String m = URLEncoder.encode("聶","iso-8859-1"); System.out.println(m); String g = URLDecoder.decode(m,"gbk"); System.out.println(g);
String mk = URLEncoder.encode("聶","gbk"); String i = URLDecoder.decode(mk,"iso-8859-1"); System.out.println("i = " + i); String ik = URLDecoder.decode(mk,"gbk"); System.out.println("ik = " + ik);
2010.06.08 补充添加:
In the Java run-time of the world, garbled generation (both compile-time generated here) exist in two places at source, in fact, that is what I have mentioned two functions (of course, sometimes the framework of which helped us a call a function, so you get is already uploaded by the network over a byte array converted to String a),
1. A kind of encoded files to another way to parse code to read,
this would certainly garbled, this is where we open a file when
the operating systemfrequently.
2. The wrong way transmission over the encoding of the byte stream decoding.
So, get the wrong unicode string.
3. And console inconsistent encoding of unicode strings correctly coded,
and sent to the console display. Will be garbled.