Fast Code Eclipse Plugin

Fast Code Eclipse Plugin


About: Fast Code is an Eclipse plugin for easily generating similar
classes, e.g. FooDAO to FooService and FooAction. It helps create stubs for
other configuration files, resource bundles, JSP, etc. It can help you
navigate between similar classes easily. It helps you create some
constructs in Java easily, e.g List-ArrayList, Map-HashMap, etc., create
imports, add a Spring dependency, and more.


Fast Code 是一个使生成诸如FooDAO、FooService、FooAction等class简单化的Eclipse插件。 它可以帮助为其他配置文件、resource绑定文件、jsp等等创建stub。 它还提供在相似类之间的导航功能。 还可以帮助你很容易创建构造函数,如List-ArrayList, Map-HashMap等等, 以及自动生成imports导入语句,Spring dependency甚至更多。



License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)

