w = w.replace('\u2013', '-'); // dec 8211, "en dash" or long dash, Ivona PL reads as "przecinek"
               w = w.replace('\u2014', '-'); // dec 8211, 'EM DASH', Ivona PL reads as "przecinek"
               w = w.replace('\u00A0', ' '); // dec 160, no-break space
               w = w.replace("\u200B", " ");  // dec. 8203, 'zero width space' (do not replace with empty, or we may get w empty and crash)
               w = w.replace('\u2019', '\''); // RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK (U+2019), mis-pronounced by Google TTS?
               if (w.charAt(0) == '\u2026')  // dec 8230 ellipses ... remove at start
                   w = " " + w.substring(1);
               w = replaceAbbreviations(w, loc);
