WAS 压力测试

1. 什么是 IIS 连接数(以 50 人在线为例):
a. 结束后正常端口,这些连接时按照瞬间计算的。
b. 50 个页面.
c. 在 B 的基础上,在线人数按用户最后一次点击以后的 20 分钟计算,在这个 20 分钟内不管用户如何点击,都算一个人在线.
d. 当你的页面内存在iframe,那么每多一个框架就要多一倍的在线 ! 因为相当于用户同一时间向服务器请求了多个页面。
e. 当用户打开页面然后正常关闭浏览器,用户的在线人数也会马上清除。

2. 改善 IIS 网站服务器效率:
(1).  启动 HTTP 的持续作用可以改善 15-20 的执行效率。
(2).  不启用记录可以改善 5-8 的执行效率. (主目录--记录访问)
(3).  使用[独立]的处理程序会损失 20 的执行效率。 ([应用程式保护]设定为[低(IIS处理程序)]时执行效率较高)
(4).  静态网页采用HTTP压缩,大约可以减少20的传输量。

Number of hits:测试间隔内虚拟用户点击页面的总次数。
TTFB Avg:从第一个请求发出到测试工具接收到服务器应答数据的第一个字节之间的平均时间。
TTLB Avg:从第一个请求发出到测试工具接收到服务器应答数据的最后一个字节之间的平均时间。
Number of hits vs. Users:随着虚拟用户的增加,服务器在规定时间内所能处理的总点击数;

你可以指定Stress level (threads)的值和Stress multiplier (sockets per thread)来控制对目标服务器的压力/负载程度。Stress level是

全部客户端所产生的Windows NT线程的总数。每个线程能产生多个socket而每个socket就是一个并发的请求。



General guidelines for using WAS

? As a rule, use between 10 and 100 threads. You will rarely have a need to run a stress test that requires more than 100 threads per client machine. Be sure to monitor the processor utilization on the clients. Anything below 80% should be OK. The client machine(s) may not be capable of sustaining the stress loads where the processor utilization is greater than 80%, at which point the test will become invalid.

? When adjusting the threads and sockets for a WAS stress test, use just one socket (stress multiplier) unless you are performing a special type of test. See the online help topic "Stress level vs. stress multiplier" if you require more information on this setting.

? Limit the number of users to less than 1,000 unless there is a specific reason that you require more unique users. Although the number of users allowable is only limited by the amount of memory on the client machine, you may find that it takes too long for a test to initialize when using a large number of users.

? Avoid creating scripts with more than 1000 script items. The number of scripts is only limited by the amount of memory on the client machine but you may find that it takes too long for a test to initialize when using a large number of script items.

->Stress level is the total number of Windows NT threads that are created across all of the clients. Each thread can create multiple sockets and each socket is a concurrent request. The following formula explains this relationship:

Total Concurrent Requests = Stress level (threads) x Stress multiplier (sockets per thread) = Total Number Sockets

Stress level vs. stress multiplier
