AMD嵌入式进军开源BIOS Coreboot

AMD Embedded Commits to Open Source BIOS Coreboot
AMD嵌入式进军开源BIOS Coreboot
posted by Thom Holwerda on Mon 9th May 2011 21:19 UTC, submitted by Elv13
发表于:2011年5月10日 北京时间05:19

AMD Embedded Solutions has gained a great appreciation for the value of coreboot to our ecosystem and continues to build momentum by adding support for our existing products, adding new features, and introducing a roadmap for support going forward." Let's hope regular boards are next. BIOS needs to die.
“ AMD嵌入式解决方案因其 coreboot对于我们生态圈的价值而倍受青睐;加入对我们已有产品的支持,加入新的特性,以及为前路引入一个新的方向……它持续提供者发展的原动力。”我们一起期待常规板(regular boards)快快出现。BIOS的尽头到了。

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