CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE PRC_LOG_WRT (v_txdate IN VARCHAR2, v_dealprc IN VARCHAR2, v_stepnum IN NUMBER, v_sql IN VARCHAR2, v_errmsg IN VARCHAR2, v_rcount IN NUMBER ) AS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 名 称:日志记录存储过程 -- 功能说明:记录日志 -- 源表信息: -- 目 标 表:ETL_BI_LOG -- 创建信息: -- 修改项1 : -- 修改项2 : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN --INSERT INTO PETL.ETL_BI_LOG VALUES(v_txdate,v_dealprc,v_stepnum,REGEXP_REPLACE(v_sql,'[ ]{1,}',' '),v_errmsg,to_char(SYSDATE, 'YYYYMMDD HH24:MI:SS'),v_rcount); INSERT INTO ETL_BI_LOG VALUES(v_txdate,v_dealprc,v_stepnum,v_sql, v_errmsg,to_char(SYSDATE, 'YYYYMMDD HH24:MI:SS'),v_rcount); COMMIT; END; -- Create table create table ETL_BI_LOG ( DEAL_DATE VARCHAR2(8), PRC_NAME VARCHAR2(50), JOB_STEP INTEGER, SQLSTR CLOB, ERR_MSG VARCHAR2(1024), RUN_TIME VARCHAR2(30), ROW_COUNT INTEGER ) tablespace TS_RWD_DATA pctfree 10 initrans 1 maxtrans 255 storage ( initial 80K next 10M minextents 1 maxextents unlimited ); -- Add comments to the table comment on table ETL_BI_LOG is '作业运行分步记录'; -- Add comments to the columns comment on column ETL_BI_LOG.DEAL_DATE is '统计日期'; comment on column ETL_BI_LOG.PRC_NAME is '过程名称'; comment on column ETL_BI_LOG.JOB_STEP is '操作步骤'; comment on column ETL_BI_LOG.SQLSTR is 'SQL语句'; comment on column ETL_BI_LOG.ERR_MSG is '错误信息'; comment on column ETL_BI_LOG.RUN_TIME is '运行时间'; comment on column ETL_BI_LOG.ROW_COUNT is '操作记录数'; -- Create/Recreate indexes create index I_DATE_BI_LOG on ETL_BI_LOG (DEAL_DATE, PRC_NAME) tablespace TS_RWD_DATA pctfree 10 initrans 2 maxtrans 255 storage ( initial 64K next 10M minextents 1 maxextents unlimited ); create index I_DATE_BI_LOG_RUN on ETL_BI_LOG (RUN_TIME) tablespace TS_CHN_IDX pctfree 10 initrans 2 maxtrans 255 storage ( initial 64K next 10M minextents 1 maxextents unlimited );