Roman Guy的Android Trick系列文章笔记

Roman Guy是Android Framework的核心开发人员,从2009年开始,他在他的博客上发表多篇如何更好的开发android软件的文章(需要爬墙)。我的笔记的目的是把他这个系列的文章的核心内容总结起来。


第一篇.Faster Screen Orientation Change with Android

    由于Android运行在很多个硬件上不同的设备上,并且的它们的硬件配置在运行时是可以的。例如,你推开手机的键盘,那么屏幕就会从portrait切换到landscape。为了让Android应用开发更容易一些,Android OS自动处理了配置的变化并且用新的配置重启了当前的activity。这是一个默认行为。如果你不了解Android如何处理资源,强烈推荐你看官方说明


    文章介绍了一个很有用的Activity的api: onRetainNonConfigurationInstance(). This method can be used to pass an arbitrary object your future self and Android is smart enough to call this method only when needed.



public Object onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() {
    final LoadedPhoto[] list = new LoadedPhoto[numberOfPhotos];
    return list;



private void loadPhotos() {
    final Object data = getLastNonConfigurationInstance();

    // The activity is starting for the first time, load the photos from Flickr
    if (data == null) {
        mTask = new GetPhotoListTask().execute(mCurrentPage);
    } else {
        // The activity was destroyed/created automatically, populate the grid
        // of photos with the images loaded by the previous activity
        final LoadedPhoto[] photos = (LoadedPhoto[]) data;
        for (LoadedPhoto photo : photos) {


Be very careful with the object you pass through onRetainNonConfigurationChange() though. If the object you pass is for some reason tied to the Activity/Context, you will leak all the views and resources of the activity. This means you should never pass a View, a Drawable, an Adapter, etc. Photostream for instance extracts the bitmaps from the drawables and pass the bitmaps only, not the drawables. Finally, remember that onRetainNonConfigurationChange() should be used only to retain data that is expensive to load. Otherwise, keep it simple and let Android do everything.

也就是说,不要把跟Context/Activity绑定的东西传递过去,这样会导致memory leak。




     * Rotate specified Bitmap by a random angle. The angle is either negative or positive,
     * and ranges, in degrees, from 2.5 to 8. After rotation a frame is overlaid on top
     * of the rotated image.
     * This method is not thread safe.
     * @param bitmap The Bitmap to rotate and apply a frame onto.
     * @return A new Bitmap whose dimension are different from the original bitmap.
    static Bitmap rotateAndFrame(Bitmap bitmap) {
        final boolean positive = sRandom.nextFloat() >= 0.5f;
        final float angle = (ROTATION_ANGLE_MIN + sRandom.nextFloat() * ROTATION_ANGLE_EXTRA) *
                (positive ? 1.0f : -1.0f);
        final double radAngle = Math.toRadians(angle);

        final int bitmapWidth = bitmap.getWidth();
        final int bitmapHeight = bitmap.getHeight();

        final double cosAngle = Math.abs(Math.cos(radAngle));
        final double sinAngle = Math.abs(Math.sin(radAngle));

        final int strokedWidth = (int) (bitmapWidth + 2 * PHOTO_BORDER_WIDTH);
        final int strokedHeight = (int) (bitmapHeight + 2 * PHOTO_BORDER_WIDTH);
 // 宽高都是通过计算放大过的
        final int width = (int) (strokedHeight * sinAngle + strokedWidth * cosAngle);
        final int height = (int) (strokedWidth * sinAngle + strokedHeight * cosAngle);

        final float x = (width - bitmapWidth) / 2.0f;
        final float y = (height - bitmapHeight) / 2.0f;
        final Bitmap decored = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(decored);
// 最终的生成一个包含原有图片并且该图片之外的地方都是透明的的图片
        canvas.rotate(angle, width / 2.0f, height / 2.0f);
        canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, x, y, sPaint);
        canvas.drawRect(x, y, x + bitmapWidth, y + bitmapHeight, sStrokePaint);

        return decored;

第二篇:Android Layout Tricks #1


这个例子是以LinearLayout为例的。我们只要对比一下用RelativeLayout代替示例场景中的LinearLayout后,view tree中产生的变化,如图:






The layout pass can be especially expensive when you nest several 
LinearLayout that use the weight parameter, 
which requires the child to be measured twice.


 的确,在LinearLayout的源码中有相应的证明,参看LinearLayout#onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec)部分:如果child view的weight大于0,那么这个child view就会额外onMeasure一次。



I don’t understand why it was so complicated for you to do this. Just a simple FrameLayout with margins would work fine.




3. Android Layout Trick #2: Include to Reuse


Android带来了各种各样的widget(small visual construction blocks you can glue together to present the users with complex and useful interfaces)。尽管application经常需要更高级的可视化组件。一个组件可被看作是由多个简单的既有的wdget组成的复杂widget。譬如你可以重用一个包含一个滚动条和一个button的panel,等等。。


In Android XML layout files, each tag is mapped to an actual class instance (the class is always a subclass of View.) The UI toolkit lets you also use three special tags that are not mapped to a View instance: <requestFocus />, <merge /> and <include />. The latter, <include />, can be used to create pure XML visual components. 








既然如此,那么为什么我引用included views的ID后,在编译的时候会出现:“Unknown resource”。


IDs的声明和使用必须有正确的顺序。这跟你没有使用include是一样的。如果你要引用included layout里面的ID,那么你要使用@+id或者把把id声明在values/目录内。引用一个included layout外部的id,同样要使用@+id




4. Android Layout Tricks #3: Optimize, Part 1


The <merge /> was created for the purpose of optimizing Android layouts by reducing the number of levels in view trees.  文章通过一个示例来解释这个标记的功能。



a)<merge />只能被用作XML layout的root标记。

