Netty的超时机制 心跳机制


  1. 技术点描述

  • ReadTimeoutHandler读取数据超时处理
  • WriteTimeoutHandler写数据超时处理
  • IdleStateHandler 状态空闲处理




  1. 实现方案

ReadTimeoutHandler,WriteTimeoutHandler, IdleStateHandler这三种方式都是通过在数据处理管道ChannelPipelineFactory的实现类里配置相关代码来实现。





  1. 参考源码包

Netty的超时机制 心跳机制

  1. 主要包

  • IdleStateHandler 空闲状态的处理代码




* Creates a new instance.


* @param timer

* the Timer that is used to trigger the scheduled event.

* The recommended Timer implementation is HashedWheelTimer.

* @param readerIdleTimeSeconds

* an IdleStateEvent whose state is IdleState.READER_IDLE

* will be triggered when no read was performed for the specified

* period of time. Specify 0 to disable.

* @param writerIdleTimeSeconds

* an IdleStateEvent whose state is IdleState.WRITER_IDLE

* will be triggered when no write was performed for the specified

* period of time. Specify {@code 0} to disable.

* @param allIdleTimeSeconds

* an IdleStateEvent whose state is IdleState.ALL_IDLE

* will be triggered when neither read nor write was performed

* for the specified period of time. Specify 0 to disable.


public IdleStateHandler(

Timer timer,

int readerIdleTimeSeconds,

int writerIdleTimeSeconds,

int allIdleTimeSeconds) {


this(timer, readerIdleTimeSeconds, writerIdleTimeSeconds, allIdleTimeSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);



  • ReadTimeoutHandler 读取数据超时的处理代码




* Creates a new instance.


* @param timer

* the Timer that is used to trigger the scheduled event.

* The recommended Timer implementation is HashedWheelTimer.

* @param timeoutSeconds

* read timeout in seconds


public ReadTimeoutHandler(Timer timer, int timeoutSeconds) {

this(timer, timeoutSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);



  • WriteTimeoutHandler 写数据超时的处理代码




* Creates a new instance.


* @param timer

* the Timer that is used to trigger the scheduled event.

* The recommended Timer implementation is HashedWheelTimer.

* @param timeoutSeconds

* write timeout in seconds


public WriteTimeoutHandler(Timer timer, int timeoutSeconds) {

this(timer, timeoutSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);



  1. 辅助包

  • IdleStateEvent 空闲事件的接口类




    * A ChannelEvent that is triggered when a Channel has been idle

    * for a while.

    * @apiviz.landmark

    * @apiviz.has org.jboss.netty.handler.timeout.IdleState oneway - -


    public interface IdleStateEvent extends ChannelEvent {


    * Returns the detailed idle state.


    IdleState getState();



    * Returns the last time when I/O occurred in milliseconds.


    long getLastActivityTimeMillis();



  • DefaultIdleStateEvent空闲事件的实现类
  • IdleStateAwareChannelHandler 处理空闲事件的接口.




    * An extended SimpleChannelHandler that adds the handler method for

    * an IdleStateEvent.

    * @apiviz.uses org.jboss.netty.handler.timeout.IdleStateEvent


    public class IdleStateAwareChannelHandler extends SimpleChannelHandler {



    * Creates a new instance.


    public IdleStateAwareChannelHandler() {





    public void handleUpstream(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelEvent e) throws Exception {

    if (e instanceof IdleStateEvent) {

    channelIdle(ctx, (IdleStateEvent) e);

    } else {

    super.handleUpstream(ctx, e);





    * Invoked when a Channel has been idle for a while.


    public void channelIdle(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, IdleStateEvent e) throws Exception {





  • IdleStateAwareChannelUpstreamHandler处理空闲事件的接口.
  • IdleState 定义了三种空闲状态的枚举类




    * An Enum that represents the idle state of a Channel.


    public enum IdleState {


    * No data was received for a while.




    * No data was sent for a while.




    * No data was either received or sent for a while.





  • ReadTimeoutException 读取超时异常类
  • WriteTimeoutException 写数据超时异常类
  • TimeoutException 读取数据和写数据异常类的父类


  1. Demo实现



  1. IdleStateHandler




bootstrap.setPipelineFactory(new TCPServerPipelineFactory());




public class TCPServerPipelineFactory implements ChannelPipelineFactory {



    public ChannelPipeline getPipeline() throws Exception {

        // Create a default pipeline implementation.

        ChannelPipeline pipeline = Channels.pipeline();


pipeline.addLast("idlehandler", new IdleStateHandler(new HashedWheelTimer(), 10, 5 , 0));


pipeline.addLast("hearbeat", new Heartbeat());

        pipeline.addLast("handler", new TCPServerHandler());

        return pipeline;





public class Heartbeat extends IdleStateAwareChannelHandler {



public void channelIdle(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, IdleStateEvent e) throws Exception {

        super.channelIdle(ctx, e);        

        if (e.getState() == IdleState.READER_IDLE){

             byte[] test = " ac0bce0490007050006".getBytes();

ChannelBuffer channelBuffer = ChannelBuffers.buffer(test.length);







//第三步, 实现方式2:在扩展SimpleChannelHandlerhandler类里,如下操作:

//记得注释掉第二步中的代码pipeline.addLast("hearbeat", new Heartbeat());


public void handleUpstream(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelEvent e) throws Exception {

if (e instanceof IdleStateEvent) {

     IdleStateEvent ise = (IdleStateEvent)e;

     if (ise.getState() == IdleState.READER_IDLE){

     byte[] test = "超时 ...".getBytes();

ChannelBuffer channelBuffer = ChannelBuffers.buffer(test.length);






super.handleUpstream(ctx, e);



  1. ReadTimeoutHandler




bootstrap.setPipelineFactory(new TCPServerPipelineFactory());




public class TCPServerPipelineFactory implements ChannelPipelineFactory {



    public ChannelPipeline getPipeline() throws Exception {

        // Create a default pipeline implementation.

        ChannelPipeline pipeline = Channels.pipeline();


pipeline.addLast("readTimeOut",new ReadTimeoutHandler(new HashedWheelTimer(),10));

        pipeline.addLast("handler", new TCPServerHandler());

        return pipeline;



//第三步, 在扩展SimpleChannelHandlerhandler类里,如下操作:



public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ExceptionEvent e) {


    if (e.getCause() instanceof ReadTimeoutException) {

     byte[] test = "超时 ...".getBytes();

ChannelBuffer channelBuffer = ChannelBuffers.buffer(test.length);



    } else {

logger.log(Level.WARN, "Unexpected exception from downstream.",e.getCause());



  1. WriteTimeoutHandler

