Nokia N9首个升级放出

Nokia N9,运行MeeGo的一款非常令人向往的设备,也很可能是最后一个真正独一无二的诺基亚设备(至少现在看来是的),将在接下来几天获得其 首个升级。该升级带来了一些更新和修复,将N9上的MeeGo带到了N950上MeeGo的水平。

Nokia N9首个升级放出_第1张图片

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Nokia N9's first Update Rolling Out
posted by Thom Holwerda on Tue 8th Nov 2011 15:45 UTC, submitted by kragil
The Nokia N9, the very desirable piece of technology running MeeGo, and quite possibly the last truly unique Nokia device (at least, for now), will be getting its first update over the coming days. It comes with several improvements and fixes to Bring MeeGo on the N9 up to par with MeeGo on the N950.   

你可能感兴趣的:(Nokia N9首个升级放出)