[试译] C++ Primer Plus (Fifth Edition) - Introduction - part 2

C++ Primer Plus (Fifth Edition) - Introduction - part 2




The Primer Approach


C++ Primer Plus bring several virtues to the task of presenting all this material. It builds on the primer tradition begun by C Primer Plus nearly two decades ago and embraces its successful philosophy:

C++ Primer Plus 呈现了数个实质性的优点。它建立在有近20年传统的 C Primer Plus 之上, 并且沿用了它成功的哲学理念:


    • A primer should be an easy-to-use, friendly guide.


    • A primer doesn't assume that you are already familiar with all relevant programming concepts.


    • A primer emphasizes hands-on learning with brief, easily typed examples that develop your understanding, a concept or two at a time.

      一份教程应该着重于简短的动手实践, 容易输入的示例以便开发你的思维, 在同一时间只讲述1到2个概念。

    • A primer clarifies concepts with illustrations.


    • A primer provides questions and exercises to let you test our understanding, making the book suitable for self-learning or for the classrom.

      教程应提供相关的问题和练习来检测你的理解, 使这本书适合自学或者作为学校教材。



Following these principles, the book helps you understand this rich language and how to use it. For example:

按照这些原则, 这本书将帮助你理解这门丰富的语言并如何使用它。例如:


    • It provides conceptual guidance about when to use particular features, such as using public inheritance to model what are known as is-a relationships.

      在新特性上提供相关的指引, 例如在公开继承上以人际关系的模型作为讲解。

    • It illustrates common C++ programming idioms and techniques.



    • It provides a variety of sidebar, including tip, cautions, thing to remember, compatibility notes, and real-world notes.

      提供多种不同的边栏, 包括提示、注意事项、需要记住的东西、兼容性说明以及在实际运用方面的注意事项。



The author and editors of this book do our best to kepp the presentations to-the-point, simple, and fun. Our goal is that by the end of this book, you'll be able to write solid, effective programs and enjoy yourself doing so.

作者和编辑会进最大努力保持叙述的明确性、简洁性和趣味性。我们的目标就是在你学习完这本书后, 能够写出健壮的、具有实用性的程序, 并且享受这些乐趣。



Sample Code Used in This Book



This Book provides an abundance of sample code, most of it in the form of complete programs. Like the previous editions, this book practices generic C++ so that it is nor tied to any particular kind of computer, operating system, or cimpiler. Thus, the examples were tested on a Windows XP system, a Macintosh OS X system, and Linux System. Only a few programs were affected by compiler non-conformance issues. Compiler compliance with the C++ standard has improved since the previous edition of this book first appeared.

这本书提供了大量的示例代码, 大多数是以完整的形式提供。像上一版一样, 这本书使用一般的C++进行编写以便它不依赖于任何特定的计算机、操作系统或者编译器。因此, 这些示例代码已经在 Windows XP、MacOS 以及 Linux 系统上进行了测试。由于编译器间的差异, 仅有一小部分程序将会受到影响。自从上一版本出版以后, 编译器对标准C++的支持也得到了提高。



The sample code for the complete programs described in the book is available on the Sams website, at www.samspublishing.com . Enter this book's ISBN(with out the hyphens) in the Search box and click Search. When the book's title display, click the title to go to a page where you can download the code. You also can find solutions to selected programming exercises at this site.

书中的完整示例代码提供在 Sams 出版社的网站上, www.samspublishing.com 。在搜索框中输入这本书的 ISBN(不包括连字符)点击搜索, 当这本书的标题显示出来后, 点击标题进入到一个页面, 在这个页面上你可以下载到这些代码。同时你也可以在这个网站上找到一些编程练习题的解答方案。





wid, 2013.03.23



上一篇: [试译] C++ Primer Plus (Fifth Edition) - Introduction - part 1


