Google新logo:谷歌logo-吃豆人(Pac-Man)30周年纪念,PAC-MAN 30th Anniversary

Google has unveiled a Pac-Man doodle to celebrate the game’s 30th anniversary. You can play the game on the Google homepage Photo: Google
PAC-MAN 30th Anniversary

Google新logo:谷歌logo-吃豆人(Pac-Man)30周年纪念,PAC-MAN 30th Anniversary吃豆子(Pac-Man)游戏发布30周年

今天谷歌logo被20世纪80年代的一款经典游戏——Pac- Man所取代,第一次在搜索引擎的主页上与用户交互,我想现在仍有很多的用户为了通关,而在谷歌主页上玩着这款游戏。

正如谷歌官方所说:这是首次的互动画像,以庆祝(纪念)Pac-man游戏发布30周年,谷歌说,Pac – Man的推出,标志着“一个流行文化重要时刻”的到来,并表示,通过谷歌首页上的这款经典游戏,网络用户重新燃起了对80年代游戏的怀旧之情。


A playable ... logo? That's exactly what web giant Google has today, in celebration of the 30th anniversary of Pac-Man's Japanese release. The doodle (Google's term for its event and holiday-specific logos) is accessible on its main page and is a full 255-level game complete with a 256th level "kill screen," just like the original coin-op.

The interactive doodle -- a first for Google -- is the brainchild of senior user experience designer Marcin Wichary, whose earliest exposure to Pac-Man came at age five while traveling across his native Poland with his father, a game technician, to repair arcade machines. Wichary worked with Google doodler (yes, it's a real job) Ryan Germick to create the finished design.

So, for today at least, you can tell your boss: "I may be browsing the web and playing a game, but I'm also being part of something historic."

This is Fun
Platinum_Skeet @ May 21st 2010 11:28AM
Yup now I can discretely play games at work...
skyblaze @ May 21st 2010 12:29PM
Google has just taken an immeasurable level in badass.
skyblaze @ May 21st 2010 12:44PM
also, I can't wait for the Crysis 10 year anniversary homepage in 2017
malintze @ May 21st 2010 5:38PM
sure it is!! my favorite game,
thanks google to share this today..
NaeemTHM @ May 21st 2010 11:04AM
God I love Google. I'm totally ok with them being our overlords in 2015.
Sled @ May 21st 2010 11:12AM
Click insert a coin to play 2 player
TC @ May 21st 2010 12:15PM
I predict the Google logo in 2015 will be a tiny port of Crysis.
Traceur_Ryuk Part 2 [PSNTwitter: Ryuk_shinigami] (Prepping for LBP2) @ May 21st 2010 1:04PM
TC, you do know that would be the equivalent of us having a playable version of Elder Scrolls IV, right? 2015 is only 5 years away
DemiurgicSoul @ May 21st 2010 1:32PM
I think he was making a funny. Lighten up!
Veko @ May 21st 2010 11:05AM
I don't care what mean things anyone has to say about Google. They're a very creative and cool company.

I just played it. The logo doesn't make for a great playing field, but it was still good old fun Pacman.
WINterfang ( Now with the power to piss you off ) @ May 21st 2010 11:11AM
Well you can't play Pacman on bing.
CaptainProtonX @ May 21st 2010 11:05AM
9010 points!
Sho Minamimoto @ May 21st 2010 11:15AM
I'm going to ignore that set up for a meme to gloat. I got 22020 points
BigDonny09 @ May 21st 2010 1:04PM
Vegeta, what does the scouter say about CaptainProtonX's power level?
Waffle Slayer @ May 21st 2010 12:39PM
Over 9000!?!!?
CaptainProtonX @ May 21st 2010 2:04PM
Took me a minute to get my Pacman groove.

BizarroPete @ May 21st 2010 3:20PM
27270 but I'm gonna have to stop there or I can see my self getting fired.
Rusty Jack @ May 21st 2010 4:00PM
21,480 on my first try.
Arkanaloth @ May 21st 2010 11:06AM
f'ing EPIC!!!!!!
Drake Lake @ May 21st 2010 11:05AM
"Hey guys, kill screen coming up at Mark's cubicle if you want to see."
Morisato @ May 21st 2010 11:13AM
Not just a kill screen, but also a firing because in order to get to level 256, you'll need to spend several solid and consecutive hours.
Bagels (@AlsoBagels) @ May 21st 2010 11:19AM
Hey guys, we got a googie-pacman killscreen, Mark's cubicle, coming up.
MLS @ May 21st 2010 11:52AM
"Mark's cube, pacman kill screen, just letting you guys know..."
Crashwithuhk @ May 21st 2010 12:32PM
"Hey in case you guys are interested, there's a Pacman kill screen about to come up in a few minutes."
TheLethalStuff @ May 21st 2010 12:38PM
"Hey guys, John's over here playing C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!
Bagels (@AlsoBagels) @ May 21st 2010 2:06PM
Marvin's home sick but he sent in a video cassette, how do we... how do we play this thing...
killdash9 @ May 21st 2010 4:42PM
I've been downloading assorted files referenced in the Google home page source code and hacking away to try to get the game to work offline. I liked this line I found in pacman10-hp.2.js:


Edit this, and you can see the kill screen whenever you want, maybe?
So far, I've gotten the game to work, but only without sound. The sound is stored in a swf file, which I've downloaded and to which references I've edited, but it still isn't working. I'll keep at it.
Alexisonfire @ May 21st 2010 11:08AM
If you view the background image of the game when it's running, you'll see the sprite sheet used.
phillypharm @ May 21st 2010 11:08AM

jpxdude @ May 21st 2010 11:11AM
Yep, I discovered it by accident when 'Inserting Coin' for the 2nd time! Works pretty well too, controlling MS Pacman with the WSAD keys
Sho Minamimoto @ May 21st 2010 11:24AM
Lol, playing 2 players by myself is pretty hard. I thought I'd be able to handle it with my extensive playthrough of the world ends with you.
jynxycat @ May 21st 2010 11:51AM
I managed to do a couple levels controlling 2 characters at once. Eventually the game caught up to me though o_O
Morisato @ May 21st 2010 12:13PM
The trick is to position one character right next to a power pill and mainly use only the other character. When you get in trouble, grab the power pill and post back up next to another pill.
HighFiveJesus @ May 21st 2010 11:08AM
damn, i pray for whoever sits here and plays all 255 levels in the google browser.

i like pacman ok, but it is about fun for 20 seconds and then i'm bored. just doesn't do it for me like Galaga.
WINterfang ( Now with the power to piss you off ) @ May 21st 2010 11:10AM
Awesome, first time I beat a Pacman game =D.
killdash9 @ May 21st 2010 1:50PM
. . . I don't believe you. Last I checked, it took at least 4 hours to reach the Pac-Man kill screen. It hasn't been that long since the doodle was put up at Google yet, and it's even an unfamiliar (and harder) board.

That aside, I think this is freaking awesome. My friend called me and asked if I had seen the Google front page yet today, and as I went there to see what the fuss was about, I heard the Pac-Man game start music come up from the other end of the call. Blew my mind when it loaded in my browser. Later, my mind was blown again when Ms. Pac-Man appeared, and even with her own game's sound effects!

I need to see some intermissions!
rayvin @ May 21st 2010 11:46AM
I love Pac Man! Woot! go Google!
gltovar @ May 21st 2010 11:15AM
works on android phones too (swipe with in the game to change direction)
Sam the Deaf @ May 21st 2010 2:27PM
it also work on my iPod Touch, too. But pretty slow... Not work on Palm Pre
shweta.gdp @ May 21st 2010 11:40AM
google and its doodle.......................i love it
barc0de @ May 21st 2010 11:17AM
Is that some HTML 5 Pac-Man?

PS: Click "Insert Coin" a couple of times (it's next to the google search button) for some 2-player Pac-Man/Mrs. Pac-Man action.
jsx92 @ May 21st 2010 12:08PM
No, it's plain-old HTML4.
sonicspike41 @ May 21st 2010 6:06PM
HTML5 only works in like 2-3 browsers at the moment, and even then, it's still in the early stages.

Hell, CSS 2.1 has been a standard since around 2001 and quite a few browsers are just now starting to implement everything it offers. CSS3 has been a "working draft" for quite awhile now and it's barely getting adopted (with proprietary rules, but still).

I'd be amazed if HTML5 was fully implemented (in at least Safari, Chrome, and Firefox) before 2015. I'd be happy, but surprised and amazed nonetheless.
StriderNo9 @ May 21st 2010 11:19AM
Freaking awesome. Two players same time, beat that Billy.
kanderhard @ May 21st 2010 12:18PM
Love it! Fun, nostalgic stuff.
Archon (PSN: Archonik, XBL: DarkARHN) @ May 21st 2010 11:20AM
Even works on the iPhone. Amazing
Unknown @ May 21st 2010 12:25PM
Works on muh Droid too! behold the power of HTML and Javascript
ordyne @ May 21st 2010 11:41AM
Anybody knows how to save this htm page for later playing on my computer?
na.khan42 @ May 21st 2010 7:37PM
