/在不引起混淆的情况下,IRC命令允许简写。例如,/join 命令可以简写为/j,/jo或者/joi。
更改昵称的基本方法是:/n(ick) 新的昵称
/nick 命令等价于工具按钮中的“改变别名”。
/join命令的格式是:/j(oin) 聊天室名
如果聊天室已经存在,您就进入该聊天室。此时,/join 命令等价于聊天室列表工具按钮中的“进入”。
如果聊天室不存在,您就建立了一个新的聊天室并进入。此时,/join 命令等价于工具按钮中的“建聊天室”。
/mode +(-)i
/mode +(-)i 命令可以用来锁住(解锁)用户自建的聊天室(私人聊天室)。其命令格式是:/m(ode)
+i 或 /m(ode) -i
/mode +(-)o
/mode +(-)o 命令可以让聊天室管理员赋予或者剥夺其他用户的管理员身份。其命令格式是:/m(ode)
+o 用户昵称或/m(ode)-o用户昵称只有聊天室管理员才能使用这个命令。
/knock 命令可以让您询问私人聊天室管理员是否可以进入该私人聊天室。其命令格式是:/k(nock) 房间名
/invite 命令可以让聊天室管理员邀请其他用户进入私人聊天室。其命令格式是:/i(nvite) 用户昵称
/privmsg 命令用来向在同一间聊天室的某个用户发送私人消息(悄悄话)。也就是说,您的消息只送给指定的人,而不会显示给其他用户。
/privmsg 命令的基本格式是: /p(rivmsg) 用户昵称 消息
/p s Have you etanged today?
/ignore 命令用来把某个用户加入您的“坏人黑名单”。一旦某个用户进入了您的黑名单,他说的任何话都将不会显示在您的终端上。
/ignore 命令的基本格式是:/ig(nore) 用户昵称
/ignore 命令等价于用户列表工具按钮中的“忽略”。
如果一个用户已经在您的黑名单中,您可以用 /ignore 用户昵称 把他从黑名单中去掉。
/away 命令用来把自己设为“暂时离开”状态,并可以留言给其他用户。当其他用户和您说悄悄话时,您预先设置的留言会自动回复给其他用户。
/away 命令的基本格式是:/a(way) [留言]
当您回来继续聊天时,您可以点击工具按钮中的“我回来了”,或者在输入框里输入 /away 命令,将自己设置为正常状态。
/away 命令等价于工具按钮中的“暂时离开”
/whois 命令用来查询某个用户的信息,包括用户的亿唐ID,IP地址,目前所在的聊天室和发呆时间。
/whois 命令的基本格式是:/w(hois) 用户昵称
/names 命令用来查看当前所有(或某个聊天室内)的在线聊天用户。其命令格式是:/na(mes) [聊天室]
/topic 命令用来设定当前聊天室的主题。
/topic 命令的基本格式是:/t(opic) 聊天室主题
管理员权限可以通过 /mode +o 命令转交。
/kick 命令用来把某个用户踢出当前聊天室。
/kick 命令的基本格式是:/ki(ck) 用户昵称 [消息]
管理员权限可以通过/mode +o命令转交。
/quit 命令用来退出聊天室。
/quit 命令的基本格式是:/q(uit) [消息]
/quit 命令等价于工具按钮中的“结束聊天”
IRC常用命令列表 |
SECTION 1 | Fish Photo Cap 常 用 基 本 命 令 命令用途说明 命 令 使 用 举 例
林桃子67的房间 123456 我是桃子67我怕谁
O | |||
IRC 是 Internet Relay Chat 的缩写,Relay 是“中继,转发”之意,就是说,IRC 是通过网络来转发聊天内容的工具。 IRC 支持一对一的私聊,也支持多对多的群聊。IRC 采用 服务器-客户端 架构,用户需要运行一个客户端程序来进入 IRC 网络。 用户进入 IRC 是不需要注册的,只要你选择的昵称(Nick)当前没有被别人使用,你就可以进入 IRC 网络。 你退出后,你的昵称可以被别人使用。 IRC 完全是命令驱动的,服务端与服务端之间,客户端与服务端之间通过发送和接受命令来完成 IRC 的各种功能。 IRC 的协议是开放的,它不属于任何公司。IRC 网络的使用是完全免费的(尽管Windows下的客户端是收费的)。 IRC 是纯文本的通信,服务器不支持任何语音和视频功能。
一个 IRC 网络是由一个或多个服务器互相连接而成的,服务器之间的连接采用树型结构,组成 IRC 网络的骨架。 任意两个服务器之间,有且仅有一条路径。IRC 上的消息沿着这些路径传播。 客户端只需要连接到这个 IRC 网络上的任意一个服务器,就可以与这个 IRC 网络上的所有其它客户端通信了。 绝大多数 IRC 服务端程序是运行在 Unix/Linux 上的,只有少数运行在 Windows 上。 Unix/Linux 上的 IRC 服务端程序都是开源的。
参与 IRC 聊天的人必须运行一个客户端程序,连接到一个 IRC 服务器上,才能与其他用户聊天。 客户端程序向用户提供友好的界面,充当客户与 IRC 网络之间的桥梁。 Windows 下最著名的 IRC 客户端程序是 mIRC ,它已经基本成为 IRC 客户端的标准。 Linux 下常用的 IRC 客户端程序有 图形界面的 xChat 和 命令行界面的 irssi。
IRC 里的聊天室被称作 频道(Channel)。频道里至少有一个用户。 频道可以有一个主题,可以有管理员,可以上锁,可以隐藏。 频道不需要注册,而且是动态生成的:第一个进入频道的用户就自动创建了该频道; 当最后一个用户离开频道时,频道即被删除。
由于 IRC 服务器并不提供昵称和频道的注册,而有时候人们确实希望拥有一个固定的昵称,管理一个固定的频道, 怎么办呢?于是就有了 IRC Services 。Services 是拥有特殊权限的客户端,执行各种管理职能, 例如昵称的注册和注销,密码的验证,频道的注册和注销等等。 需要说明的是,Services并不负责频道的创建和删除,Services只是在频道被创建时,恢复上次保存的频道设置。
IRC 是一个历史悠久的老古董了。 它于1988年诞生于芬兰的 Oulu 大学,出自 Jarkko Oikarinen 之手。 其时正值国际互联网起步之际,IRC 在欧美的高校间迅速壮大,连接成一个巨大的聊天网络。 随后由于设计理念和解决方案的不同,逐渐分裂成多个 IRC 网络。 参考http://daniel.haxx.se/irchistory.html。 如今,由于各种原因,IRC 已经远不如各种即时消息类的聊天应用那么流行。有人说 IRC 正逐渐退出国际互联网的舞台。
不同的服务端软件,不同的客户端软件,都有不同的命令。这里只介绍常用的一些命令。 客户端软件通常把以斜线“/”开头的语句当作命令处理。
服务端命令由 IRC 服务器负责解释和执行。以下为RFC1459所定义的命令,这些命令被所有的服务端软件所支持。
不同的IRC网络有不同的 Services,有的IRC网络没有任何 Services。以下只列出常见的 ChanServ, NickServ 命令。
不要AA, 不要BB, ..., 不要YY, 不要ZZ,总之不要妨碍他人。
起初,即时消息软件使用UDP协议,只支持一对一的私聊和有限的群聊功能。IRC 使用TCP协议。 因此 IRC 类似打电话 而 即时消息软件 类似发短信。后来,即时消息软件在商业驱动下有长足的发展,功能日益丰富, 用户数量大增,各方面都远远超过了 IRC 的软件。
ChanServ gives normal users the ability to maintain control of a channel, without the need of a bot. Channel takeovers are virtually impossible when a channel is registered with ChanServ. Registration is a quick and painless process. Once registered, the founder can maintain complete and total control over the channel. Please note that channels will expire if there are no eligible channel successors. Successors are primarily those who have the +R flag set on their account in the channel, although other people may be chosen depending on their access level and activity.
For more information on a command, type:
/msg ChanServ help <command>
For a verbose listing of all commands, type:
/msg ChanServ help commands
Help | Flags | Access | Akick |
Taxonomy | Getkey | Unban | Op|DeOp|Voice|DeVoice |
Template | Recover | Topic | Topicprepend |
Register | Drop | Set | Quiet |
Info | Invite | Why | Clear |
Count | Status | Topicappend | Unquiet |
HELP displays help information on all commands in services.
Syntax: HELP <command> [parameters]
REGISTER allows you to register a channel so that you have better control. Registration allows you to maintain a channel access list and other functions that are normally provided by IRC bots.
Syntax: REGISTER <#channel>
/msg ChanServ REGISTER #atheme
The FLAGS command allows for the granting/removal of channel privileges on a more specific, non-generalized level. It supports both nicknames and hostmasks as targets.
When only the channel argument is given, a listing of permissions granted to users will be displayed.
Syntax: FLAGS <#channel>
Otherwise, an access entry is modified. A modification may be specified by a template name (changes the access to the template) or a flags change (starts with + or -). See the TEMPLATE help entry for more information about templates.
If you are not a founder, you may only manipulate flags you have yourself, and may not edit users that have flags you don't have. For this purpose, +v grants +V, +h grants +H, +o grants +O and +r grants +b.
If you do not have +f you may still remove your own access with -*.
Syntax: FLAGS <#channel> [nickname|hostmask template]
Syntax: FLAGS <#channel> [nickname|hostmask flag_changes]
+v - Enables use of the voice/devoice commands.
+V - Enables automatic voice.
+o - Enables use of the op/deop commands.
+O - Enables automatic op.
+s - Enables use of the set command.
+i - Enables use of the invite and getkey commands.
+r - Enables use of the kick, ban, and kickban commands.
+R - Enables use of the recover and clear commands.
+f - Enables modification of channel access lists.
+t - Enables use of the topic and topicappend commands.
+A - Enables viewing of channel access lists.
+F - Grants full founder access.
+b - Enables automatic kickban.
The special permission +* adds all permissions except +b and +F.
The special permission -* removes all permissions including +b and +F.
/msg ChanServ FLAGS #foo
/msg ChanServ FLAGS #foo foo!*@bar.com VOP
/msg ChanServ FLAGS #foo foo!*@bar.com -V+oO
/msg ChanServ FLAGS #foo foo!*@bar.com -*
/msg ChanServ FLAGS #foo foo +oOtsi
/msg ChanServ FLAGS #foo TroubleUser!*@*.troubleisp.net +b
DROP allows you to "unregister" a registered channel.
Once you DROP a channel all of the data associated with it (access lists, etc) are removed and cannot be restored.
See help on SET FOUNDER and FLAGS for transferring a channel to another user.
Syntax: DROP <#channel>
/msg ChanServ DROP #foo
The ACCESS command allows displaying and changing privileges on channels.
The LIST subcommand displays a list of users and their privileges.
Syntax: ACCESS <#channel> LIST
The ADD subcommand adds a user to the access list or changes their privileges if they were already on the access list.
If the level field is specified, it specifies the privileges to grant, see the FLAGS and TEMPLATE help files. If not, the user will be given privileges appropriate for day-to-day management of the channel.
Syntax: ACCESS <#channel> ADD <nickname> [level]
The DEL subcommand removes a user from the access list.
Syntax: ACCESS <#channel> DEL <nickname>
/msg ChanServ ACCESS #foo LIST
/msg ChanServ ACCESS #foo ADD bar OP
/msg ChanServ ACCESS #foo DEL bar
SET allows you to set various control flags for channels that change the way certain operations are performed on them.
For more specific help use /msg ChanServ HELP SET command.
The following subcommands are available:
SET FOUNDER allows you to set a new founder of the channel. The new founder has to execute the same command to confirm the transfer.
Syntax: SET <#channel> FOUNDER <newnick>
If the new founder has not yet confirmed the transfer, you can cancel it by specifying your own nick as the new founder.
Syntax: SET <#channel> FOUNDER <yournick>
/msg ChanServ SET #foo FOUNDER bar
MLOCK (or "mode lock") allows you to enforce a set of modes on a channel. This can prevent abuse in cases such as +kl. It can also make it harder to fight evil bots, be careful. Locked modes can be seen by anyone recreating the channel (this includes keys).
Syntax: SET <#channel> MLOCK <modes>
(some may use modes your ircd does not support)
/msg ChanServ SET #foo MLOCK +nt-lk
/msg ChanServ SET #foo MLOCK +inst-kl
/msg ChanServ SET #c MLOCK +ntk c
/msg ChanServ SET #foo MLOCK +ntcjf-kl 2:30 #overflow
/msg ChanServ SET #overflow MLOCK +mntF-kljf
/msg ChanServ SET #foo1 MLOCK +ntlL 40 #foo2
/msg ChanServ SET #foo MLOCK OFF
SET TOPICLOCK causes ChanServ to revert topic changes by users without the +t flag. Topic changes during netsplits or services outages will always be reverted.
TOPICLOCK requires KEEPTOPIC and will automatically enable it; disabling KEEPTOPIC will disable TOPICLOCK also.
Syntax: SET <#channel> TOPICLOCK ON|OFF
/msg ChanServ SET #foo TOPICLOCK ON
SET KEEPTOPIC enables restoration of the old topic after the channel has become empty. In some cases, it may revert topic changes after netsplits or services outages, so it is not recommended to turn this on if your channel tends to never empty.
Syntax: SET <#channel> KEEPTOPIC ON|OFF
/msg ChanServ SET #foo KEEPTOPIC ON
SET PRIVATE hides various information about the channel from other users.
Syntax: SET <#channel> PRIVATE ON|OFF
/msg ChanServ SET #foo PRIVATE ON
SET SECURE prevents anyone that's not on the channel's access lists from gaining operator or halfop status on the channel. This is useful if you're paranoid.
Syntax: SET <#channel> SECURE ON|OFF
/msg ChanServ SET #foo SECURE ON
SET ENTRYMSG allows you to change or set a message sent to all users joining the channel. Specify a <message> of NONE to clear the message.
Syntax: SET <#channel> ENTRYMSG <message>
/msg ChanServ SET #support ENTRYMSG Welcome to #support. Please do not paste more than 5 lines.
SET EMAIL allows you to change or set the email address associated with a channel. This is shown to all users in INFO.
Syntax: SET <#channel> EMAIL <email>
Using the command in this way results in an email address being associated with the channel.
/msg ChanServ SET #chat EMAIL [email protected]
Syntax: SET <#channel> EMAIL NONE
Using the command in this way results in an email address being removed from the channel.
/msg ChanServ SET #chat EMAIL none
SET URL allows you to change or set the URL associated with a channel. This is shown to all users joining the channel. Specify an <url> of NONE to clear the URL.
Syntax: SET <#channel> URL <url>
/msg ChanServ SET #chat URL http://slashdot.org
SET GUARD allows you to have ChanServ join your channel. Fantasy commands will only work if this is enabled.
Syntax: SET <#channel> GUARD ON|OFF
/msg ChanServ SET #atheme GUARD ON
SET VERBOSE ON sends a notice to the channel when someone makes changes to the access lists.
SET VERBOSE OPS sends a notice to the channel operators when someone makes changes to the access lists.
Fantasy commands are always executed as if SET VERBOSE ON is in effect.
Syntax: SET <#channel> VERBOSE ON|OPS|OFF
/msg ChanServ SET #foo VERBOSE ON
SET PROPERTY manipulates metadata associated with a channel.
To delete a metadata entry, specify the name and leave the value blank.
Syntax: SET <#channel> PROPERTY <name> [value]
/msg ChanServ SET #atheme PROPERTY URL http://www.atheme.org/
The AKICK command allows you to maintain channel ban lists. Users on the AKICK list will be automatically kickbanned when they join the channel, removing any matching ban exceptions first. Users with the +r flag are exempt.
You may also specify a hostmask (nick!user@host) for the AKICK list.
Removing an entry from the AKICK list will not remove any channel bans placed by it.
The reason is used when kicking and is visible in AKICK LIST. If the reason contains a '|' character, everything after it does not appear in kick reasons but does appear in AKICK LIST.
Syntax: AKICK <#channel> ADD|DEL|LIST <nickname|hostmask> [reason]
/msg ChanServ AKICK #foo ADD bar you are annoying | private op info
/msg ChanServ AKICK #foo ADD *!*[email protected]
/msg ChanServ AKICK #foo DEL bar
/msg ChanServ AKICK #foo LIST
The taxonomy command lists metadata information associated with registered channels.
/msg ChanServ TAXONOMY #atheme
INFO displays channel information such as registration time, flags, and other details.
Syntax: INFO <#channel>
/msg ChanServ INFO #foo
GETKEY returns the key (+k, password to be allowed in) of the specified channel: /join #channel key
Syntax: GETKEY <#channel>
/msg ChanServ GETKEY #foo
INVITE requests services to invite you to the specified channel. This is useful if you use the +i channel mode.
Syntax: INVITE <#channel>
/msg ChanServ INVITE #foo
These commands perform status mode changes on a channel.
If you perform an operation on another user, they will be notified that you did it.
If the last parameter is omitted the action is performed on the person requesting the command.
Syntax: OP|DEOP <#channel> [nickname]
Syntax: VOICE|DEVOICE <#channel> [nickname]
/msg ChanServ OP #foo bar
/msg ChanServ DEVOICE #foo
The WHY command shows the access entries an online user matches.
Syntax: WHY <#channel> <nickname>
/msg ChanServ WHY #atheme jilles^
The UNBAN command allows you to remove all bans matching you from a channel.
Syntax: UNBAN <#channel>
/msg ChanServ UNBAN #chat
CLEAR allows you to clear various aspects of a channel.
The following subcommands are available:
Clear bans will remove all bans found in a specific channel. If your ircd supports other lists associated with a channel (e.g. ban exceptions), you can clear these by specifying the mode letters. Specify an asterisk to clear all lists.
Syntax: CLEAR <#channel> BANS [types]
/msg ChanServ CLEAR #support BANS
Clears #support ban list.
/msg ChanServ CLEAR #support BANS eI
Removes all ban and invite exceptions on #support (if your ircd supports them).
/msg ChanServ CLEAR #support BANS *
Clears all lists of #support.
/msg ChanServ CLEAR #support BANS +
Shows the possible letters.
Clear users will kick all users out of the channel, except you. The channel will be cycled (recreated) if you are not on it.
If a reason is specified, it will be included in the kick message.
Syntax: CLEAR <#channel> USERS [reason]
/msg ChanServ CLEAR #ChatZone USERS
The TEMPLATE command allows definition of sets of flags, simplifying the use of the FLAGS command.
Without arguments, network wide templates are shown. These include at least SOP/AOP/HOP/VOP.
When given only the channel argument, a listing of templates for the channel will be displayed.
Syntax: TEMPLATE <#channel>
Otherwise, a template is modified. A modification may be specified by a template name (copies the template) or a flags change (starts with + or -, optionally preceded by an !). Templates cannot be the empty set (making a template empty deletes it).
If the ! form is used, all access entries which exactly match the template are changed accordingly. This is not supported if the template includes or included founder access (+F).
There is a limit on the length of all templates on a channel.
If you are not a founder, similar restrictions apply as in FLAGS.
Syntax: TEMPLATE <#channel> [template oldtemplate]
Syntax: TEMPLATE <#channel> [template flag_changes]
Syntax: TEMPLATE <#channel> [template !flag_changes]
/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo
/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo user VOP
/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo user !+A
/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo co-founder +*-OH
/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo op -*+vVhoti
/msg ChanServ TEMPLATE #foo obsoletetemplate -*
This will give a count of how many entries are in each of the channel's xOP lists and how many entries on the access list do not match a xOP value.
The second line shows how many access entries have each flag.
Syntax: COUNT <#channel>
/msg ChanServ COUNT #oscn
RECOVER allows you to regain control of your channel in the event of a takeover.
More precisely, everyone will be deopped, limit and key will be cleared, all bans matching you are removed, a ban exception matching you is added (in case of bans Atheme can't see), the channel is set invite-only and moderated and you are invited.
If you are on channel, you will be opped and no ban exception will be added.
Syntax: RECOVER <#channel>
/msg ChanServ RECOVER #foo
STATUS returns information about your current state. It will show information about your nickname, IRC operator, and SRA status.
If the a channel parameter is specified, your access to the given channel is returned.
Syntax: STATUS [#channel]
/msg ChanServ STATUS
The TOPICPREPEND command allows for the addition to a topic on a channel.
Syntax: TOPICPREPEND <#channel> <topic>
/msg ChanServ TOPICPREPEND #foo bar
/msg ChanServ STATUS #foo
The TOPIC command allows for the changing of a topic on a channel.
Syntax: TOPIC <#channel> <topic>
/msg ChanServ TOPIC #foo bar
The TOPICAPPEND command allows for the addition to a topic on a channel.
Syntax: TOPICAPPEND <#channel> <topic>
/msg ChanServ TOPICAPPEND #foo bar
The TOPICPREPEND command allows for the addition to a topic on a channel.
Syntax: TOPICPREPEND <#channel> <topic>
/msg ChanServ TOPICPREPEND #foo bar
The QUIET command allows you to mute a user or hostmask in a channel. Affected users will be notified that you did it.
Syntax: QUIET <#channel> <nickname|hostmask>
/msg ChanServ QUIET #chat AfterDeath
/msg ChanServ QUIET #chat *!*@*.ipt.aol.com
The UNQUIET command allows you to unmute a user or hostmask in a channel. If no nickname or hostmask is specified, you are unquieted.
Affected users will be notified that you did it.
Syntax: UNQUIET <#channel> [nickname|hostmask]
/msg ChanServ UNQUIET #chat Diablo-D3
/msg ChanServ UNQUIET #chat *!*@*.trilug.org