Linus Torvalds切换回GNOME 3

Linux内核的创始人Linus Torvalds对Linux桌面的选择,会引起人们的兴趣。Linus现在切换回GNOME 3.x桌面了。

在2011年,Torvalds用Xfce替代了GNOME 3. 去年,他切换成KDE。现在,他通过Google+社交网络页面分享,他回到GNOME 3.x了.

他说,GNOME 3.x一直在改进,当这个桌面与正确的扩展结合时,是个非常不错的桌面。他特别强调Frippery和GNOME Tweak Tool给他的体验带来巨大的影响。



英文原文:Linus Torvalds Is Back To Using GNOME 3Posted by Michael Larabel on March 03, 2013
The Linux desktop choices of Linus Torvalds, the creator of the Linux kernel, tends to pique people's interest. Linus has now shared he's switched back to using the GNOME 3.x desktop. 

In 2011, Torvalds switched from using GNOME 3 to instead using Xfce. Last year he switched back to KDE. Now he has shared via his Google+ social networking page that he's back to using GNOME 3.x. 

He says that GNOME 3.x has been improving and that when pairing the desktop with the right extensions, it's a rather pleasant desktop. He specifically points out Frippery and GNOME Tweak Tool as making a huge difference to his experience. 

In his post he also calls out some GNOME developers as being in denial. 

His post about switching back to the GNOME desktop can be found here.

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