i cost 2 day to find this out,hope help someone .
the rails3 provide a way to custom the scaffold code
when i use rails g scaffold_controller admin/Product name:string to separate the backend code from frontend.
the crud code didn't woks well due to the generate code has some bug,it's only suit for
rails g scaffold Product name:string this Product is on the root level.
so i need custom the scaffold tempate
bellow is the detail:
put the attachment under lib folder and untar them
this code i have tested both suit above situation
-- lib
| |-- tasks
| |-- templates
| | |-- erb
| | | `-- scaffold
| | | |-- edit.html.erb
| | | |-- _form.html.erb
| | | |-- index.html.erb
| | | |-- new.html.erb
| | | `-- show.html.erb
| | `-- rails
| | `-- scaffold_controller
| | `-- controller.rb
i have hack the default template code suit for my situation,also i think this is a common way,may be rails3 need patch it as default