Core J2EE Patterns 2nd Editioin解读2


?J2EE Pattern (Presentation Tier Patterns)
  • Intercepting Filter

  • Front Controller

  • Context Object

  • Application Controller

  • View Helper

  • Composite View

  • Service to Worker

  • Dispatcher View


  1. 分析Intercepting Filter和Front Controller
    Intercepting Filter这一部分没有什么好说的,因为我们web项目运行在servlet容器时,我们的就可以天然的运用过滤器了。
    书中提到Servlet 2.3之后,我们用过滤器时可以提供一个基类TemplateFilter,它继承javax.servlet.Filter ,通过它封装基本的Filter代码。当其之类在调用它的时候就可以直接完成过滤前的操作和过滤后的操作了。(这是让仿佛让我想起AOP)

    ?1?? public abstract class TemplateFilter implements javax.servlet.Filter {
    2???? private FilterConfig filterConfig;

    3???? public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
    4?????? this.filterConfig = filterConfig;
    5???? }

    7???? protected FilterConfig getFilterConfig()??? {
    8?????? return filterConfig;
    9???? }

    11??? public void doFilter(ServletRequest request,
    12??????? ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)
    13??????? throws IOException, ServletException {
    15?????? // Preprocessing for each filter
    16?????? doPreProcessing(request, response);
    18?????? // Pass control to the next filter in the chain or
    19?????? // to the target resource. This method invocation is what logically
    20?????? // demarcates preprocessing from postprocessing.
    21?????? chain.doFilter(request, response);
    23?????? // Post-processing for each filter
    24?????? doPostProcessing(request, response);
    25???? }

    26???? public abstract void doPreProcessing(ServletRequest request,
    27???????? ServletResponse response) { }
    29???? public abstract void doPostProcessing(ServletRequest request,
    30???????? ServletResponse response) { }

    32???? public void destroy() { }
    33? }

    ?1?? public class LoggingFilter extends TemplateFilter {
    2???? public void doPreProcessing(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res) {
    3?????? //do some preprocessing here, such as logging some information about
    4?????? // the request before it's been handled.
    5???? }
    7???? public void doPostProcessing(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res){
    8?????? // do some post-processing here, such as logging some information
    9?????? // about the request and response after the request has been handled
    10????? // and the response generated.
    11???? }
    12? }

    Front Controller
    struts in action
    we see that the ActionServlet receives user gestures and state
    changes. Another way to say it is that the ActionServlet provides a centralized
    access point for request handling. This called the Front Controller pattern, and it is
    a key feature of the Model 2 approach. This pattern allows the centralization of
    code relating to system services, security services, content retrieval, view manage-
    ment, and navigation, so that application code is not endlessly duplicated or com-
    mingled with view content

????????? core J2EE pattern?
????????? Core J2EE Patterns 2nd Editioin解读2

???????? 因此我们可以想象struts通过封装ActionServlet类来进行Servlet的分发,对前端进行控制起到FrontController的作用。Action起着ApplicationController的作用。ActionMapping作为分发的作用。


