- Biztalk传统的从Oracle读取数据,一般通过NativeSQL TableChangeEvent 和Query3种方式.3种方式的特点各一,适合不同的需求.
There are two ways of receiving the data from Oracle - - both of which involve us Polling Oracle in order to get the data. One way is to use the NativeSQL SQLEvent method and the other way is to use the TableChangeEvent method. The SQLEvent method allows for more flexibility, however the format of the data that is received may involve more steps to process.
Here is a sample of what the data coming back from the TableChangeEvent looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <VTEMP_TARGET:TableChangeEvent xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:exposed="http://schemas.microsoft.com" xmlns:VTEMP_TARGET="http://schemas.microsoft.com/[OracleDb://RCVDBPSS/PSSUSR/Tables/VTEMP_TARGET]">
- <VTEMP_TARGET:UpdatedRows>
- <VTEMP_TARGET:EventRecord>
Here is a sample of what the data coming back from the SQLEvent looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <NativeSQL:SQLEvent xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:exposed="http://schemas.microsoft.com" xmlns:NativeSQL="http://schemas.microsoft.com/[OracleDb://EVTDBPSS/NativeSQL]">
- <NativeSQL:UpdatedRows>
- <NativeSQL:columnMetadata>
- <NativeSQL:columnMetadata>
- <NativeSQL:columnMetadata>
- <NativeSQL:rowData>
- <NativeSQL:columnData>
<NativeSQL:string>John Smith</NativeSQL:string>
Note that the TableChangeEvent includes the Column names with the data where the SQLEvent includes a list of the column names at the beginning of the data and then the data for each of those columns follows. In the sample data above, the events were processed against the same table – the TableChangeEvent data includes ALL of the columns in the table – including the ROWID information, where the data for the SQLEvent only includes the columns that I specify in my Poll statement. Furthermore, with the SQLEvent I am able to process a Post Poll statement where I can update a column so it will not be returned in another Poll - - with the TableChangeEvent my only option is to delete the rows that have been Polled.
Steps to use the TableChangeEvent:
In the BizTalk Manager – create a new application named OracleEvents
Right-click Receive Ports – choose New – One-way Receive Port…
Name it OracleRcvPort
Click on Receive Locations in the left pane
Click New… in the right pane
Name: OraRcvLoc
Type: OracleDB Adapter
Receive pipeline: XMLReceive
Click the Configure… button
Enter the Password, PATH, Service name and User name
Click OK to save the configuration
Go back into the configuration (click the Configure… button)
Scroll down to Managing Events – click in the text box and click on the … button
Browse out to the table that you will be getting the information from - - note – choose the actual table and not one of the methods under the table.
Click OK
In the configuration panel there is an option for Delete after poll - - set that value to True (although, for testing purposes you may want to leave it at False – that will mean that every time a Poll is done, the entire contents of the Table will be returned – for a production application you will not want that since it would mean that you would be processing records twice).
Note that there is also a Poll and Post Poll SQL Statement in the configuration – if you click on one of those you will notice it states that these apply only if using the NativeSQL SQLEvent method (which will be described later in this document).
Click on OK – OK – OK
Now you have the Receive Port prepared and are ready to create the BizTalk Application in Visual Studio.
Open an Empty BizTalk Application within Visual Studio – name it OracleEvents.
Go to the Properties for OracleEvents –
Common Properties – Assembly – Assembly Key File --- set this to a valid .snk file
Configuration Properties – Deployment – Application Name --- OracleEvents (the same name you created in the BizTalk manager where you created the Receive Port)
Click OK
Now go into Add – Add Generated Items…
Point to the Receive Port that was created – and go to the same table that you entered for the Managing Events entry – Click Finish
There will be an Orchestration and two .xsd files created – you can delete the tblname_obj.xsd file.
Open the Orchestration -
On the right port surface create a New Configured Port – name: ReceiveFromOracle
Make it a One Way port that will be Receiving messages and specify Port Bindings later.
Click on ‘Request’ inside of the ReceiveFromOracle port – in the Properties, set the Message Type to Multi-part Message Types – OracleEvents.TableChangeEvent
On the left port surface create a New Configured Port – name: ToDisk
Make it a One Way port that will be Sending messages and specify Port Bindings later.
Insert a Receive component into the orchestration – name: FromOracle Set Activate: True
Connect the ReceiveFromOracle Port location to this Receive Component
(Note – the message type will be Multi-part Message Types – OracleEvents.TableChangeEvent)
Insert a Send component after the Receive – name: SendToDisk
Connect SendToDisk to the ToDisk Port
Now compile and deploy the Orchestration. In the BizTalk Manager you will need to refresh the application and then configure it to point to the Oracle receive port and create a new Send port that uses the FILE adapter and writes to a folder.
Then start the BizTalk Application.
If there is any data in the table – it will be pulled down and you will see an xml document show up in the folder. If you did not state to delete the rows after a poll, then you will continue to see data pulled down every 60 seconds.
Steps to use the SQLEvent:
In the BizTalk Manager – create a new application named OraEvent2
Right-click Receive Ports – choose New – One-way Receive Port…
Name it OraSQLEventPort
Click on Receive Locations in the left pane
Click New… in the right pane
Name: OraSQLEventLoc
Type: OracleDB Adapter
Receive pipeline: XMLReceive
Click the Configure… button
Enter the Password, PATH, Service name and User name
Click OK to save the configuration
Go back into the configuration (click the Configure… button)
Scroll down to Managing Events – click in the text box and click on the … button
Open the top item (the name of your Oracle adapter)
Open the second item (the name of your ODBC connection)
Scroll to the bottom and highlight NativeSQL – click on the right arrow button
Click OK
In the configuration panel there is an option for Poll SQL Statement – here is where the SQL statement to be used for Polling should go – for example, my statement is:
Then go to the Post Poll SQL Statement – this is where you can issue the Post Poll statement which is only executed if the Poll statement was successful and no problems occurred in the Orchestration. My statement is:
Notice – this statement changes the entry so that I will not keep retrieving back the same rows when I poll the table. This way I can keep the rows to see what HAS been processed.
When the Poll statements have been configured, click on OK – OK
Now you have the Receive Port prepared and are ready to create the BizTalk Application in Visual Studio.
Open an Empty BizTalk Application within Visual Studio – name it OraEvent2.
Go to the Properties for OraEvent2 –
Common Properties – Assembly – Assembly Key File --- set this to a valid .snk file
Configuration Properties – Deployment – Application Name --- OraEvent2 (the same name you created in the BizTalk manager where you created the Receive Port)
Click OK
Now go into Add – Add Generated Items…
Point to the Receive Port that was created – and go to the same NativeSQL you entered for the Managing Events entry – Click Finish
There will be an Orchestration and three .xsd files created – you can delete the NativeSQLService_obj.xsd file.
Open the Orchestration -
On the right port surface create a New Configured Port – name: FromOracle
Make it a One Way port that will be Receiving messages and specify Port Bindings later.
Click on ‘Request’ inside of the FromOracle port – in the Properties, set the Message Type to Multi-part Message Types – OraEvent2.SQLEvent
On the left port surface create a New Configured Port – name: ToDisk
Make it a One Way port that will be Sending messages and specify Port Bindings later.
Insert a Receive component into the orchestration – Set Activate: True
Connect the FromOracle Port location to this Receive Component
(Note – the message type will be Multi-part Message Types – OraEvent2.SQLEvent)
Insert a Send component after the Receive
Connect the Send component to the ToDisk Port
Now compile and deploy the Orchestration. In the BizTalk Manager you will need to refresh the application and then configure it to point to the Oracle receive port and create a new Send port that uses the FILE adapter and writes to a folder.
Then start the BizTalk Application.
If there is any data in the table – it will be pulled down and you will see an xml document show up in the folder. Any changes made to the Oracle table where the data matches the Poll statement will be pulled down every 60 seconds when the poll occurs.
3种方式,其中能直接从Oracle适配器接受位置读取数据的,是SQLEvent 和 TableChangeEvent .
Note that the TableChangeEvent includes the Column names with the data where the SQLEvent includes a list of the column names at the beginning of the data and then the data for each of those columns follows. In the sample data above, the events were processed against the same table – the TableChangeEvent data includes ALL of the columns in the table – including the ROWID information, where the data for the SQLEvent only includes the columns that I specify in my Poll statement. Furthermore, with the SQLEvent I am able to process a Post Poll statement where I can update a column so it will not be returned in another Poll - - with the TableChangeEvent my only option is to delete the rows that have been Polled.
SQLEvent 能灵活处理查询语句,但是不能按表字段格式良好地得到消息.SQLEvent 能在接受位置执行Sql查询语句后,立即执行POLL语句,用于更新源表已经进入流程的记录等.
TableChangeEvent 能够得到良好格式的消息,但是只能删除源表已取得的数据.
实际使用中,可以结合SQLEvent 和Query构造流程,接收位置,使用SQLEvent 查询符合条件的记录数,比如
Select count(0) from table where a = ''
Tutorials: Using BizTalk Adapter for Oracle Database