借助xcode所附带的“Command Line Tools”,可以通过命令行来完成IOS工程的编译和打包工作。脚本正是基于此完成的。
注意:默认安装完的xcode并没有自带“Command Line Tools”,需要在xcode中选择后下载才能使用
ipa-build: 编译xcode工程并生成ipa文件 ipa-publish: 生成符合itms-services协议的文件,并发布到服务器。 sendEmail: stmp发送email的脚本。(别人写的) sftpDownloadFile: 通过sftp协议下载文件 sftpUploadFile: 通过sftp协议上传文件 updateLocalIndexHtml: 对索引文件进行处理(二进制文件,非shell脚本) uploadItemsServicesFiles: 将itms-services协议文件上传到服务器
实际使用的脚本,只有"ipa-build"和"ipa-publish"这两个。其他文件会被ipa-publish这个脚本调用的依赖文件。其中出 了"updateLocalIndexHtml"是我用objc写的一个用来进行文本处理的编译后的二进制文件,其余均为shell脚本。
在编写脚本时,我已经考虑到,要尽量使这个脚本使用起来简单方便。如果只需要打包,那么只使用ipa-build脚本即可。如果需要用itms- services协议来发布,则再运行ipa-publish脚本即可。在ipa-publish脚本中调用了upload脚本,所以upload脚本不 需要单独使用。
ipa-build脚本绝对路径 参数1 参数2
其中,参数1是IOS工程的根路径,是必输项。参数2可以不输入,是可选的,含义是编译时的工程configuration类型,有4种类型可选:Debug, AdHoc,Release, Distribution。默认是Release。
ipa-publish脚本绝对路径 参数1 参数2
You can do this by using "ipa-build" shell script.
This ipa-build script is created to compile the xcode project and package the project to an ipa file.
building xcode project
ipa-build <project directory> [-c <project configuration>] [-o <ipa output directory>] [-t <target name>] [-n]
building xcode workspace
ipa-build <workspace directory> -w -s <schemeName> [-c <project configuration>] [-n]
-c NAME the configuration of project used to compile.Default is Release -o PATH output path for ipa file(must be a directory) -t NAME the target which should be compiled -w build xcode workspace -s NAME the schemal to be used for compiling -n clean the project before compling
build project
If you have an iOS project in the path ~/iphone, and the ipa-build script is put in the path ~/xcode-shell.You want to build this project with 'Release' configuration.Just using script like this:
cd ~/iphone ~/xcode-shell/ipa-build .
If you want to assign specific configuration or target, you can add relevant options to the command.
build workspace
If ~/iphone is a xcode workspace and the scheme used for compile named 'test'.The ipa-build script is put in the path ~/xcode-shell.Using script like this:
cd ~/iphone ~/xcode-shell/ipa-build . -w -s test
You can also assign a specific configuration by using -c option.
Note:If script executed successfully,an ipa file is created in the path: <project path>/build/ipa-build.
CocoaPods is an Objective-C library manager.If you use it in your iOS project.You can also use 'ipa-build' script to build by assign workspace and scheme, or you can use the 'cocoapods-build' to build it more easily.
cocoapods-build <cococapods project path> [<build configuration>]
cd ~/iphone ~/xcode-shell/cocoapods-build . Debug
You must configure the script before using at the first time. Open it in any text editor and input you own configurations. Such as ftp address, app download url, email sender and email receiver. After that you can run this script to publish app to your own server. Note that installing app from your own server should respect the protocol named "itms-services". To learn more about "itms-services" you can click blog Wireless AdHoc Distribution(English) or blog ios实现itms-services协议企业内发布或者越狱发布(中文).
ipa-publish <project root path> [y <should send notification email>]
~/xcode-shell/ipa-publish . y #publish and send email ~/xcode-shell/ipa-publish . #just publish
This script is similar to "ipa-publish". Both of them are using to publish app to somewhere. But this script will publish app to fir.im. So it is more easier to use, as you don't need a special server and FTP. You can use it without any configration, unless you want to send email to notify somebody.
If you want to send email to notify somebody. Open the script, and changed the value of "email_reciver". This field may contain one or more than one emails.
ipa-publish-fir [-d directory>] [-e] [-l number] [-m message]
-d path the root directory of project -e send email after publishing -l number limit of git log, which will be used as change log. -m message used as chang log
~/xcode-shell/ipa-publish-fir -d . -el20 -m "haha" #Publish and send email. The change log on fir and in email will be "haha"+<last 20 logs of git> ~/xcode-shell/ipa-publish-fir -d . #just publish
When programming for retina device of iOS,the image file you used should add the suffix of @2x. Using the script "add2x" can help you do this automaticly.
add2x: add suffix of @2x to all the image files(just png and jpg file) .This script work in the current directory.
1. go to the directory which contains images should be added suffix.
2. execute the add2x script.
note: There is a bug of this script.If your image file name contains blank spaces, script can not work correctly.
#须配置内容 start #sftp参数设置 sftp_server=192.168.xx.xx sftp_username=xx sftp_password=xx sftp_workpath="/usr/share/xx/xx/xx" #发布应用的url地址 pulish_url="http://xx.com/xx" #以下是邮箱的相关设置 #收件人 [email protected] #发送者邮箱 [email protected] #邮箱用户名 email_username=xx #邮箱密码 email_password=xx #smtp服务器地址 email_smtphost=smtp.exmail.qq.com #可配置内容 end