记得昨天我说过Solaris 11从我头顶飘过吗?好,今天我们要讨论的,是操作系统和生物交汇的领域。诺丁汉大学的科学家们正试图开发
确切地说,这是什么意思呢?“我们正试图创造一种生物细胞。它同计算机操作系统有一定的等价性,比如可以对一组给定的细胞可以进行无缝再编程,于是可在不 需要改动硬件的情况下执行任何功能,”该项目领导人Natalio Krasnogor教授说,“我们讨论的是一个雄心勃勃的目标,它将导致一个根本性的突破,最终将允许我们急速创造原型,实现并部署全新的、不存在于自然 界的生物实体,使它们适应于全新的应用领域。”
“当前,每次我们需要一个能执行一定新功能的细胞,我们都不得不从零开始创建它;这是个漫长与艰苦的过程。大多数人认为要想改变细胞行为,我们所要做的只 是修改细胞的DNA。但其实不止这么简单——我们常常发现结果 行为是错误的,那时又不得不回到起点,”Krasnogor 进一步解释,“如果AUdACiOuS 项目成功,那么一年之内,我们将能通过计算机对细菌细胞进行编辑,编译,并将程序存储在这些新的细胞中,使之执行。就像是对一台计算机一样,我们正试图创 造一个生物细胞的基本操作系统。”
《 脂质体逻辑的计算性研究——自底向上实现细胞计算
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AUdACiOuS: A Biological Cell Operating System
posted by Thom Holwerda on Fri 11th Nov 2011 18:39 UTC, submitted by fran

Remember yesterday when I said Solaris 11 goes way over my head? Well, today we're talking about where operating systems and biology intersect. Scientists at the University of Nottingham are trying to develop the in vivo biological cell-equivalent of a computer operating system. The project's name is AUdACiOuS.
What does this mean, exactly? "We are looking at creating a cell's equivalent to a computer operating system in such a way that a given group of cells could be seamlessly re-programmed to perform any function without needing to modifying its hardware," explains Professor Natalio Krasnogor, who leads the effort, "We are talking about a highly ambitious goal leading to a fundamental breakthrough that will, ultimately, allow us to rapidly prototype, implement and deploy living entities that are completely new and do not appear in nature, adapting them so they perform new useful functions."
This technology could potentially have a huge impact on the world. It could lead to to the development of new food sources, special drugs tailored to patients, growing new organs for transplant patients. Furthermore, it could be used to solve environmental problems.
"Currently, each time we need a cell that will perform a certain new function we have to recreate it from scratch which is a long and laborious process. Most people think all we have to do to modify behaviour is to modify a cell's DNA but it's not as simple as that - we usually find we get the wrong behaviour and then we are back to square one," Krasnogor further explains, "If we succeed with this AUdACiOuS project, in five years time, we will be programming bacterial cells in the computer and compiling and storing its program into these new cells so they can readily execute them. Like for a computer, we are trying to create a basic operating system for a biological cell."
The research paper, titled " A computational study of liposome logic: towards cellular computing from the bottom up", is available online - although I'm not sure if it's free (my university account took care of it).