step 1, active the E-mail Transports in Admin Console,

step 2, configure a message type and make it a record in the profile table,
insert into msgtypes(msgtype_id,msgtdir,name,viewname,description) values((select max(msgtype_id)+1 from msgtypes),1,'EmailToFriend','EmailToFriendView','Email Content to a friend about what you want to recommand');
insert into profile(profile_id,store_id,devicefmt_id,transport_id,msgtype_id,usersview,lowpriority,highpriority,archivemsg) values((select min(profile_id)-1 from profile),0,-3,1,(select max(msgtype_id) from msgtypes),'N',0,3,0);
step 3, configure the struts,(here the forward jsp can be changed to a specific format jsp)
<forward className="" name="EmailToFriendView/10151/-3" path="/Test/TestOutput.jsp">
<set-property property="implClassName" value=""/>
<set-property property="interfaceName" value=""/>
<action path="/EmailToFriendView" type="">
step 4, Configure the access control for EmailToFriendView
insert into acaction ( acaction_id, action) values ( (select min(acaction_id) - 1 from acaction), 'EmailToFriendView');
insert into acactactgp (acaction_id, acactgrp_id) values ( (select acaction_id from acaction where action = 'EmailToFriendView'), (select acactgrp_id from acactgrp where groupname = 'AllSiteUsersViews'));
step 5, Customize SendEmailCmd to record data in msgstore table.
package com.petco.commerce.endeca.commands; import; public interface SendEmailCmd extends ControllerCommand { public static final String CLASSNAME = SendEmailCmd.class.getName(); static final String defaultCommandClassName= CLASSNAME+"Impl"; public void setMsgName(String msgName); public void setEmail(String email); public void setSubject(String subject); public void setSender(String sender); } |
package com.petco.commerce.endeca.commands; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SendEmailCmdImpl extends ControllerCommandImpl implements SendEmailCmd { private String msgName; private String email; private String subject ; private String sender ; @Override public boolean isGeneric() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return super.isGeneric(); } @Override public void setRequestProperties(TypedProperty reqProperties) throws ECException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.setRequestProperties(reqProperties); } @Override public void performExecute() throws ECException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.performExecute(); String methodName = "performExecute"; ECTrace.entry(ECTraceIdentifiers.COMPONENT_EXTERN, this.getClass() .getName(), methodName); //Test code segment begin // String email = "TestEmailContent"; // String userId = "-1000"; // CommandContext cmdClone = (CommandContext) getCommandContext().clone(); // cmdClone.setLanguage(getCommandContext().getLanguage()); // cmdClone.setLanguageId(getCommandContext().getLanguageId()); // cmdClone.setLocale(getCommandContext().getLocale()); // cmdClone.setStoreId(getStoreId()); // Messaging m = new Messaging("EmailToFriend", getStoreId()); // m.setConfigData("subject", "Email to friend"); // m.setConfigData("sender", ""); // m.setConfigData("recipient", email); // // TypedProperty prop = new TypedProperty(); // prop.put("userId", userId); // prop.put("email",email); // m.compose(null, cmdClone, prop); // m.sendTransacted(); //Test code segment end //Real code segment begin CommandContext cmdClone = (CommandContext) getCommandContext().clone(); cmdClone.setLanguage(getCommandContext().getLanguage()); cmdClone.setLanguageId(getCommandContext().getLanguageId()); cmdClone.setLocale(getCommandContext().getLocale()); cmdClone.setStoreId(getStoreId()); Messaging m = new Messaging(getMsgName(), getStoreId()); m.setConfigData("subject", getSubject()); m.setConfigData("sender", getSender()); m.setConfigData("recipient", getEmail()); TypedProperty prop = new TypedProperty(); prop.put("userId", getCommandContext().getUserId()); prop.put("email",getEmail()); m.compose(null, cmdClone, prop); m.sendTransacted(); //Real code segment end ECTrace.exit(ECTraceIdentifiers.COMPONENT_EXTERN, this.getClass() .getName(), methodName); } @Override public void validateParameters() throws ECException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.validateParameters(); } public String getMsgName() { return msgName; } public void setMsgName(String msgName) { this.msgName = msgName; } public String getEmail() { return email; } public void setEmail(String email) { = email; } public String getSubject() { return subject; } public void setSubject(String subject) { this.subject = subject; } public String getSender() { return sender; } public void setSender(String sender) { this.sender = sender; } } |