A little Language Utility stealed from killme2008's work :)

See original post by killme2008 from the following link


My post there

Good work, Thank you!

I modified yours, and make it a more flexible utility.

If you type translate.rb, it will show you help usage. Also I made it a little rubified, no html any more. Default is from English to Spanish, since my PC does not display Chinese. It can translate from any language to any other language google supported.

require 'net/http'
def usage
  "usage: word [lang2 [lang1]]\n" + 
  "Translate word from lang1 (default en, English) to lang2 (default es, Spanish)\n" +
  "ISO language code: http://www.unicode.org/unicode/onlinedat/languages.html"  
def translate
  arr = ARGV
  if !arr[0] then puts usage; return end
  arr[1] = "es" unless arr[1]
  arr[2] = "en" unless arr[2]  
  langpair = "#{arr[2]}|#{arr[1]}"    
  response = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse("http://translate.google.com/translate_t"),
                                 {:text => arr[0], :langpair => langpair})
  response.body =~ /<div id=result_box dir=ltr>(.*)<\/div>/
  result = $1  
  result = "No #{langpair} translation available for #{arr[0]}" if result.size == 0
  puts result

It will be a great utility to help me to learn Spanish, and compare the result from Spanish to French, I see they have the same Latin root!!!!

E:\2006_f\ex>translate.rb love
E:\2006_f\ex>translate.rb love fr

Thanks again!

I think it might be useful for others. Copy it here.
If it violates any rule of javaeye, do whatever you ought to do.

