

1. 滚屏内容抓取:在HyperSnap的Active Window(ctrl+shift+w)抓取模式下只要启用自动滚屏(Auto Scroll)选项,在抓取的时候当前屏幕就会PageDown的一页一页往下翻,一直翻到底后就将多屏幕网页内容抓取成了一个图片。
2. 存成GIF格式:GIF是文件最小而又能比较好还原原有效果的图片格式。存成PNG格式:PNG是仅次于GIF格式最小而又能比较好还原原有效果的图片格式。

在网上找了2个多小时,后来无意中发现(正如楼下所说,是在搜索的时候,看到文章发现SnagIt有类似功能,联想到常用的Hypersnap……)其实多屏抓取是我最熟悉的 HyperSnap (我用的是3.x Basic,才500多K,如果需要PNG等更多格式的支持需要3.x Pro版本,大约1.1M)本身就能实现的一个基本功能:
在菜单的Capture==> auto scroll windows选项被启用后,只要在Active Window抓取模式(快捷方式是:ctrl+shift+w)下选定抓取窗口后时候按下左键(此时鼠标已经有了一个向下箭头),当前屏幕就会自动PageDown地一页一页往下翻,一直翻到底后多屏幕网页内容就被抓取成了一个图片。
关于Auto Scroll的帮助原文:
Auto Scroll Window (Capture)
This unique option gives you the ability to scroll down during a Capture|Window session, to capture data beyond what is immediately visible in a window with a vertical scroll bar.
Auto Scroll always starts from the top and moves downward. The following step-by-step instructions may help you understand how it works:
1. Set the target window containing the vertical scroll bar to the top of its page, or to the area where you want to start capturing.
2. Move to the HyperSnap-DX window and click on Capture menu to be certain that the Auto-Scroll Window menu item has a check mark to the left of it. If not, click on Auto-Scroll Window and reopen the menu again to verify that it does.
3. When you select Window from the Capture menu, HyperSnap-DX will disappear. Move your cursor to the window that you want to capture using auto-scroll, and click within the window. Then, observe how HyperSnap-DX automatically scrolls it as it captures. If you want to end the capture early, click again; otherwise wait until it it is finished.
Note: Auto-Scroll will not work with every application using a vertical scroll bar. Some applications interfere with the methods HyperSnap-DX uses to track the window. The system will display an error message to alert you. However, the most popular web browsers (Netscape Navigator/Communicator and Microsoft Internet Explorer) as well as most other programs we tested are compatible.
This function is ideal for capturing entire web page images, such as with Netscape or Internet Explorer, and file listings, too.
关于图片存储格式:对于不需要动画来说,PNG可能是还原效果最好的格式了,正如楼下Platinum朋友所说:PNG 支持 32 位色、算法公开没有专利权问题(尽管 GIF 也快没有了),他是开源的(这点非常重要)。
