失去一位同事 -- Legacy Of Love

You've gone home to be with God now
And you'll be missed by us all.
You didn't leave our hearts empty,
You left them filled with so much love.

You left traces in the heart
Of every life you touched.
In every one of them you found
Something you could love.
You were always there
When you could lend a helping hand,
Whether it be family, stranger or friend.

If I read all the books by
The worlds wisest men
They couldn't teach me as much
As you did by the way you lived.

You worked very hard
But always found time for me.
If you had to work
You let me keep you company.
If I needed to talk you were all ears,
If I needed advice you gave me
The wisdom of your years.

You taught me how to work and
You taught me how to play.

You could always make me laugh,
You were a joy to be around.
You were the world's greatest
Husband, Brother, Son and friend.

by Reatha Crow

We will miss you TNY… we mill miss you, Greg.
