If you want to access some blocked website in china, and you are using Ubuntu OS now.
just try these steps (I have done it successfully):
Step 1: Get Goagent
Download 'Goagent' via this URL:https://nodeload.github.com/goagent/goagent/legacy.zip/2.0
Step 2: Install Goagent(make sure you have installed python on your Ubuntu)
a) Install gevent: "sudo apt-get install python-gevent" (or "curl -k -L http://git.io/I9B7RQ|sh")
b) Upload your appid: "python /path/to/goagent/server/uploader.zip"
(If you don't have it, please check this InstallGuide page:https://code.google.com/p/goagent/wiki/InstallGuide)
Step 3: Add extension on your browsers.
a) add "Proxy SwitchySharp" addon in Chromium.(or autoproxy in Firefox)
b) then import this configuration: https://goagent.googlecode.com/files/SwitchyOptions.bak
Step 4: Slove “the site's security certificate is not trusted” error when try to visit twitter.com.
a) installing tools: "sudo apt-get install libnss3-tools"
b) importing CA to system: certutil -d sql:~/.pki/nssdb -A -t TC -n "goagent" -i /path/to/goagent/local/CA.crt
Step 5: Run Goagent
just use python command to start it: "python /path/to/goagent/local/proxy.py"
Step 6: Do everything you want.
For more information,please visit Goagent HomePage:
[1]. http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6f808e5101012mom.html
[2]. Goagent FAQ:https://code.google.com/p/goagent/
----have fun----