when the named cursor is opened, the pointer will be positioned to the first row of the result set, if exists. The cursor%notfound will return NULL, which has no affect to statement "exit when cursor%notfound" for the loop will not exit until cursor%notfound is evaluted as TRUE. The FETCH statemetn will retrieve the current row and move the pointer to the next row. The cursor%notfound will return FALSE if the most recent fetch from the named cursor returned a row. So the best position for statement "exit when cursor%notfound" is immediated follow a FETCH cursor. If "exit when cursor%notfound" is put before FETCH, the last loop will process the row after the last row of the result set, which is NULL. PL/SQL will not raise an exception when fetch statement returns no rows.
create table tb_student( student_id number,--学号 student_name varchar2(30), student_sex char(1),--性别 F/M student_age number,--年龄 student_birthday date,--学生出生日期 student_address varchar2(50),--住址 student_desc varchar2(200),--备注 constraint pk_student primary key(student_id) );
insert into tb_student(student_id, student_name, student_sex, student_age, student_birthday) values (seq_student.nextval, '高红成', 'F', '26', to_date('1971-02-12', 'yyyy-MM-dd') ); insert into tb_student(student_id, student_name, student_sex, student_age, student_birthday) values (seq_student.nextval, '李艳', 'F','25', to_date('1981-05-09', 'yyyy-MM-dd') ); insert into tb_student(student_id, student_name, student_sex, student_age, student_birthday) values (seq_student.nextval, '高雄', 'M','21', to_date('1981-05-09', 'yyyy-MM-dd') ); insert into tb_student(student_id, student_name, student_sex, student_age, student_birthday) values (seq_student.nextval, '彭传志', 'M','22', to_date('1981-05-09', 'yyyy-MM-dd') );
--判断是不是null,要用is 而不能是"=" --判断是不是true,用"=",而不是is declare cursor cur_name is select student_name from tb_student t; tempName tb_student.student_name%type; begin open cur_name; loop if cur_name%notfound is null then --第一执行到这里的时候 cur_name%notfound为null dbms_output.put_line('null'); end if; if cur_name%notfound = true then dbms_output.put_line('true'); end if; if cur_name%notfound = false then dbms_output.put_line('false'); end if; -- 1.当游标指针移动到最后一条记录时,就不会再移动了。 -- 2.因为%notfound是根据最近的一次fetch来判断的,因此当输出最后一条记录后,还会在输出最一条记录,即最后一条记录将输出2遍。 -- 3.If "exit when cursor%notfound" is put before FETCH, the last loop will process the row after the last row of the result set, which is NULL. -- PL/SQL will not raise an exception when fetch statement returns no rows. -- 最后一次循环将处理在"结果集最后一行"的下一行,该行为NULL,当fetch的时候PL/SQL将不会抛出异常,并且不会覆盖最后一次循环中赋予tempName的值,即tempName会保留最后一次被赋予的值 exit when cur_name%notfound;--当cur_name%notfound为null的时候,并不会退出。直到为true才会退出 fetch cur_name into tempName; --当游标指针移动到 最后一条 记录后,就不会再移动了,还是指向最后一条记录,因此最后一条记录才会输出2遍 if cur_name%notfound is null then dbms_output.put_line('null...'); end if; if cur_name%notfound = true then dbms_output.put_line('true...'); end if; if cur_name%notfound = false then dbms_output.put_line('false...'); end if; dbms_output.put_line(tempName); end loop; close cur_name; end;
2.为什么"exit when cur_name%notfound;" 需要与fetch 配合使用呢?
因为如果不使用fetch语句的话 "cur_name%notfound"将始终为null,将进入死循环
declare cursor cur_name is select student_name from tb_student t; tempName tb_student.student_name%type; begin open cur_name; loop exit when cur_name%notfound; tempName := 'gaoweigang'; dbms_output.put_line(tempName); end loop; close cur_name;--修改后 end;