HADR 运维注意事项

HADR 运维注意事项
1) Stop HADR
Warning: Although the STOP HADR command can be used to stop HADR on the primary or the standby, or both, it should be used with caution. If you want to stop the specified database but still want it to maintain its role as either an HADR primary or a standby database, do not issue the STOP HADR command. If you issue the STOP HADR command, the database becomes a standard database and might require re-initialization in order to resume operations as an HADR database. Instead, issue the DEACTIVATE DATABASE command.
在停HADR 进行运维的时候 不失去HADR primary standby 角色的正确停止办法是(ibm 建议先primary,后standby)
On both Primary and Standby .
db2 force applications all
db2 terminate
db2 deactivate db xxx
启动的时候 on both server.
db2 activate db xxx
数据库会保持在db cfg 里面配置的HADR 信息 并自动启动HADR .

2)  LOAD in HADR.
Load operations and HADR
If a load operation is executed on the primary database with the COPY YES option, the command will execute on the primary database and the data will be replicated to the standby database as long as the copy can be accessed through the path or device specified by the LOAD command. If the standby database cannot access the data, the table space in which the table is stored is marked invalid on the standby database. The standby database will skip future log records that pertain to this table space. To ensure that the load operation can access the copy on the standby database, it is recommended that you use a shared location for the output file from the COPY YES option. Alternatively, you can deactivate the standby database while the load operation is performed, perform the load on the primary, place a copy of the output file in the standby path, and then activate the standby database.
在Primary 上面Load的时候也需要特别注意.
我们copy yes产生的那个文件应当放在一个standby by 能够访问得到的地方比如NFS的 共享目录 . 并且有相应的读的权限. 因为我们stand by上面rf 的时候需要用到这个copy yes产生的日志文件.
