
原文在 这里,他们最初的版本使用了AJAX,但是还是选择了Flex,因为Flex的“portability and extensibility.”
"We started out with an Ajax front end. However, as we started to move towards larger and larger data sets, we found that it was difficult with Ajax. That's when we began to investigate Flex. After our first few experiments, we knew Flex was for us and we never looked back," Michael added. The Flex framework is a collection of classes, widgets, and effects. Flex provides two main benefits for Workday: portability and extensibility.
it's easy to see how ERP systems can have over 100,000 screens and forms. Keeping track and managing all those screens would be a nightmare. It is for that exact reason that Workday decided not to hard-code any of the UI for its screens.

Workday's system basically has three parts. There's the back end that keeps all the data and logic, called the OMS. Next, there is a UI server that makes requests to the OMS for data and then transforms the responses from the OMS into a homegrown description language. Lastly, there's the Flex application that interprets this meta-language and creates the screens on the fly. An easy way to think of the Workday application is that of a Flex virtual machine. The UI server gives the data and general layout in XML, then Workday's Flex app puts them both together to create a screen.

