win2000 128bit High Encryption Pack

High Encryption Pack

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Download FileWindows 2000 High Encryption Pack Standard Download
192 KB file
1 min @ 28.8 Kbps

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Download FileWindows 2000 High Encryption Pack Redistributable Download
320 KB file
2 min @ 28.8 Kbps

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  • You can install the Windows 2000 High Encryption Pack on any copy of Microsoft Windows 2000 you have licensed, but you must accept the license agreement presented to you upon installation of the Windows 2000 High Encryption Pack before you can use it. If you do not accept the terms of the license agreement, you are not authorized to use the component and should promptly remove it from your computer.
  • Once you have installed the Windows 2000 High Encryption Pack, you must restart your computer before installing any additional software.

Standard Download

192 KB | 1 min. 40 sec. @ 28.8

Available for users wishing to install the Windows 2000 High Encryption Pack on their computer.

Redistributable Download

320 KB | 3 min. 10 sec. @ 28.8

Available for administrators and advanced users wishing to download the Windows 2000 High Encryption Pack for deployment on additional computers. Download this file, then run it to extract all files included on the Windows 2000 High Encryption pack floppy. <!-- Main Content Area END --><!-- Static SideBar Area START --><!-- Static SideBar Area END -->
