sqlalchemy soup raw sql update sql example

#!/usr/bin/env python
from sqlalchemy.ext.sqlsoup import SqlSoup
from sqlalchemy import *
import datetime
from elixir import *
db = create_engine("mysql://root:1111t@localhost:3306/search?charset=utf8")#使用前首先要创建数据库
metadata.bind = db
metadata.bind.echo = True
class Product(Entity):
    name                        = Field(Unicode(200))
    en_name    = Field(Unicode(200))
    price                       = Field(Float)
    en_price    = Field(Float)
    productid                   = Field(Unicode(200))
    site                        = Field(Unicode(30))
    link                        = Field(Unicode(300))
    smallImage                  = Field(Unicode(300))
    bigImage                    = Field(Unicode(300))
    description                 = Field(UnicodeText)
    en_description              = Field(UnicodeText)
    createdOn                   = Field(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.now)
    modifiedOn                  = Field(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.now)
    size                        = Field(Unicode(30))
    en_size                     = Field(Unicode(30))
    weight                      = Field(Unicode(30))
    en_weight                   = Field(Unicode(30))
    wrap                        = Field(Unicode(30))
    en_wrap                     = Field(Unicode(30))
    material                    = Field(Unicode(30))
    en_material                 = Field(Unicode(30))
    packagingCount              = Field(Unicode(30))
    stock                       = Field(Integer)
    location                    = Field(Unicode(30))
    en_location                 = Field(Unicode(30))
    popularity                  = Field(Integer)
    inStock                     = Field(Boolean)
    categories                  = Field(Unicode(30))
    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Global "%s" (%s)>' % (self.codepath, self.storepath)    
print "hello"
soup = SqlSoup(MetaData(db))
rp=soup.bind.execute("select id from model_product")
print len(rp.fetchall())
print "done"


SqlSoup works fine with SQLAlchemy's text block support.

You can also access the SqlSoup's engine attribute to compose SQL directly. The engine's execute method corresponds to the one of a DBAPI cursor, and returns aResultProxy that has fetch methods you would also see on a cursor:

>>> rp = db.bind.execute('select name, email from users order by name')
>>> for name, email in rp.fetchall(): print name, email
Bhargan Basepair [email protected]
Joe Student [email protected]

The docs for SqlSoup in the 0.3 branch are preserved at SqlSoup03. This page describes the 0.4 branch.


SqlSoup provides a convenient way to access database tables without having to declare table or mapper classes ahead of time.

Suppose we have a database with users, books, and loans tables (corresponding to the PyWebOff dataset, if you're curious). For testing purposes, we'll create this db as follows:

>>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine
>>> e = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:')
>>> for sql in _testsql: e.execute(sql) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS

Creating a SqlSoup gateway is just like creating an SQLAlchemy engine:

>>> from sqlalchemy.ext.sqlsoup import SqlSoup
>>> db = SqlSoup('sqlite:///:memory:')

or, you can re-use an existing metadata or engine:

>>> db = SqlSoup(MetaData(e))

You can optionally specify a schema within the database for your SqlSoup:

# >>> db.schema = myschemaname
