WEB服务总是莫名其妙的运行一段时间后JVM直接OutOfMemory错 误,这个问题一直困扰着程序的正常运行。大概半个月时间一次,上网查了些资料,也做了不少优化,什么weblogic环境变量Xms,Xmx, MaxPermSize参数调整,可问题依旧,况且这也是治标不治本,问题也许发生在程序中,可能存在内存泄露,或spring和hibernate框架 相关的问题。
操作系统:linux redhat
web服务器:weblogic 8.1
jprofiler版本:jprofiler_linux_5_1_2.tar.gz(安装包共三个版本 sh,exe,tar.gz)
操作系统:Windows Xp SP2
jprofiler5.1.2 for windows(安装包:jprofiler_windows_5_1_2.zip)
1 windows下直接解压zip包,运行jprofiler5.1.2的exe安装即可。
2 运行jprofiler并进行配置
1)Quick Start:
选择 An application on a remote computer
2)Local or remote:
The profiled application s located 选择 On a remote computer,
Platform of the remote computer 下拉菜单选择“Linux X86/AMD64”
3)Remote address : 填写被监控应用程序所在远程计算机的IP
4)Installation directory: 解压路径:/var/jprofiler5
5) choose JVM :
JVM Vendor: Sun jvm提供商
Version:1.4.2 版本
Mode:hotspot 系统默认
6)jprofile port : 8849
7)startup mode:
Wait for …… 为了在开发环境中获取监控的信息,它将等待远程计算机上的Jprofile GUI 启动,并和本机建立连接,这种方式比较便于修改jprofiler的配置信息。
Don't wait for …… 不必等待远程计算机的Jprofile GUI 先启动和建立连接,立即启动。但在启动远程应用程序前必须校验当前所配置会话的配置文件。虚拟机参数将参考Jprofile 的config 文件的路径。
这里选择Don't wait for ……
8) Config synchronization:
Directory for config file in the remote computer:/opt (远程config文件的路径)
Manual synchronization;copy to diretory;execute command:
9)Perform modifications:
Integration type: [Generic application]
Selected JVM: Sun 1.4.2 (hotspot)
Startup mode: Don't wait for JProfiler GUI, startup immediately
Important: The local config file C:\Documents and Settings\Jan\.jprofiler5\config.xml must be copied manually to /opt on the remote computer when the profiling settings are changed.
(1) Please insert
-Xrunjprofiler:port=8849,nowait,id=115,config=/opt/config.xml -Xbootclasspath/a:/var/jprofiler5/bin/agent.jar
into the start command of your remote application right after the java command.
(2) Please add
to the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
A remote session named Remote application on will be created that connects to a running instance of the remote application that is started with the modified start command.
10) Finished:
选No,I will start the session later
1 将jprofiler_linux_5_1_2.tar.gz上传到服务器上,/var/下建立jprofiler5目录,并将程序解压到/opt/jprofiler5下即可
2 修改用户环境变量.bash_profile。
加入export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/jprofiler5/bin/linux-x86 。如果是 64 位服务器,则选择linux-x64。
运行source .bash_profile 使环境变量立即生效
3 添加weblogic启动参数
${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ${JAVA_VM} ${MEM_ARGS} ${JAVA_OPTIONS} -verbosegc
-Xrunjprofiler:port=8849,nowait,id=115,config=/opt/config.xml -Xbootclasspath/a:/var/jprofiler5/bin/agent.jar
-Dweblogic.Name=${SERVER_NAME} -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=${PRODUCTION_MODE} -Djava.security.policy="${WL_HOME}/server/lib/weblogic.policy" weblogic.Server
4 把 C:\Documents and Settings\Jan\.jprofiler5\ 下的config.xml上传到服务器上,路径为一.8)中配置的Directory for config file in the remote computer:/opt
因为这里选择的同步方式是Manual synchronization,所以以后配置发生改变时,需要手工再次上传新的config.xml到这个路径。
* To start WebLogic Server, use a username and *
* password assigned to an admin-level user. For *
* server administration, use the WebLogic Server *
* console at http://[hostname]:[port]/console *
JProfiler> Protocol version 25
JProfiler> Using JVMPI
JProfiler> 32-bit library
JProfiler> Don't wait for frontend to connect.
JProfiler> Using config file /opt/config.xml (id: 114)
JProfiler> Listening on port: 8849.
[Full GC 114K->84K(520256K), 0.0063330 secs]
JProfiler> Native library initialized
JProfiler> If output stops here, please remove -Xdebug from the command line
JProfiler> Using dynamic instrumentation
JProfiler> Time measurement: elapsed time
JProfiler> CPU profiling enabled
JProfiler> Hotspot compiler enabled
JProfiler> Starting weblogic/Server ...
<Feb 5, 2008 11:41:31 AM CST> <Info> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000377> <Starting WebLogic Server with Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM Version 1.4.2_09-b05 from Sun Microsystems Inc.>
<Feb 5, 2008 11:41:31 AM CST> <Info> <Configuration Management> <BEA-150016> <This server is being started as the administration server.>