Yii::log($msg, $level, $category);
array( ...... 'preload'=>array('log'), 'components'=>array( ...... 'log'=>array( 'class'=>'CLogRouter', 'routes'=>array( array( 'class'=>'CFileLogRoute', 'levels'=>'trace, info', 'categories'=>'system.*', ), array( 'class'=>'CEmailLogRoute', 'levels'=>'error, warning', 'emails'=>'admin@example.com', ), ), ), ), )
• CDbLogRoute: 将信息保存到数据库的表中。
• CEmailLogRoute: 发送信息到指定的 Email 地址。
• CFileLogRoute: 保存信息到应用程序 runtime 目录中的一个文件中。
• CWebLogRoute: 将 信息 显示在当前页面的底部。
• CProfileLogRoute: 在页面的底部显示概述(profiling)信息。
/** * Initializes this application component. * This method is required by the IApplicationComponent interface. */ public function init() { parent::init(); foreach($this->_routes as $name=>$route) { //初始化从配置文件读取的route,保存在成员变量里 $route=Yii::createComponent($route); $route->init(); $this->_routes[$name]=$route; } //绑定事件,如果触发了一个onFlush事件,则调用CLogRouter的collectLogs方法 Yii::getLogger()->attachEventHandler('onFlush',array($this,'collectLogs')); //绑定事件,如果触发了一个onEndRequest事件,则调用ClogRouter的processLogs方法 Yii::app()->attachEventHandler('onEndRequest',array($this,'processLogs')); } /** * Collects log messages from a logger. * This method is an event handler to the {@link CLogger::onFlush} event. * @param CEvent $event event parameter */ public function collectLogs($event) { $logger=Yii::getLogger(); //调用每个route的collectLogs方法 foreach($this->_routes as $route) { if($route->enabled) $route->collectLogs($logger,false); } }
/** * Logs a message. * Messages logged by this method may be retrieved via {@link CLogger::getLogs} * and may be recorded in different media, such as file, email, database, using * {@link CLogRouter}. * @param string $msg message to be logged * @param string $level level of the message (e.g. 'trace', 'warning', 'error'). It is case-insensitive. * @param string $category category of the message (e.g. 'system.web'). It is case-insensitive. */ public static function log($msg,$level=CLogger::LEVEL_INFO,$category='application') { if(self::$_logger===null) self::$_logger=new CLogger; if(YII_DEBUG && YII_TRACE_LEVEL>0 && $level!==CLogger::LEVEL_PROFILE) { $traces=debug_backtrace(); $count=0; foreach($traces as $trace) { if(isset($trace['file'],$trace['line']) && strpos($trace['file'],YII_PATH)!==0) { $msg.="\nin ".$trace['file'].' ('.$trace['line'].')'; if(++$count>=YII_TRACE_LEVEL) break; } } } //调用CLogger的log方法 self::$_logger->log($msg,$level,$category); }
class CLogger extends CComponent { const LEVEL_TRACE='trace'; const LEVEL_WARNING='warning'; const LEVEL_ERROR='error'; const LEVEL_INFO='info'; const LEVEL_PROFILE='profile'; /** * @var integer how many messages should be logged before they are flushed to destinations. * Defaults to 10,000, meaning for every 10,000 messages, the {@link flush} method will be * automatically invoked once. If this is 0, it means messages will never be flushed automatically. * @since 1.1.0 */ public $autoFlush=10000; …… /** * Logs a message. * Messages logged by this method may be retrieved back via {@link getLogs}. * @param string $message message to be logged * @param string $level level of the message (e.g. 'Trace', 'Warning', 'Error'). It is case-insensitive. * @param string $category category of the message (e.g. 'system.web'). It is case-insensitive. * @see getLogs */ public function log($message,$level='info',$category='application') { //将日志信息保存在成员变量(数组)中 $this->_logs[]=array($message,$level,$category,microtime(true)); $this->_logCount++; //如果数组数量到了autoFlush定义的数量,那么调用flush方法 if($this->autoFlush>0 && $this->_logCount>=$this->autoFlush) $this->flush(); } /** * Removes all recorded messages from the memory. * This method will raise an {@link onFlush} event. * The attached event handlers can process the log messages before they are removed. * @since 1.1.0 */ public function flush() { //触发onflush方法,这时会触发CLogRouter的onflush事件 //参见上面CLogRouter的代码,会调用collectLogs方法 $this->onFlush(new CEvent($this)); //清空日志数据 $this->_logs=array(); $this->_logCount=0; }
/** * Retrieves filtered log messages from logger for further processing. * @param CLogger $logger logger instance * @param boolean $processLogs whether to process the logs after they are collected from the logger */ public function collectLogs($logger, $processLogs=false) { //获取日志记录 $logs=$logger->getLogs($this->levels,$this->categories); $this->logs=empty($this->logs) ? $logs : array_merge($this->logs,$logs); if($processLogs && !empty($this->logs)) { if($this->filter!==null) Yii::createComponent($this->filter)->filter($this->logs); //调用processlog方法 $this->processLogs($this->logs); } } /** * Processes log messages and sends them to specific destination. * Derived child classes must implement this method. * @param array $logs list of messages. Each array elements represents one message * with the following structure: * array( * [0] => message (string) * [1] => level (string) * [2] => category (string) * [3] => timestamp (float, obtained by microtime(true)); */ //processlog是由CLogRoute的各个route子类实现的 //例如数据库route用数据库存储,文件route用文件存储…… abstract protected function processLogs($logs);