
@echo off

"E:/Program Files/Tencent/qq/CoralQQ.exe"

taskkill /im cmd.exe
@cmdow @ /hid

::when open two qq.exe,in case another cmd.exe is opened
taskkill /im cmd.exe /t

::record the log of this time to 1.txt
copy nul "H:/xboy/定时关闭进程/1.txt"
date /t >> "H:/xboy/定时关闭进程/1.txt"
echo. >> "H:/xboy/定时关闭进程/1.txt"

::generate the time file
::syntax is: "c:/s.vbs <seconds>"
copy nul c:/s.vbs
echo t = wscript.arguments.item(0) >> c:/s.vbs
echo wscript.sleep(t+"000") >> c:/s.vbs

::main program
call c:/s.vbs 180
for /l %%i in (1,1,10) do call c:/s.vbs 10 | for /l %%c in (1,1,5) do taskkill /IM qq.exe /T >> "H:/xboy/定时关闭进程/1.txt" && time /t >> "H:/xboy/定时关闭进程/1.txt"
taskkill /im qqgame.exe /t
goto START

原文链接: http://blog.csdn.net/augusdi/article/details/5211232
