《用Ext编排JavaScript任务Ext.TaskMgr Scheduling JavaScript Tasks》
By Aaron Conran
Ext支持版本: 1.x/2.0
Ext.TaskMgr.start({run: myFunction, interval: 1000});
* run: 编排的函数
* scope: 执行的作用域
* interval: 运行的频率
* duration: 运行多久
* args: 要传入到编排函数内的参数,缺省下函数所接受到的参数为你任务已运行的次数
* repeat: 任务运行的次数
Ext.TaskMgr.start.defer(4000, this, [{run: this.myFunction, interval: 1000, scope: this}]);
var UtilityClass = function() {
return {
myOtherTask: function(val) {
console.log('running in a different class: ' + val)
var TaskMgrTest = function() {
return {
init: function() {
var util = new UtilityClass();
/* run this.myTask every 5000ms in the scope of this */
Ext.TaskMgr.start({run: this.myTask, interval: 5000, scope: this});
/* run util.myOtherTask every 500ms for 5000ms in the scope of util */
/* override the default argument by a passed in array */
Ext.TaskMgr.start({run: util.myOtherTask, interval: 500, scope: util, args: ['overriden value'], duration: 5000});
/* run this.theLastOne every 1000ms 10x in the scope of this */
/* defer (delay) the scheduling of the task for 4000ms */
Ext.TaskMgr.start.defer(4000, this, [{run: this.theLastOne, interval: 1000, repeat: 10, scope: this}]);
myTask: function() {
console.log('hola ' + new Date().getTime());
/* by default we are passed an argument of numTimesRun */
/* which keeps track of how many times this task has run */
theLastOne: function(numTimesRun) {
console.log('only run ' + numTimesRun + '/10');
Ext.EventManager.onDocumentReady(TaskMgrTest.init, TaskMgrTest);