Windows全局标志保存在一个名为NtGlobalFlag的系统范围的全局变量中,此变量通过HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Sessionmanager\Globalflag来初始化的,默认值是0。使用gflag /?。
C:\Program Files\Support Tools>gflags /?
usage: GFLAGS [-r [<Flags>] |
[-k [<Flags>]] |
[-i <ImageFileName> [<Flags>]] |
[-i <ImageFileName> -tracedb <SizeInMb>] |
[-p <PageHeapOptions>] (use `-p ?' for help)
where: <Flags> is a 32 bit hex number (0x12345678) that specifies
one or more global flags to set.
-r operates on system registry settings.
-k operates on kernel settings of the running system.
-i operates on settings for a specific image file.
If only the switch is specified, then current settings
are displayed, not modified. If flags specified for -i
option are FFFFFFFF, then registry entry for that image
is deleted
The `-tracedb' option is used to set the size of the stack trace
database used to store runtime stack traces. The actual database
will be created if the `+ust' flag is set in a previous command.
`-tracedb 0' will revert to the default size for the database.
If no arguments are specified to GFLAGS then it displays
a dialog box that allows the user to modify the global
flag settings.
Flags may either be a single hex number that specifies all
32-bits of the GlobalFlags value, or it can be one or more
arguments, each beginning with a + or -, where the + means
to set the corresponding bit(s) in the GlobalFlags and a =
means to clear the corresponding bit(s). After the + or =
may be either a hex number or a three letter abbreviation
for a GlobalFlag. Valid abbreviations are:
soe - Stop On Exception
sls - Show Loader Snaps
dic - Debug Initial Command
shg - Stop on Hung GUI
htc - Enable heap tail checking
hfc - Enable heap free checking
hpc - Enable heap parameter checking
hvc - Enable heap validation on call
vrf - Enable application verifier
ptg - Enable pool tagging
htg - Enable heap tagging
ust - Create user mode stack trace database
kst - Create kernel mode stack trace database
otl - Maintain a list of objects for each type
htd - Enable heap tagging by DLL
dse - Disable stack extensions
d32 - Enable debugging of Win32 Subsystem
ksl - Enable loading of kernel debugger symbols
dps - Disable paging of kernel stacks
scb - Enable system critical breaks
dhc - Disable Heap Coalesce on Free
ece - Enable close exception
eel - Enable exception logging
eot - Enable object handle type tagging
hpa - Enable page heap
dwl - Debug WINLOGON
ddp - Disable kernel mode DbgPrint output
cse - Early critical section event creation
ltd - Load DLLs top-down
bhd - Enable bad handles detection
dpd - Disable protected DLL verification
All images with ust enabled can be accessed in the
USTEnabled key under 'Image File Options'.
C:\Program Files\Support Tools>
本地调用过程LPC是一种用于高速传递消息的跨进程通信设施。并不是通过windows API直接可以使用,是一种内部机制,只能用于windows操作系统逐渐。用到LPC的地方:
一些windows API要向windows子系统进程发送消息
因为:所以指向KEY是windows的句柄Handle,参考technical reference to the windows 2000 registry帮助文件。
注册表的内部机理:实现注册表的执行体子系统是配置管理器,配置管理器是如何组织指标表的磁盘文件的呢?是通过一个hive 存储巢穴来做到的。
系统修复和还原是通过regedit 的load hive来实现的。相当于恢复注册表
WINDOWS 2000中设计了换页池的概念,大小限制376M。而在XP和2003上,registry size中没有显示,因为配置管理器不适用换页池。
0: kd> !reg hivelist
| HiveAddr |Stable Length|Stable Map|Volatile Length|Volatile Map|MappedViews|PinnedViews|U(Cnt)| BaseBlock | FileName
| e270ab60 | 33000 | e270abc0 | 0 | 00000000 | 0 | 13 | 0| e220e000 | \Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat
| e2571378 | 23f000 | e222a000 | 1000 | e25714b4 | 76 | 24 | 0| e220b000 | s and Settings\jamin\ntuser.dat
| e21a0b60 | 1000 | e21a0bc0 | 0 | 00000000 | 1 | 0 | 0| e227a000 | \Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat
| e22aa008 | 39000 | e22aa068 | 1000 | e22aa144 | 15 | 0 | 0| e22ad000 | ettings\LocalService\ntuser.dat
| e20edb60 | 1000 | e20edbc0 | 0 | 00000000 | 1 | 0 | 0| e2113000 | \Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat
| e2103558 | 39000 | e21035b8 | 1000 | e2103694 | 13 | 2 | 0| e1eaa000 | tings\NetworkService\ntuser.dat
| e16b7b60 | 27df000 | e16fe000 | c000 | e16b7c9c | 256 | 5 | 0| e16b9000 | emRoot\System32\Config\SOFTWARE
| e16bf008 | 7000 | e16bf068 | 0 | 00000000 | 2 | 0 | 0| e16c1000 | \SystemRoot\System32\Config\SAM
| e162e820 | d000 | e162e880 | 1000 | e162e95c | 4 | 0 | 0| e16ac000 | emRoot\System32\Config\SECURITY
| e16bcb60 | 3d000 | e16bcbc0 | 0 | 00000000 | 16 | 0 | 0| e16ae000 | temRoot\System32\Config\DEFAULT
| e143d3c0 | d000 | e143d420 | 4000 | e143d4fc | 0 | 0 | 0| e1440000 | <NONAME>
| e1036b60 | 3f7000 | e1038000 | 26000 | e1036c9c | 141 | 29 | 0| e1037000 | SYSTEM
| e1024b60 | 1000 | e1024bc0 | 1000 | e1024c9c | 0 | 0 | 0| e102f000 | <NONAME>
在windows2000中相同路径,有一个非隐藏文件system.ALT是一个替补,在WINDOWS XP/2003后面没有