Protege OWL Tutorial 笔记

3.2.1 Individuals(个体)



PS:Individuals 也被叫做实例(类的实例)。


3.2.2 Properties(属性)


a relation between two things (individuals).比如,属性 hasSibling 可以连接本体Matthaw 和本体Gemma .

Properties can  have inverses.For example,the inverse of hasOwner is isOwnedBy.


3.2.3 Classes(类)


OWL classes 被解释成包含individuals的集合.


4.2 Disjoint Classes (不相关类)


Having added the classes Pizza, PizzaTopping and PizzaBase to the ontology, we now need to say these classes are disjoint, so that an individual (or object) cannot be an instance of more than one of these three classes.(对于一个体或对象只属于一个类,不存在共享个体)


