pywebkitgtk - Python bindings for the WebKit GTK+ port - Google Project Hosting

Python bindings for the WebKit GTK+ port — — Readability


Python bindings for the WebKit GTK+ port



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Project Description

PyWebKitGtk allows Python (Gtk) developers to create software on top of the WebKitGtk rendering engine.

Screenshot of a sample web browser and Web Inspector:


Firstly grab the pywebkitgtk package from your distribution. If you want to build from source, follow the steps below.

That's it. As an extra step, you can try the demo browser by following this step:

$Snbsp;python demos/

If you have installed pywebkitgtk in a non-standard location (i.e. not in /usr or /usr/local), you might want to use the following:

$Snbsp;PYTHONPATH=/pywebkitgtk/install/path python demos/

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Need help on how to use pywebkitgtk? Got an idea and want to code it up? Then let us know!


