/* * 12306 Auto Query => A javascript snippet to help you book tickets online. * 12306 Booking Assistant * Copyright (C) 2011 Hidden * * 12306 Auto Query => A javascript snippet to help you book tickets online. * Copyright (C) 2011 Jingqin Lynn * * 12306 Auto Login => A javascript snippet to help you auto login 12306.com. * Copyright (C) 2011 Kevintop * * Includes jQuery * Copyright 2011, John Resig * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. * http://jquery.org/license * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ // ==UserScript== // @name 12306 Booking Assistant // @version 1.3.10 // @author [email protected] // @namespace https://github.com/zzdhidden // @description 12306 订票助手之(自动登录,自动查票,自动订单) // @include *://dynamic.12306.cn/otsweb/* // @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js // ==/UserScript== function withjQuery(callback, safe){ if(typeof(jQuery) == "undefined") { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js"; if(safe) { var cb = document.createElement("script"); cb.type = "text/javascript"; cb.textContent = "jQuery.noConflict();(" + callback.toString() + ")(jQuery, window);"; script.addEventListener('load', function() { document.head.appendChild(cb); }); } else { var dollar = undefined; if(typeof($) != "undefined") dollar = $; script.addEventListener('load', function() { jQuery.noConflict(); $ = dollar; callback(jQuery, window); }); } document.head.appendChild(script); } else { setTimeout(function() { //Firefox supports callback(jQuery, typeof unsafeWindow === "undefined" ? window : unsafeWindow); }, 30); } } withjQuery(function($, window){ $(document).click(function() { if( window.webkitNotifications && window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() != 0 ) { window.webkitNotifications.requestPermission(); } }); function notify(str, timeout, skipAlert) { if( window.webkitNotifications && window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() == 0 ) { var notification = webkitNotifications.createNotification( "http://www.12306.cn/mormhweb/images/favicon.ico", // icon url - can be relative '订票', // notification title str ); notification.show(); if ( timeout ) { setTimeout(function() { notification.cancel(); }, timeout); } return true; } else { if( !skipAlert ) { alert( str ); } return false; } } function route(match, fn) { if( window.location.href.indexOf(match) != -1 ) { fn(); }; } function query() { //query var isTicketAvailable = false; var firstRemove = false; window.$ && window.$(".obj:first").ajaxComplete(function() { $(this).find("tr").each(function(n, e) { if(checkTickets(e)){ isTicketAvailable = true; highLightRow(e); } }); if(firstRemove) { firstRemove = false; if (isTicketAvailable) { if (isAutoQueryEnabled) document.getElementById("refreshButton").click(); onticketAvailable(); //report } else { //wait for the button to become valid } } }).ajaxError(function() { if(isAutoQueryEnabled) doQuery(); }); //hack into the validQueryButton function to detect query var _delayButton = window.delayButton; window.delayButton = function() { _delayButton(); if(isAutoQueryEnabled) doQuery(); } //Trigger the button var doQuery = function() { displayQueryTimes(queryTimes++); firstRemove = true; document.getElementById(isStudentTicket ? "stu_submitQuery" : "submitQuery").click(); } var $special = $("<input type='text' />") var checkTickets = function(row) { var hasTicket = false; var v1 = $special.val(); if( v1 ) { var v2 = $.trim( $(row).find(".base_txtdiv").text() ); if( v1.indexOf( v2 ) == -1 ) { return false; } } if( $(row).find("td input.yuding_x[type=button]").length ) { return false; } $("td", row).each(function(i, e) { if(ticketType[i-1]) { var info = $.trim($(e).text()); if(info != "--" && info != "无") { hasTicket = true; highLightCell(e); } } }); return hasTicket; } var queryTimes = 0; //counter var isAutoQueryEnabled = false; //enable flag //please DIY: var audio = null; var onticketAvailable = function() { if(window.Audio) { if(!audio) { audio = new Audio("http://www.w3school.com.cn/i/song.ogg"); audio.loop = true; } audio.play(); notify("可以订票了!", null, true); } else { notify("可以订票了!"); } } var highLightRow = function(row) { $(row).css("background-color", "#D1E1F1"); } var highLightCell = function(cell) { $(cell).css("background-color", "#2CC03E"); } var displayQueryTimes = function(n) { document.getElementById("refreshTimes").innerHTML = n; }; var isStudentTicket = false; //Control panel UI var ui = $("<div>请先选择好出发地,目的地,和出发时间。 </div>") .append( $("<input id='isStudentTicket' type='checkbox' />").change(function(){ isStudentTicket = this.checked; }) ) .append( $("<label for='isStudentTicket'></label>").html("学生票 ") ) .append( $("<button style='padding: 5px 10px; background: #2CC03E;border-color: #259A33;border-right-color: #2CC03E;border-bottom-color:#2CC03E;color: white;border-radius: 5px;text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);'/>").attr("id", "refreshButton").html("开始刷票").click(function() { if(!isAutoQueryEnabled) { isTicketAvailable = false; if(audio && !audio.paused) audio.pause(); isAutoQueryEnabled = true; doQuery(); this.innerHTML="停止刷票"; } else { isAutoQueryEnabled = false; this.innerHTML="开始刷票"; } }) ) .append( $("<span>").html(" 尝试次数:").append( $("<span/>").attr("id", "refreshTimes").text("0") ) ) .append( //Custom ticket type $("<div>如果只需要刷特定的票种,请在余票信息下面勾选。</div>") .append($("<a href='#' style='color: blue;'>只勾选坐票 </a>").click(function() { $(".hdr tr:eq(2) td").each(function(i,e) { var val = this.innerHTML.indexOf("座") != -1; var el = $(this).find("input").attr("checked", val); el && el[0] && ( ticketType[el[0].ticketTypeId] = val ); }); return false; })) .append($("<a href='#' style='color: blue;'>只勾选卧铺 </a>").click(function() { $(".hdr tr:eq(2) td").each(function(i,e) { var val = this.innerHTML.indexOf("卧") != -1; var el = $(this).find("input").attr("checked", val); el && el[0] && ( ticketType[el[0].ticketTypeId] = val ); }); return false; })) ) .append( $("<div>限定出发车次:</div>") .append( $special ) .append( "不限制不填写,限定多次用逗号分割,例如: G32,G34" ) ); var container = $(".cx_title_w:first"); container.length ? ui.insertBefore(container) : ui.appendTo(document.body); //Ticket type selector & UI var ticketType = new Array(); $(".hdr tr:eq(2) td").each(function(i,e) { ticketType.push(false); if(i<3) return; ticketType[i] = true; var c = $("<input/>").attr("type", "checkBox").attr("checked", true); c[0].ticketTypeId = i; c.change(function() { ticketType[this.ticketTypeId] = this.checked; }).appendTo(e); }); } route("querySingleAction.do", query); route("myOrderAction.do?method=resign", query); route("confirmPassengerResignAction.do?method=cancelOrderToQuery", query); route("loginAction.do?method=init", function() { if( !window.location.href.match( /init$/i ) ) { return; } //login var url = "https://dynamic.12306.cn/otsweb/loginAction.do?method=login"; var queryurl = "https://dynamic.12306.cn/otsweb/order/querySingleAction.do?method=init"; //Check had login, redirect to query url if( window.parent && window.parent.$ ) { var str = window.parent.$("#username_ a").attr("href"); if( str && str.indexOf("sysuser/user_info") != -1 ){ window.location.href = queryurl; return; } } function submitForm(){ var submitUrl = url; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: submitUrl, data: { "loginUser.user_name": $("#UserName").val() , "user.password": $("#password").val() , "randCode": $("#randCode").val() }, beforeSend: function( xhr ) { try{ xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', {toString: function(){ return ''; }}); xhr.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'max-age=0'); xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8'); }catch(e){}; }, timeout: 30000, //cache: false, //async: false, success: function(msg){ //密码输入错误 //您的用户已经被锁定 if ( msg.indexOf('请输入正确的验证码') > -1 ) { alert('请输入正确的验证码!'); } else if ( msg.indexOf('当前访问用户过多') > -1 ){ reLogin(); } else if( msg.match(/var\s+isLogin\s*=\s*true/i) ) { notify('登录成功,开始查询车票吧!'); window.location.replace( queryurl ); } else { msg = msg.match(/var\s+message\s*=\s*"([^"]*)/); if( msg && msg[1] ) { alert( msg && msg[1] ); } else { reLogin(); } } }, error: function(msg){ reLogin(); } }); } var count = 1; function reLogin(){ count ++; $('#refreshButton').html("("+count+")次登录中..."); setTimeout(submitForm, 2000); } //初始化 $("#subLink").after($("<a href='#' style='padding: 5px 10px; background: #2CC03E;border-color: #259A33;border-right-color: #2CC03E;border-bottom-color:#2CC03E;color: white;border-radius: 5px;text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);'/>").attr("id", "refreshButton").html("自动登录").click(function() { count = 1; $(this).html("(1)次登录中..."); //notify('开始尝试登录,请耐心等待!', 4000); submitForm(); return false; })); alert('如果使用自动登录功能,请输入用户名、密码及验证码后,点击自动登录,系统会尝试登录,直至成功!'); }); route("confirmPassengerAction.do", submit); route("confirmPassengerResignAction.do", submit); function submit() { /** * Auto Submit Order * From: https://gist.github.com/1577671 * Author: [email protected] */ //Auto select the first user when not selected if( !$("input._checkbox_class:checked").length ) { try{ //Will failed in IE $("input._checkbox_class:first").click(); }catch(e){}; } //passengerTickets var userInfoUrl = 'https://dynamic.12306.cn/otsweb/order/myOrderAction.do?method=queryMyOrderNotComplete&leftmenu=Y'; var count = 1, freq = 1000, doing = false, timer, $msg = $("<div style='padding-left:470px;'></div>"); function submitForm(){ timer = null; //更改提交列车日期参数 //var wantDate = $("#startdatepicker").val(); //$("#start_date").val(wantDate); //$("#_train_date_str").val(wantDate); jQuery.ajax({ url: $("#confirmPassenger").attr('action'), data: $('#confirmPassenger').serialize(), beforeSend: function( xhr ) { try{ xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', {toString: function(){ return ''; }}); xhr.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'max-age=0'); xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8'); }catch(e){}; }, type: "POST", timeout: 30000, success: function( msg ) { //Refresh token var match = msg && msg.match(/org\.apache\.struts\.taglib\.html\.TOKEN['"]?\s*value=['"]?([^'">]+)/i); var newToken = match && match[1]; if(newToken) { $("input[name='org.apache.struts.taglib.html.TOKEN']").val(newToken); } if( msg.indexOf('payButton') > -1 ) { //Success! var audio; if( window.Audio ) { audio = new Audio("http://www.w3school.com.cn/i/song.ogg"); audio.loop = true; audio.play(); } notify("恭喜,车票预订成!", null, true); setTimeout(function() { if( confirm("车票预订成,去付款?") ){ window.location.replace(userInfoUrl); } else { if(audio && !audio.paused) audio.pause(); } }, 100); return; }else if(msg.indexOf('未处理的订单') > -1){ notify("有未处理的订单!"); window.location.replace(userInfoUrl); return; } var reTryMessage = [ '用户过多' , '确认客票的状态后再尝试后续操作' , '请不要重复提交' , '没有足够的票!' , '车次不开行' ]; for (var i = reTryMessage.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if( msg.indexOf( reTryMessage[i] ) > -1 ) { reSubmitForm( reTryMessage[i] ); return; } }; //Parse error message msg = msg.match(/var\s+message\s*=\s*"([^"]*)/); stop(msg && msg[1] || '出错了。。。。 啥错? 我也不知道。。。。。'); }, error: function(msg){ reSubmitForm("网络错误"); } }); }; function reSubmitForm(msg){ if( !doing )return; count ++; $msg.html("("+count+")次自动提交中... " + (msg || "")); timer = setTimeout( submitForm, freq || 50 ); } function stop ( msg ) { doing = false; $msg.html("("+count+")次 已停止"); $('#refreshButton').html("自动提交订单"); timer && clearTimeout( timer ); msg && alert( msg ); } function reloadSeat(){ $("select[name$='_seat']").html('<option value="M" selected="">一等座</option><option value="O" selected="">二等座</option><option value="1">硬座</option><option value="3">硬卧</option><option value="4">软卧</option>'); } //初始化 if($("#refreshButton").size()<1){ // //重置后加载所有席别 // $("select[name$='_seat']").each(function(){this.blur(function(){ // alert(this.attr("id") + "blur"); // })}); ////初始化所有席别 //$(".qr_box :checkbox[name^='checkbox']").each(function(){$(this).click(reloadSeat)}); //reloadSeat(); //日期可选 //$("td.bluetext:first").html('<input type="text" name="orderRequest.train_date" value="' +$("td.bluetext:first").html()+'" id="startdatepicker" style="width: 150px;" class="input_20txt" onfocus="WdatePicker({firstDayOfWeek:1})" />'); $(".tj_btn").append($("<a style='padding: 5px 10px; background: #2CC03E;border-color: #259A33;border-right-color: #2CC03E;border-bottom-color:#2CC03E;color: white;border-radius: 5px;text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);'></a>").attr("id", "refreshButton").html("自动提交订单").click(function() { //alert('开始自动提交订单,请点确定后耐心等待!'); if( this.innerHTML.indexOf("自动提交订单") == -1 ){ //doing stop(); } else { if( window.submit_form_check && !window.submit_form_check("confirmPassenger") ) { return; } count = 0; doing = true; this.innerHTML = "停止自动提交"; reSubmitForm(); } return false; })); $(".tj_btn").append("自动提交频率:") .append($("<select id='freq'><option value='50' >频繁</option><option value='500' selected='' >正常</option><option value='2000' >缓慢</option></select>").change(function() { freq = parseInt( $(this).val() ); })) .append($msg); //alert('如果使用自动提交订单功能,请在确认订单正确无误后,再点击自动提交按钮!'); } }; }, true);