I gave this talk earlier this week at Hadoop World(, a conference that is evangelizing Hadoop by way of highlighting how people across the industry are solving big business challenges by leveraging Hadoop. I am posting here the slides with an approximate transcript of my talk.
Ever since I studied Machine Learning and Data Mining at Stanford 3 years ago., I have been enamored by the idea that it is now possible to write programs that can sift through TBS of data to recommend useful things.
So here I am with my colleague Adil Aijaz, for a talk on some of the lessons we learnt and challenges we faced in building large-scale recommender system
At LinkedIn we believe in building platform, not verticals. Our talk is divided into 2 parts. In the first part of this talk, I will talk about our motivation for building the recommendation platform, followed by a discussion on how we do recommendations. No analytics platform is complete without Hadoop. So, in he next part of our talk, Adil will talk about leveraging Hadoop for scaling our products.
‘Think Platform, Leverage Hadoop’ is our core message.
Throughout our talk, we will provide examples that highlight how these two ideas have helped us ‘scale innovation’.
With north of 135 million members, we’re making great strides toward our mission of connecting the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful. For us this not only means helping people to find their dream jobs, but also enabling them to be great at the jobs they’re already in.
With terabytes of data flowing through our systems, generated from member’s profile, their connections and their activity on LinkedIn, we have amassed rich and structured data of one of the most influential, affluent and highly-educated audience on the web.
This huge semi-structured data is getting updated in real-time and growing at a tremendous pace, we are all very excited about the data opportunity at LinkedIn.
For an average user, there is so much data, there is no way users can leverage all the data on their own.
We need to put the right information, to the right user at the right time.
With such rich data of members, jobs, groups, news, companies, schools, discussions and events. We do all kinds of recommendations in a relevant and engaging way.
We have products like
‘Job Recommendation’: here using profile data we suggest top top jobs that our member might be interested in. The idea is to let our users be aware of the possibilities out there for them.
‘Talent Match’: When recruiters post jobs, we in real-time suggest top candidates for the job.
‘Talent Match’: When recruiters post jobs, we in real-time suggest top candidates for the job.
‘News Recommendation’: Using articles shared per industry, we suggest top news that our users need to keep them updated with the latest happenings.
‘Companies You May Want to Follow’: Using a combination of content matching and collaborative filtering, we recommend companies a user might be interested in keeping up-to date with.
For a member, we have positions, education, Summary, Specialty, Experience and skills of the user from the profile itself. Then, from member’s activity we have data about members connections, the groups that the member has joined, the company that the member follows amongst others.
‘Technical Yahoo’ is a Software Engineer at Yahoo
‘Member Technical Staff’ is a Software Engineer at Oracle
‘Software Development Engineer’ is a Software Engineer at Microsoft
‘SDE’ is a Software Engineer at Amazon
Solving this problem is itself a research topic broadly referred to as ‘Entity Resolution’.
We apply machine learnt classifiers for the entity resolution using a host of features for company standardization.
Lets look at ‘News Recommendation’, which finds relevant news for our users. Relevant news today might be old news tomorrow. Hence, News recommendation has to have a strong real-time component.
On the other hand, we have another product called ‘Similar Profiles’. The motivation here is that if a hiring manager, already know the kind of person that he wants to hire. He could be like person in his team already or like one of his connections on LinkedIn, then using that as the source profile, we suggest top Similar Profiles for hiring. Since, ‘people don’t reinvent themselves everyday’. ‘People similar today are most likely similar today’. So, we can potentially do this computation completely offline with a more sophisticated model.
In solving the completely real-time Vs completely offline problem, we could have gone down the route of creating separate solutions optimized for the use-case. In the short run, that would have been a quicker solution.
But we went down the platform route because we realized that we would churn out more and more such verticals as LinkedIn grows. Now, as a result of which we have the same code that computes recommendations online as well as offline. Moreover, in the production system caching and an expiry policy allows us to keep recommendations fresh irrespective of how we compute the recommendations. Now, as a result for newer verticals. We can easily get ‘freshness’ of recommendations irrespective of whether we compute recommendations online or offline.
Another interesting trade-off, is choosing between content analysis and collaborative filtering.
On the other hand, we have a product called ‘Viewers of the profile also viewed ..’. When a member views more than 1 profile within a single session. We record it as a co-view. Then on aggregating these co-views for every member. We get the data for all profiles that get co-viewed, when someone visits any given profile. This is a classical collaborative filtering based recommendation much like Amaozon’s ‘people who viewed this item also viewed’
Most other recommendations are hybrid. For e.g. for ‘SimilarJobs’ jobs that have high content overlap with each other are similar. Interestingly, jobs that get applied to or viewed by the same members are also Similar. So, Similar Jobs is a nice mix of content and collaborative filtering.
Even if a single job recommendation looks bad to the user either because of a lower seniority of the job or because the recommendation is for the company that the user is not fond of, our users might feel less than pleased.
Here, getting the absolute best 3 jobs even at the cost of aggressively filtering out a lot of jobs is acceptable.
On the other hand, We have another recommendation product called ‘Similar Profiles’ for hiring managers who are actively looking for candidates. Here, if one finds a candidate we suggest other candidates like the original one in terms of overall experience, specialty, education background and a host of other features.
Since, the hiring manager is actively looking so in this case they are more open to getting a few bad ones as long as they get a lot of good ones too. So in essence, recall is more important here.
Here, we look at host of different features, such as
1. User provided features like ‘Title, Specialty, Education, experience amongst others’
2. Complex derived features like ‘ Seniority ’ and ‘Skills’, computed using machine learnt classifiers.
3. Both these kinds of features help in precision, we also have features like ‘Related Titles’ and ‘Related Companies’ that help increase the recall.
Intuitively, one might imagine that we use the following pair of features to compute Similar Profiles. In the next slide, we will discuss a more principled approach to figuring out pair of features to match against. Here in order to compute overall of similarity between me and Adil, we are first computing similarity between our specialties, our skills, our titles and other attribute.
With this we get a ‘Similarity score vector’ for how Similar Adil is to me, Similarly we can get such a vector for other profiles.
Moreover, the fact that our skills match might matter more for hiring than whether our education matches. Hence, there should be relative importance of one feature over the others.
Once we g et the topK recommendations, we also apply application specific filtering with the goal of leveraging domain knowledge
For example, it could be the case that for a ‘Data Engineer role’ you as a hiring manager are looking for a candidate like one of your team member but who is local. Whereas, for all you know the ideal ‘Data Engineer most similar to the one you are looking for in terms of skills might be working somewhere in INDIA’ .
To ensure our recommendation quality keeps improving as more and more people use our products, we use explicit and implicit user feedback combined with crowd-sourcing, to construct high quality training and test sets for constructing the ‘Importance weight vector’. Moreover, classifier with L1 regularization helps prune out the weakly correlated features. We use this for figuring out which features to match profiles against.
We just discussed an example. However, the same concepts apply to all the recommendation verticals.
And now the technologies that drives it all.
The core our matching algorithm uses Lucene with our custom query implementation.
Lucene does not provide fast real-time indexing . To keep our indices up-to date, we use a real-time indexing library on top of Lucene called Zoie .
We provide facets to our members for drilling down and exploring recommendation results. T his is made possible by a Faceting Search library called Bobo.
For storing features and for caching recommendation results, we use a key-value store Voldemort.
For analyzing tracking and reporting data, we use a distributed messaging system called Kafka.
Out of these Bobo, Zoie, Voldemort and Kafka are developed at LinkedIn and are open sourced. In fact, Kafka is an apache incubator project.
Historically, we have used R for model training. We have recently started experimenting with Mahout for model training and are excited about it.
Now Adil will talk about how we leverage Hadoop.
a) Offline batch computations on Hadoop copied to online caches.
b) Aggressive online caching policy
c) Online computation when the cache e xpires
Have scaled our similar profiles recommendations while maintaining a high precision of recommendations.
a) High latency computation
b )High qps
c) And not so stringent freshness requirements
Our basic blending solution is this: While constructing the query for content based similar profiles, we fetch collaborative filtering recommendations and their scores, and attach them to the query. In the scoring of content based recommendations, we can use the collaborative filtering score as a boost. An alternative approach is a bag of models approach with content and collaborative filtering serving as two of the models in the bag.
In either solution, we need a way to keep collaborative filtering results fresh. If two member profiles were coviewed yesterday, we should be able to use that knowledge today.
We thought more about this problem and realized two important aspects: 1) Coview counts can be updated in batch mode. 2) We can tolerate delay in updating our collaborative filtering results.
These two properties, batch computation and tolerance for delay in impacting the online world, led us to leverage Hadoop to solve this problem. Our production servers can produce tracking events everytime a member profile is viewed. These tracking events are copied over to hdfs where everyday, we use these tracking events to batch compute a fresh set of collaborative filtering recommendations. These recommendations are then copied to online key value stores where we use the blending approaches outlined earlier to blend collaborative filtering and content based recommendations.
The lesson we derive from this case study is that by leveraging Hadoop, we were able to experiment with collaborative filtering in similar profiles without significant investment in an online system to keep collaborative filtering results fresh. Once our proof of concept was successful, we could always go back and see if reducing the lag between a profile coview and its impact on similar profile by building an online system would be useful. If it is, we could invest in a non-Hadoop system. However, by leveraging Hadoop, we were able to defer that decision till the point when we had data to backup our assumptions.
As our next case study, let’s take a look at how we approached solving this problem for our users. Let’s say we come up with an algorithm that assigns each LinkedIn member a ‘JobSeeker’ score which indicates how open is she to taking the next step in her career. As we said already, this feature would be very useful for ‘Similar Profiles’. However, the utility of this feature would be directly related to how many members have this score: aka coverage. The key challenge we faced was that since ‘Similar Profiles’ was already in production, we had to add this new feature while continuing to serve recommendations. We call this problem “grandfathering”.
So, we scratch the naïve solution and look for a solution that will batch update all members with this score in all data centers while serving traffic.
A second pass solution is to run a ‘batch’ feature extraction pipeline in parallel to the production feature extraction pipeline. This batch pipeline will query the db for all members and add a ‘job seeker score’ to every member. This solution ensures that we have an upper bound on the time it takes to grandfather all members with job seeker score. It will work great for small startups whose member base is in a few million range.
However, the downside of this solution at LinkedIn scale is:
1) It adds load on the production databases serving live traffic.
2) To avoid the load, we end up throttling the batch solution which in turn makes the batch pipeline run for days or weeks. This slows down rate of batch update.
3) Lastly, the two factors above combine to make grandfathering a ‘dreaded word’. You only end up grandfathering ‘once a quarter’ which is clearly not helpful in innovating faster.
Using Hadoop, we take a snapshot of member profiles in production, move it to hdfs, grandfather members with a ‘job seeker score’ in a matter of hours, and copy this data back online. This way we can grandfather all members with a job seeker score in hours.
The biggest advantage of using Hadoop here is that grandfathering is no longer a ‘dreaded word’. We can grandfather when ready instead of grandfather every quarter which speeds up innovation.
Now, as a base solution, we can always move every model to production. We can A/B test the model with real traffic and see which models sink and which ones float. The simplicity of this approach is very attractive, however, there are some major flaws with it:
1) For each models we have to push code to production. This takes up valuable development resources.
2) There is an upper limit on the number of A/B tests one can run at the same time. This can be due to user experience concerns and/or revenue concerns.
3) Since online tests need to run for days before enough data is accumulated to make a call, this approach slows down rate of progress.
As you c an guess, Hadoop provides a very good sandbox for our ideas. We are able to filter many of the craziest ideas, and double down on only those few that show promise. Plus, it allows us to have relatively large gold sets which gives us strong confidence in our evaluation results.
The key requirements of AB testing is that: time to evaluate which bucket to send traffic to should ideally be < 1ms, at-worst a few ms.
So, we go straight to Hadoop. For complex criteria like this, we run over our entire member base on Hadoop every couple of hours, assigning them to the appropriate bucket for each test. The results of this computation are pushed online, where the problem of A/B testing reduces to given a member and a test, fetching which bucket to send the traffic to from cache.
Our last case study involves the last step of a model deployment process: tracking and reporting. These two steps allow us to have an unbiased, data-driven way of saying whether or not a new model is successful in lifting our desired metrics: ctr or revenue or engagement or whatever else one is interested in. Our production servers generate tracking events every time a recommendation is impressed, clicked or rejected by the member.
a) One cannot look at greater than certain amount of time window in the past..
b) As the number of tracking streams increases, it becomes harder and harder to join them online.
To increase the time window, we will have to spend significant engineering resources in architecting a scalable reporting system which would be an overkill. Instead we placed our bet on Hadoop. All tracking events at LinkedIn are stored on HDFS. Add to this data Pig or plain Map-Reduce, we can do arbitrary k-way joins across billions of rows to come up with reports that can look as far in the past as we want to.
We can say without any hesitation that Hadoop has now become an integral part of the whole life-cycle of our workflow starting from prototyping a new idea to eventually tracking the impact of that idea.
By leveraging Hadoop, we were able to continuously improve the quality and scale the computations.
Hence, these 2 ideas helped us ‘scale innovation’ at Linkedin.