
一则最新 报告确 认了你所猜测的事件——Netflix下载占用了几乎三分之一互联网带宽。“Netflix占用了北美互联网下行流量峰值的32.7%。”该报告还显示: “尽管出现过一些负面的订阅者行动,Netflix的订阅者依然比2011年春季报告中多出了一百万,使其带宽消耗量更加惊人;并且,通过某些措 施,Netflix掌握了北美的固定接入网络(fixed access networks)。”


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Netflix Downloads Hog Internet Bandwidth
posted by Howard Fosdick on Thu 3rd Nov 2011 04:09 UTC
A new report confirms what you might have guessed. Netflix downloads hog nearly one third of the internet's bandwidth. "Netflix consumes 32.7 percent of the Internet's peak downstream traffic in North America, and ... continues to be the most powerful driver of evening traffic, and for that matter, of daily traffic overall." The report continues: "...despite some negative subscriber reaction to price hikes, Netflix has continued to increase its presence by adding 1 million U.S. subscribers since the Spring 2011 report, and by many measures Netflix rules North America’s fixed access networks."   
