葵贞祥 ([email protected]),
简介: 在应用程序中添加日志记录总的来说基于三个目的:监视代码中变量的变化情况,周期性的记录到文件中供其他应用进行统计分析工作;跟踪代码运行时轨迹,作为日后审计的依据;担当集成开发环境中的调试器的作用,向文件或控制台打印代码的调试信息。
发布日期: 2002 年 6 月 19 日
级别: 初级
访问情况 : 22683 次浏览
1.1. 背景
1.2. Log4j简介
Log4j是Apache的一个开放源代码项目,通过使用Log4j,我们可以控制日志信息输送的目的地是控制台、文件、GUI组件、甚至是套接口服务器、NT的事件记录器、UNIX Syslog守护进程等;我们也可以控制每一条日志的输出格式;通过定义每一条日志信息的级别,我们能够更加细致地控制日志的生成过程。最令人感兴趣的就是,这些可以通过一个配置文件来灵活地进行配置,而不需要修改应用的代码。
本文介绍的Log4j版本是1.2.3。作者试图通过一个简单的客户/服务器Java程序例子对比使用与不使用Log4j 1.2.3的差别,并详细讲解了在实践中最常使用Log4j的方法和步骤。在强调可重用组件开发的今天,相信Log4j将会给广大的设计开发人员带来方便。加入到Log4j的队伍来吧!
2.1. 不使用Log4j
2.1.1. 客户程序
package log4j ; import java.io.* ; import java.net.* ; /** * * <p> Client Without Log4j </p> * <p> Description: a sample with log4j</p> * @version 1.0 */ public class ClientWithoutLog4j { /** * * @param args */ public static void main ( String args [] ) { String welcome = null; String response = null; BufferedReader reader = null; PrintWriter writer = null; InputStream in = null; OutputStream out = null; Socket client = null; try { client = new Socket ( "localhost", 8001 ) ; System.out.println ( "info: Client socket: " + client ) ; in = client.getInputStream () ; out = client.getOutputStream () ; } catch ( IOException e ) { System.out.println ( "error: IOException : " + e ) ; System.exit ( 0 ) ; } try{ reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader ( in ) ) ; writer = new PrintWriter ( new OutputStreamWriter ( out ), true ) ; welcome = reader.readLine () ; System.out.println ( "debug: Server says: '" + welcome + "'" ) ; System.out.println ( "debug: HELLO" ) ; writer.println ( "HELLO" ) ; response = reader.readLine () ; System.out.println ( "debug: Server responds: '" + response + "'") ; System.out.println ( "debug: HELP" ) ; writer.println ( "HELP" ) ; response = reader.readLine () ; System.out.println ( "debug: Server responds: '" + response + "'" ) ; System.out.println ( "debug: QUIT" ) ; writer.println ( "QUIT" ) ; } catch ( IOException e ) { System.out.println ( "warn: IOException in client.in.readln()" ) ; System.out.println ( e ) ; } try{ Thread.sleep ( 2000 ) ; } catch ( Exception ignored ) {} } } |
2.1.2. 服务器程序
package log4j ; import java.util.* ; import java.io.* ; import java.net.* ; /** * * <p> Server Without Log4j </p> * <p> Description: a sample with log4j</p> * @version 1.0 */ public class ServerWithoutLog4j { final static int SERVER_PORT = 8001 ; // this server's port /** * * @param args */ public static void main ( String args [] ) { String clientRequest = null; BufferedReader reader = null; PrintWriter writer = null; ServerSocket server = null; Socket socket = null; InputStream in = null; OutputStream out = null; try { server = new ServerSocket ( SERVER_PORT ) ; System.out.println ( "info: ServerSocket before accept: " + server ) ; System.out.println ( "info: Java server without log4j, on-line!" ) ; // wait for client's connection socket = server.accept () ; System.out.println ( "info: ServerSocket after accept: " + server ) ; in = socket.getInputStream () ; out = socket.getOutputStream () ; } catch ( IOException e ) { System.out.println( "error: Server constructor IOException: " + e ) ; System.exit ( 0 ) ; } reader = new BufferedReader ( new InputStreamReader ( in ) ) ; writer = new PrintWriter ( new OutputStreamWriter ( out ) , true ) ; // send welcome string to client writer.println ( "Java server without log4j, " + new Date () ) ; while ( true ) { try { // read from client clientRequest = reader.readLine () ; System.out.println ( "debug: Client says: " + clientRequest ) ; if ( clientRequest.startsWith ( "HELP" ) ) { System.out.println ( "debug: OK!" ) ; writer.println ( "Vocabulary: HELP QUIT" ) ; } else { if ( clientRequest.startsWith ( "QUIT" ) ) { System.out.println ( "debug: OK!" ) ; System.exit ( 0 ) ; } else{ System.out.println ( "warn: Command '" + clientRequest + "' not understood." ) ; writer.println ( "Command '" + clientRequest + "' not understood." ) ; } } } catch ( IOException e ) { System.out.println ( "error: IOException in Server " + e ) ; System.exit ( 0 ) ; } } } } |
2.2. 迁移到Log4j
2.2.1. 客户程序
package log4j ; import java.io.* ; import java.net.* ; // add for log4j: import some package import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator ; import org.apache.log4j.Logger ; import org.apache.log4j.Level ; /** * * <p> Client With Log4j </p> * <p> Description: a sample with log4j</p> * @version 1.0 */ public class ClientWithLog4j { /* add for log4j: class Logger is the central class in the log4j package. we can do most logging operations by Logger except configuration. getLogger(...): retrieve a logger by name, if not then create for it. */ static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger ( ClientWithLog4j.class.getName () ) ; /** * * @param args : configuration file name */ public static void main ( String args [] ) { String welcome = null ; String response = null ; BufferedReader reader = null ; PrintWriter writer = null ; InputStream in = null ; OutputStream out = null ; Socket client = null ; /* add for log4j: class BasicConfigurator can quickly configure the package. print the information to console. */ PropertyConfigurator.configure ( "ClientWithLog4j.properties" ) ; // add for log4j: set the level // logger.setLevel ( ( Level ) Level.DEBUG ) ; try{ client = new Socket( "localhost" , 8001 ) ; // add for log4j: log a message with the info level logger.info ( "Client socket: " + client ) ; in = client.getInputStream () ; out = client.getOutputStream () ; } catch ( IOException e ) { // add for log4j: log a message with the error level logger.error ( "IOException : " + e ) ; System.exit ( 0 ) ; } try{ reader = new BufferedReader ( new InputStreamReader ( in ) ) ; writer = new PrintWriter ( new OutputStreamWriter ( out ), true ) ; welcome = reader.readLine () ; // add for log4j: log a message with the debug level logger.debug ( "Server says: '" + welcome + "'" ) ; // add for log4j: log a message with the debug level logger.debug ( "HELLO" ) ; writer.println ( "HELLO" ) ; response = reader.readLine () ; // add for log4j: log a message with the debug level logger.debug ( "Server responds: '" + response + "'" ) ; // add for log4j: log a message with the debug level logger.debug ( "HELP" ) ; writer.println ( "HELP" ) ; response = reader.readLine () ; // add for log4j: log a message with the debug level logger.debug ( "Server responds: '" + response + "'") ; // add for log4j: log a message with the debug level logger.debug ( "QUIT" ) ; writer.println ( "QUIT" ) ; } catch ( IOException e ) { // add for log4j: log a message with the warn level logger.warn ( "IOException in client.in.readln()" ) ; System.out.println ( e ) ; } try { Thread.sleep ( 2000 ) ; } catch ( Exception ignored ) {} } } |
2.2.2. 服务器程序
package log4j; import java.util.* ; import java.io.* ; import java.net.* ; // add for log4j: import some package import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator ; import org.apache.log4j.Logger ; import org.apache.log4j.Level ; /** * * <p> Server With Log4j </p> * <p> Description: a sample with log4j</p> * @version 1.0 */ public class ServerWithLog4j { final static int SERVER_PORT = 8001 ; // this server's port /* add for log4j: class Logger is the central class in the log4j package. we can do most logging operations by Logger except configuration. getLogger(...): retrieve a logger by name, if not then create for it. */ static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger ( ServerWithLog4j.class.getName () ) ; /** * * @param args */ public static void main ( String args[]) { String clientRequest = null ; BufferedReader reader = null ; PrintWriter writer = null ; ServerSocket server = null ; Socket socket = null ; InputStream in = null ; OutputStream out = null ; /* add for log4j: class BasicConfigurator can quickly configure the package. print the information to console. */ PropertyConfigurator.configure ( "ServerWithLog4j.properties" ) ; // add for log4j: set the level // logger.setLevel ( ( Level ) Level.DEBUG ) ; try{ server = new ServerSocket ( SERVER_PORT ) ; // add for log4j: log a message with the info level logger.info ( "ServerSocket before accept: " + server ) ; // add for log4j: log a message with the info level logger.info ( "Java server with log4j, on-line!" ) ; // wait for client's connection socket = server.accept() ; // add for log4j: log a message with the info level logger.info ( "ServerSocket after accept: " + server ) ; in = socket.getInputStream() ; out = socket.getOutputStream() ; } catch ( IOException e ) { // add for log4j: log a message with the error level logger.error ( "Server constructor IOException: " + e ) ; System.exit ( 0 ) ; } reader = new BufferedReader ( new InputStreamReader ( in ) ) ; writer = new PrintWriter ( new OutputStreamWriter ( out ), true ) ; // send welcome string to client writer.println ( "Java server with log4j, " + new Date () ) ; while ( true ) { try { // read from client clientRequest = reader.readLine () ; // add for log4j: log a message with the debug level logger.debug ( "Client says: " + clientRequest ) ; if ( clientRequest.startsWith ( "HELP" ) ) { // add for log4j: log a message with the debug level logger.debug ( "OK!" ) ; writer.println ( "Vocabulary: HELP QUIT" ) ; } else { if ( clientRequest.startsWith ( "QUIT" ) ) { // add for log4j: log a message with the debug level logger.debug ( "OK!" ) ; System.exit ( 0 ) ; } else { // add for log4j: log a message with the warn level logger.warn ( "Command '" + clientRequest + "' not understood." ) ; writer.println ( "Command '" + clientRequest + "' not understood." ) ; } } } catch ( IOException e ) { // add for log4j: log a message with the error level logger.error( "IOException in Server " + e ) ; System.exit ( 0 ) ; } } } } |
2.2.3. 配置文件 客户程序配置文件
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, A1log4j.appender.A1=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppenderlog4j.appender.A1.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayoutlog4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r %-5p [%t] %37c %3x - %m%n | 服务器程序配置文件
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, A1log4j.appender.A1=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppenderlog4j.appender.A1.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayoutlog4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r %-5p [%t] %37c %3x - %m%n |
2.3. 比较
log4j.rootLogger = [ level ] , appenderName, appenderName, …
其中,level 是日志记录的优先级,分为OFF、FATAL、ERROR、WARN、INFO、DEBUG、ALL或者您定义的级别。Log4j建议只使用四个级别,优先级从高到低分别是ERROR、WARN、INFO、DEBUG。通过在这里定义的级别,您可以控制到应用程序中相应级别的日志信息的开关。比如在这里定义了INFO级别,则应用程序中所有DEBUG级别的日志信息将不被打印出来。
log4j.appender.appenderName = fully.qualified.name.of.appender.classlog4j.appender.appenderName.option1 = value1 …log4j.appender.appenderName.option = valueN
log4j.appender.appenderName.layout = fully.qualified.name.of.layout.classlog4j.appender.appenderName.layout.option1 = value1 …log4j.appender.appenderName.layout.option = valueN
public static Logger getLogger( String name),
static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger ( ServerWithLog4j.class.getName () ) ;
BasicConfigurator.configure (): 自动快速地使用缺省Log4j环境。
PropertyConfigurator.configure ( String configFilename) :读取使用Java的特性文件编写的配置文件。
DOMConfigurator.configure ( String filename ) :读取XML形式的配置文件。
Logger.debug ( Object message ) ;
Logger.info ( Object message ) ;
Logger.warn ( Object message ) ;
Logger.error ( Object message ) ;
Log4j项目主页------------------------------------------------------ www.log4j.org
Log4j FAQ ------------------------------------------------------- www.log4j.org/log4j/faq.html
葵贞祥,SCJP(Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer),具有7年国内国外知名企业工作经历,目前兴趣集中在对Java的C/S、B/S大型应用上,您可以通过 [email protected]和他联系。