SSRS 经验总结

1. 如何去掉由SSRS导出PDF中空白页的问题


原因:Body/Page Footer/Page Header中的控件(如Text Box,Table, Matrix等)与Report的右边界有空白,这种情况下SSRS会自动将此空白加到生成的PDF中,从而导致出现PDF空白页。




可以从Properties选择Report/Body/Page Footer/Page Header的查看PageSize/Size/Width等属性



2. 控件(如Text Box)由于文本过长等原因导致宽度大于Table/Matrix等控件 ,进而无法保持Table/Matrix等控件与Report的宽度一致。这种情况下,可以通过增加一个隐藏列在Table/Matrix等控件中,并且设置(或拖拽)隐藏列的宽度来保证控件与Report的宽度一致。这样做不会导致显示列的宽度变化,也可以消除PDF空白页的问题。



3. 隐藏Matrix列


如果是Row Groups的列,当选中此列,右键会发现Column Visibility选项是置灰不可用的,用其它方式hide列的话,会导致出现空白列。


解决方法:在Column Groups中添加此列的分组,并且重新从DataSet中拖入此列到Matrix中,然后选中此列右键选择Column Visibility选项

SSRS 经验总结



4. 设置Table/Matrix隔行不同背景色


Table BackgroundColor Expression:

=IIf(RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2, "PaleGreen", "White")



a) 先add一个Column Group 如下图:

SSRS 经验总结
 b) 设置Group by: 1

 c) 设置 Expression:

 =IIf(RunningValue(Fields!Client.Value, CountDistinct, Nothing) Mod 2 = 0,"PaleGreen","White")

 d) 设定需要变色的行BackgroundColor Expression:






5. 得到当前登录用户的ID









7. column排序

a) Column Groups中,点击右键选择Group Properties...

b) 选择Sorting Tab, 选择Sort by 列 及Order排序


8. Add total for each Group

In “Row Groups”, select child group to add total, then hide the parent group if not show it.

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9. Drill down for report
In “Row Groups”, select “Group Properties” on one group, set property as below:
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10. Export report into multiple work sheets in excel
In “Row Groups”, select the Group that has the page breaks, set property as below:
The “PageName” will be show as sheet name in excel.

SSRS 经验总结

Notice: Above is a new feature of SSRS 2008 R2.



11. Matrix :Repeat header columns on each page

选中需要repeat行,然后set by below:

SSRS 经验总结


12. Attempted to divide by zero

In general, you want a pattern like this to avoid division by zero:
=iif(B=0, 0, A / iif(B=0, 1, B))


You could also define a generic DivideXByY function in the custom code section of the report that uses IF-ELSE-ENDIF statements (instead of the IIF function call) to perform the division and avoid the DivisionByZero exception.


