二、微软HTML5 Jump Start课程结构总结
Module1: HTML5 Semantic Structure(语义结构)
Module Agenda(议程): Semantic tags(语义标签), Forms, Audio/Video, Canvas, SVG.
Module2: CSS Selectors and Style Properties
Module Agenda: Selectors, Combinators, Color properties, Text properties, Box properties.
Module3: Advanced Layout and Animation(动画)
Module Agenda: Legacy(遗产) layouts(应该是对CSS3之前已有样式的回顾), Flexbox, Grid, Transforms, Transitions(过渡、转变) and Animations.
三、Module1: HTML5 Semantic Structure
1、Semantic tags: Semantic Via(通过) HTML5
Element | Level | Purpose |
<article> | Block | Indepent(独立的) content such as blog post or aritcle |
<aside> | Block | Content slightly related to primary content on page |
<figure> | Block | Grouping stand-alone content,such as video or image |
<figcaption> | Text | For use with <figure>,(optionally) uesd to provide(提供;规定) caption(标题;字幕;说明) |
<footer> | Block | Providing author,copyright data,etc. |
<header> | Block | Introductory heading,could include navigation |
<hgroup> | Block | For grouping <h1> to <h6> |
<nav> | Block | Navgation-typically site level |
<mark> | Text | Text to be referenced or highlighted |
<section> | Block | Grouping of content usually with a heading,similar to chapters |
<time> | Text | For date and/or time representation |
Name <input type="text" required /> Email <input type="email" required placeholder="[email protected]" /> Site <input type="url" placeholder="http://www.you.com" /> Phone <input type="phone" pattern="\d\d\d\-\d\d\d\d" />
Audio <audio src="some.mp3" controls></audio> <audio controls autoplay loop preload="auto"> <source src="some.ogg" /> <source src="some.mp3" /> Your browser does not support audio! </audio> Video <video src="some.mp4" controls></video> <video controls autoplay loop muted> <source src="some.webm" /> <source src="some.mp4" /> Your browser does not support video! </video> <video width="400" height="300">...</video> <video preload="none" poster="some.jpg"> ... </video>
<canvas id="can" width="200" height="200"> Your browser does not support canvas! </canvas> // JavaScript var canvas = document.getElementById("can"); var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,255)"; ctx.fillRect(10,10,180,180);
<svg width="200" height="200"> <rect fill="rgb(0,0,255)" x="10" y="10" width="180" height="180" /> </svg>