Swing HTML显示组件

Java Swing本身没有提供好的html显示组件,而且也不能像SWT那样嵌入本地浏览器。



The List

HTMLEditorKit built in this is built into swing, so it requires no download, it has support for embedded swing components doesn't handle recent html or css2
ICEBrowser commercial active dev, mature, was in Netbeans, can be used as a light weight component
WebWindow commercial   one developer doc, no forums or tutorials
WebRenderer commercial active dev, makes use of native IE, Mozilla or Safari, provides full access to DOM, DOM events, and HTTP transactions, it is now a lightweight component
NetClue commercial supports XML/XHTML, SSL some problems with Javascript
Multivalent BSD decent HTML rendering no CSS support
JRex MPL supports Mozilla 1.4+, JDK 1.4+, nice docs hard to integrate in application, may not work on Mac
Java Extensible Web Browser open   alpha stage, HTML render is not good, no support for js or css
IECanvas open Can embed IE or Mozilla only as a heavy weight component
Grand Rapid commercial   ridiculous licensing
Jazilla open   barely supports HTML
NetBeans web browser open   stagnant since 02
Mozilla WebClient MPL gives Java control stagnant since Sep '03
Calyente open a java.net project spare support of HTML
HotJava Free from Sun supports Netscape 4.0 no src avail, no longer in development
NetPistuer GPL   no active development
WebKit embedded with CocoaComponent open Mac OSX only looks solid
JDIC Browser LGPL Uses native browser on each platform Mac support not there yet
Flying Saucer LGPL Pure Java Requires XHTML content
MozSwing LGPL,MPL,GPL Provides access to DOM and JavaXPCOM methods, code located at http://sf.net.projects/mozswing native component so overlapping embedding in a scroll pane is a problem
Native Swing LGPL Uses SWT, handles overlapping components on windows Uses SWT so it won't work on OSX until SWT is ported to Cocoa
JWebPane ? uses webkit, might be built into jdk7, lightweight not available yet, might only be available in jdk7
