , such as “ pow(10, N);”
Millions of thanks to icefish.You set up a good example for all chinese programmer corps.
作者本身就是免费的 如果大家需求那么多 要升级云服务器 何不自愿捐助一下?
Donate to @iccfish if you like this tool!
There is no doubt that I should have a try on 12306_ticket_helper, haha
@xupeihuagudulei 只是看到version_taobao.js和version_liebao.js,我不相信这里面没有商业运作。当然作者想捞一笔我没意见,只是用版本库来做静态文件服务器我就有点鄙视了
It's a amazing news. Many many programers can study many many things from this. HaHa!
围观的真尼玛讨厌, 能说点有意义的话吗? 你们跟奥巴马post里刷屏说12345的有什么区别?
人家出了问题, 你们还在这幸灾乐祸, 等到github彻底封了中文用户你们tama就开心了是不是?
QQ 383062197
作者的QQ空间 http://user.qzone.qq.com/286495995/blog/1358267109#!app=2&via=QZ.HashRefresh&pos=1358267109
第一次花了1个小时看GitHub上的评论。。。“中国也不用研究什么网络攻击武器了。。。只要在12306里注入一段恶意代码内嵌网址,年关前后想打哪儿就能打哪儿啊。。。” 支持这个。。。PS 坐等邮箱被爆
so mush chinese,i read the writing and learn some useful knowledge.heihei :)
我没有说,也没有问 @jnewland 这个插件为什么被移除,而是在问@jnewland:“此插件违反了Github”的哪项条款。
我今天查了一下,发现确实是违反了GitHub的条款。在“GitHub Terms of Service”的“G. General Conditions”中的第12条有规定说:“If your bandwidth usage significantly exceeds the average bandwidth usage (as determined solely by GitHub) of other GitHub customers, we reserve the right to immediately disable your account or throttle your file hosting until you can reduce your bandwidth consumption.” 参考链接:https://help.github.com/articles/github-terms-of-service
Re //这段JS瞬间成为了github,成了计算机, 成了网络的一段传奇.他不仅将中国文化的精髓带给了全世界,为中国的文化事业做出了巨大贡献, 而且非常巧妙的利用全中国的人力对老美服务器进行了ddos攻击.再次留名表示敬仰.
iccfish had already did a good job.. but sorry for the trouble to Github.. from a Chinese noob..
In my point of view, github just need to optimise the catching for raw file. It is kind of ashame to ask costomer not using part of the funtionality.
@BrillianceRen 自重啊,连调侃一下都不成?
You just Joined on Jan 15, 2013 ...
还注册小号,何必呢 …… 或者说你作为一个程序员都没用过 github ?
... your mother is calling you home for dinner ... (nima喊你回家吃饭)
@BrillianceRen 自重啊,连调侃一下都不成?
You just Joined on Jan 15, 2013 ...
还注册小号,何必呢 …… 或者说你作为一个程序员都没用过 github ?
... your mother is calling you home for dinner ... (nima喊你回家吃饭)
不知你说那方语言, 不要对号入座. 我自己有自己的版本管理器. 我也不用在12306买票. 我说来发表评论完全是看不下幸灾乐祸的群众刷屏. 没看过奥巴马的G+ post吗? 全是天朝人在刷屏, 没条都是"围观1", "围观2", "刘明1", "火了2" 之类的话, 为此我特意写了Chrome插件来屏蔽, 就像京东评论里说"小手一抖金币拿走...."之类的一样.
我不明白你为什么认为我在骂你, 但是请你自重.
不知你说那方语言, 不要对号入座. 我自己有自己的版本管理器. 我也不用在12306买票. 我说来发表评论完全是看不下幸灾乐祸的群众刷屏. 没看过奥巴马的G+ post吗? 全是天朝人在刷屏, 没条都是"围观1", "围观2", "刘明1", "火了2" 之类的话, 为此我特意写了Chrome插件来屏蔽, 就像京东评论里说"小手一抖金币拿走...."之类的一样.
我不明白你为什么认为我在骂你, 但是请你自重.
不知你说那方语言, 不要对号入座. 我自己有自己的版本管理器. 我也不用在12306买票. 我说来发表评论完全是看不下幸灾乐祸的群众刷屏. 没看过奥巴马的G+ post吗? 全是天朝人在刷屏, 没条都是"围观1", "围观2", "刘明1", "火了2" 之类的话, 为此我特意写了Chrome插件来屏蔽, 就像京东评论里说"小手一抖金币拿走...."之类的一样.
我不明白你为什么认为我在骂你, 但是请你自重.
awesome again 12306 !!
I'm too late.
Very funny event on github . I home the SAE will not crashed .
many chinese sites like geek's news or twitter broadcast this message.
all geeks coming to github and watch what's going on, and be interesting.
Seems all Chinese having an github account coming here.
@jnewland : we come here to support @iccfish created the repo for chinese people BUYING a gohome train ticket.
Many Chinese programmers come to here to give a comment for this historic event, just for fun.
@jnewland As you might know already, 12306.cn is the busiest site during Spring Festival, Chinese developers are here to witness the “magic” moment which a small booking plugin drag GitHub down... And also support @iccfish to find a way to host JS files on a static HTTPS file server.
this script is a tool that helps people to buy the ticket back home, it has helped many people.
so many programmers come here to give a mark just for fun.
this script is a tool that helps people to buy the ticket back home, it has helped many people.
so many programmers come here to give a mark just for fun.
this script is a tool that helps people to buy the ticket back home, it has helped many people.
so many programmers come here to give a mark just for fun.
this script is a tool that helps people to buy the ticket back home, it has helped many people.
so many programmers come here to give a mark just for fun.
We are lookers,floor host!
We are very sorry!
All of us are poor in english!
I will now try to translate!
Do you want to learn chinaese?
Please visite http://www.web-er.net
seems there's an hint saying i'm submiting an empty comment even with content filled. is there a bug or out great tickethelper repo draw github down again?
seems many people has the same problem.for many reposts here. like @ryekee
i can't post a image. it says "Something went really wrong and we can't process that image."
seems there's an hint saying i'm submiting an empty comment even with content filled. is there a bug or out great tickethelper repo draw github down again?
seems many people has the same problem.for many reposts here. like @ryekee
i can't post a image. it says "Something went really wrong and we can't process that image."
我估计外国人要是会中文肯定会说: 一个中国的草泥码农, 搞垮了世界开源码农网站!!!
I think if they could understand and could speak chinese, they would say: A chinese grass-mud-horse(Geeker or Coder) fuc~k-ed the universe geeker base ---- Github!
@jnewland you can just ignore those Chinese(lang) comments, because they are mostly useless, just for fun.
BTW, there is a suggestion, we need 'page' function and 'go to top' button for such case, could u pls help? thanks in advance, ^_^
@iccfish 你这是JS,不会计入PV里面,所以看PV是不准的。要看https的请求数,这半天才5万而已,小case了。
PS:楼上那些推荐Amazon, GAE等国外云的我估计要么是老外,要么是海外华人,要么是。。。根本不考虑国内用户访问国外是有多么的不稳定。
楼主,我好崇拜你啊,[email protected]是我的email地址,我们能交个朋友吗?
Lord, I worship you good ah, [email protected] is my email address, can we make friends?
@BrillianceRen 你还装什么素质??有本事别改你的留言啊??还有“为此我特意写了Chrome插件来屏蔽”,你既然写了插件为什么又会看到信息了,貌似很牛的样子?!(自己先骂人就别装逼,尽管你是牛人!)
@BrillianceRen 你还装什么素质??有本事别改你的留言啊??还有“为此我特意写了Chrome插件来屏蔽”,你既然写了插件为什么又会看到信息了,貌似很牛的样子?!(自己先骂人就别装逼,尽管你是牛人!)
@BrillianceRen 你还装什么素质??有本事别改你的留言啊??还有“为此我特意写了Chrome插件来屏蔽”,你既然写了插件为什么又会看到信息了,貌似很牛的样子?!(自己先骂人就别装逼,尽管你是牛人!)
@BrillianceRen 你还装什么素质??有本事别改你的留言啊??还有“为此我特意写了Chrome插件来屏蔽”,你既然写了插件为什么又会看到信息了,貌似很牛的样子?!(自己先骂人就别装逼,尽管你是牛人!)
@jnewland , you said that "causing a negative impact on our service". Many peole want to know the peak request count of those files , and the duration of the request stress. Could you post it? Thanks.
@luffyke i don't think this will happen time and times. the issue is not design as an forum. besides, the AJAX load will be not so lovely if github being paged.
@luffyke i don't think this will happen time and times. the issue is not design as an forum. besides, the AJAX load will be not so lovely if github being paged.
有从事Java行业开发的工作者吗,欢迎加入爪哇开发者技术交流讨论中心QQ super group:67844123
slayercat commented 24 minutes ago
seems there's an hint saying i'm submiting an empty comment even with content filled. is there a bug or out great tickethelper repo draw github down again?
seems many people has the same problem.for many reposts here. like @ryekee
me too, I was trying to comment on this issue yesterday, and just got the same hint as you mentioned
Yes, maybe u r right, but anyway, a 'go to top' button is good for user.
/cc @jnewland
@painsOnline Ajax-load is user experience too... and it make more pressure to server. The issues is never as many as here. still , as an Chinese, i'd like to say most Chinese here shames me.
@Kevin7777777 nima逼的, 我骂的就是你这样胡搅蛮缠的. 还真对号入座了. 是不是我说什么话你就调几个毛病啊, nima逼, 你个2货, 我这是纯骂人, 你挑挑看还有什么能让你成为证明你是正义一方理由的?
Hi jnewland, just remind that this issue discussion has no paging. Like in this one, all comments are in a same page, and this causes browser very slow, and might even crash if replies increase. So I suguest GitHub use some paging mechanism.
@HorseLuke 水的没有创意,同时,那群打小广告的,交友的,骂人的是怎么回事。
@HorseLuke 水的没有创意,同时,那群打小广告的,交友的,骂人的是怎么回事。